First time posting here. Inspired by /u/Torpedotits2014. DINNER AND DRINKS BECOMES MORE

I am a pretty regular browser in the forums of Reddit. I have seen some things that have made me face palm and shake my head. And I have seen things that have made me laugh till I cry. But this story isn’t about that. This is about a woman…no that’s not right…a sexual goddess. Yeah that’s better. I found her browsing /r/GoneWildPlus and she goes by the name /u/Torpedotits2014

Ok you can check her out (recommended) but I don’t have any pictures posted (yet)so here I am… I’m 6’2” 210lbs. brown hair and brown eyes. I’m a clean cut guy with a professional haircut. Nothing too fancy but I think it looks pretty damn good on me. I’m a slim/ slightly athletic build. NOW ON TO THE STORY!

I saw her first picture and was blown away. I have seen breasts before. But this woman, there was something deeper than the picture. There was something that I couldn’t see. I had to comment. I had to tell her how I felt! Soon after more pictures were posted. Each more sexy than the last. I messaged her.

“WOW!! YOU ARE SO DAMN BEAUTIFUL! Would love to chat and get to know you sometime.”

It took about a day for her to respond. I kind of figured that it was because of all of the other admirers that would be messaging her. After all she is incredibly sexy! She said thank you for the compliment and we chatted. The more we talked the less time it took for her to respond.

As the days went by more pictures showed up and I couldn’t click to load them fast enough. The more I talked to her the more I couldn’t get enough of her. I was becoming infatuated. She had me in a constant state of arousal. I know I would get some strange looks from the bulge that was in my pants as I walked around at work but I didn’t care. She seemed to revel in the idea of me showing of the hard on that she gave me.

As time went by it was hard to think of anything other than this dirty goddess that had taken over my normal brain function. I sit at my desk at work chatting with her and I’ll slouch down in my chair so I can slowly stoke my dick through my pants. I would get a wet spot in the front of my pants from the pre-cum that would leak as I stoked myself and I would send her the pictures from work, much to her dirty delight. I sent her stories of my own creation and she would cum. Damn would this woman cum to my stories!! I would get pictures of her panties leaking cum and her sheets soaked from her squirting. I lived to talk to her and trade pictures. Still do.

Finally, one day I decided to ask my goddess where she lived. I must have gotten some weird looks from my so-workers from the look of shock and awe on my face when she said that she lived in my town. I almost didn’t know what to do. My brain just stopped processing. I decided to ask her for dinner and drinks. After what seemed like an eternity the response came back.

“Let me think about that. I’ve never actually meet any one off of here before.”

I told her to take her time there was no rush. After that she didn’t talk much. I began to worry that I had pushed her away. I attempted to stop talk as much to not sound as desperate as I felt. But I know it wasn’t that great of an effort. As the week wore she would talk less and less. I was becoming anxious. The world would stop turning in between messages. I was becoming a mess…over someone I had never

even met before. Just as I was beginning to think she was done with me, I received a message. It was a link to a picture. All it was was a soaked sheet like I had been sent before. The caption read…

“This is from thinking of what you are going to do to me tomorrow after we go out.”

My heart leapt. She gave me her address and the time to pick her up and told me not to be late. That was the last I was to hear from her before I picked her up.

I’ve gone out with plenty of women, but this one had done something to me. She had me hanging on everything she did. I was coming to realize what she had done to me. I was mentally a wreck without her constant attention. I craved to be with this woman. And she knew how to pull those strings like a master puppeteer. I decided right then that if this date turns out like I hoped it might that she wouldn’t be in control the whole time.

I spent my evening getting my things straight and ready for the next day. With a Sport blazer white button up dark jeans and nice leather shoes laid out I figured I was ready. I can’t believe how long that work day seemed. I was so excited to finally meet this creature that had captivated me.

I pulled up to her apartment about 5 min early and she came strolling out. Every bit as sexy as her pictures! She wore jeans that look like they had been painted on, and a low cut tank top showing of her ample tits. She saw the look on my face and a smile materialized on her face. She hopped in and off we went. I chose this cool little Indian place not too far from her place for dinner. We were seated and ordered appetizers and a couple of drinks. We chatted for a while, just the normal stuff before I told her how much I loved the pictures she had posted and that she was undoubtedly the most alluring women I’ve ever come across.

The flirting continued to intensify while we snacked and drank. Before long she had moved closer to me and the petting started my hand moved to her knee as she laughed and played with her hair. Before long my eagerness urged my hand further up to her thigh. I could see her lust growing with each passing moment. After the next drink we could tell we weren’t going to make it through the mail course. I paid the check and we head out.

During the drive back to my place my free hand was wandering up and down her thigh closer and closer to her pussy. I could feel the heat radiating from her. A soft sigh escaped her lips as my hand stroked the crotch of her pants. Her eyes popped back open and she grabbed my hand and pushed it harder against her grinding her hips up to meet my hand. Pushing back against her I could feel her get even hotter. I pulled my hand back so that I wouldn’t get into a wreck as I turned to park at my apartments.

As we made our way up to my apartment we made frequent heated breaks for groping and exploring each other’s bodies. One landing my hand was squeezing her ass and tits the next she had her hand down my pants stoking my stiff cock as we kissed and moaned into each other’s mouths. We stumbled into my apartment and shut the door as we were straining to get each other’s cloths off. She dropped to her knees in front of me and gripped my dick straining for release from my pants and slowly stroked it before she undid my pants. She licked her hungry lips when she saw the dark precum working its way through my boxers. She enthusiastically freed my hard dick sending it springing toward her sexy face. She took my dick in hand and kissed the tip leaving a sting of my juice on her sweet lips. She then raised my prick and traced her tongue from the base of my shaft slowly to the tip before she eagerly took me into her mouth. Pumping her hand and massaging my balls as her head bobbed slurping and moaning as I leaned back against the wall. Her wet mouth glided up and down my shaft giving me pleasures I have never felt before.

I pull her head back and she looked up at me questioningly. Without saying anything I stand her up and by the hand I lead her into the bedroom. I turn to her and it’s my turn to get down before her. I undo her pants and work the tight fabric off of her and let it drop to the floor. As she stepped out of them I pushed her on to the bed. I crawled up the bed pushed her leg back and took a moment to admire her plump little pussy. She was already leaking, a shining pearl of her glistening juice begging to be tasted. Pushing her legs back and apart her hot pussy opened up like a wet flower blooming. Leaning in I slowly ran my tongue from the base of her dripping hole up to her swollen clit and back down savoring her delicious nectar. Up and down I ran my tongue spreading her lips, circling her clit and then back down again. Then I spread her wide as my tongue plunged forth and explored deep inside her and then back out again. My face was now coated in her sweet delicious juice as I sucked and nibbled on her clit before fucking her pussy with my tongue. Spreading her even wider I parted her ass and slid my tongue over her hot puckered little asshole. Shivers of pleasure ran through her body as she moaned and pulled my head deeper in to her. Coating her ass well I pushed and felt her tight hole stretch as my tongue penetrated her, probing deep into her ass. Back up to her pussy I explored and replaced my tongue with my ring finger softly probing into her ass as my middle slid effortlessly into her soaked cunt. My licks had grown more forceful and aggressive. I was now assaulting her little hard swollen clit while fingering her tight holes. I’ve never seen some one get so wet! The more wet she got the more turned on I became. Unable to hold back any longer, I stood up and removed my cloths as she removed what remained of hers.

I moved beside her and pulled her head to my dick standing proud out to great her. She took me in her mouth as I reached over and fingered her and stroked her. Moans escaped around my cock as I started thrusting, fucking her mouth while finger fucking each of her holes in turn.

Satisfied with her mouth I pulled out and she gasped. Pushing her back I climbed between her legs and slid uninhibited deep into her and pulled her legs up together against my chest and started to thrust. Wet slapping and screams of pleasure echoed through my apartment. With one arm wrapped around her legs holding them close for leverage the other hand reached down and grabbed one of her beautiful bouncing tits and squeezed pulling her to me with every stroke. Letting go of her legs my other had grabbed her free breast as I kept pounding with her feet on my chest. Letting go of her tits I grab her pierced nipples and pinch and pull while I continue my incursion on her pussy. I could feel her sweet essence all over my balls and running onto the bed.

Pulling out I climbed up her body and put my dick in her mouth letting her savor the mixture of our juices. After she licked and cleaned of my balls I stood and opened my dresser drawer. From there, to her delight I produced a flogger with long rubber strands. With nothing more than a look she rolled over and stuck her ass into the air for me. She was such a good little slut for me. She looked back at me with a pleading look asking me to do it. I gave her a light slap with my hand and rubbed her ass cheek marking my target. CRACK the flogger landed. A squeal escaped her as a pink mark already began to form. CRACK, this time my target was the other side. Again and again I came down on her ass. Welts rose red and puffy in sharp contrast to the soft pale skin of her ass. Crack! Her head shot up with a cream of pleasure as I connected with her puffy pussy. Her juice spattered and dripped as I connected over and over.

I stopped and softly stroked her tender ass. I spread her wide and ran my tongue up her pussy and across her ass hole. Her head slumped and rested on the bed. After kissing each cheek in turn I climbed and squatted behind her and slid inside. Grabbing a hand full of hair I pulled her head back and proceeded to fuck her soar pussy. Screams permeated the room. Pulling her head back I wrapper a hand around her neck and softly squeezed and pulled her toward me as I invaded her harder with each thrust. Deeper and deeper I pushed as I pulled and squeezed harder and harder. Every slap of skin brought me closer to climax as I felt my balls starting to swell. Closer and closer I got. She was starting to get close to blacking out so I picked up the pace. My cock was like a piston hammering her swollen pussy.

Then it happened. My cock started to pulse and swell as stream after stream shot out. As I felt her little pussy clamp down on my dick milking every last drop out of me I released her neck and pulled hard on her hair pushing as deep as I could. Finally shaking and twitching, we both collapsed onto the bed in a heap.

Lying on our sides exhausted and catching our breath I softly kissed her shoulder. We laid there for what seemed like forever. When she spoke I had to laugh…

“That was fun! We should do it again some time!”

And we defiantly did!

To be continued?



  1. Wow!!! Im so flattered!!!! Mmm does sound like a good time…where do u live again? Lol

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