Garden Party[FM] [Part 2]

The shed smelt of soil, fertiliser and fresh vegetables. Looks like the gardener hadn't completely ignored it. Kate tried to look around but could see nothing, it was pitch black. She knew there was a switch hanging from the wall somewhere. She stretched out her hand, but grabbed only air. She tried again, and her hands fell on a surface which could only be described as a handsome face. She smiled but stayed silent. She stroked his cheek, and felt the light stubble growing. Her fingers explored his eyebrows forehead and hair. She moved closer and could smell him now. He was sweaty, very sweaty. Obviously this place was a little humid, and Kate was sure she would be sweaty too soon enough. He broke the silence, "You're drunk" he said, placing his hand on her hip.

"I know, and you're sweaty" Kate giggled. She placed her hands on the back of his neck and felt him shiver. She loved that she had this effect on him. They snuggled closer together and moved a bit to the side, hitting a table. Kate could hear his heart beat, but still couldn't see him properly. This made the whole scenario even more erotic than it already was. "The light doesn't work" he whispered, his fingers playing with her ear now. "Doesn't matter does it?" she asked and he chuckled. Suddenly they heard some people outside chatting. Damn these thin walls, Kate thought to herself. "Looks like we must be quiet" Kate couldn't see but was sure he was smiling to himself right now. "What's so funny? I must warn you I'm not the sil..ummm" Jason grabbed her face and smacked his lips against hers. His tongue explored her mouth, but Kate fought back. Kate could feel her head spinning with all the blood and hormones rushing to it. She also felt a little dampness in her underwear.

They kissed for a long time. Silently. If Kate tried to moan he stifled it quickly. She did the same for him. After what seemed like eternity, they broke the kiss and stood panting. Kate's hair was a mess, and she was sweating profusely and so was Jason. She could feel his damp shirt and slowly tugged on it. Kate was at boiling point and couldn't take it any longer. He held her hand "Wait" he said. "I can't" said Kate trying to fight back. "But we need to stay quiet" he whispered hoarsely. Even he couldn't take the pressure anymore. Kate had an idea. She reached under her skirt and took of her soaking wet panties. Before Jason had any chance to react, she stuffed them in his mouth. "I hope that helps" she smiled to herself. Jason, taken aback smiled and said something, but all Kate could make out were the words "dirty" and "slut". She pushed him against the door and took of his shirt. Her fingers went to his nipples which were hard. She leaned in and kissed them. Jason moaned loudly, at least he tried to. The panties made it sound like a whimper.

Kate went down on her knees and slowly unbuckled his belt. She looked up, and could feel his gaze on her. He stroked her hair, his heart racing for what she would do next. She pulled his jeans down and the tent in his boxers sprung up and poked her. "My my Jason, it must have been uncomfortable" she massaged his member through the soft fabric of his boxers, and felt him squirm.She lowered his boxers and could finally feel his pulsing hot cock. She wrapped her hand around it, and realised he was uncut. The way I like it she thought to herself as she kissed the tip. Jason looked to the skies and clenched his fist as Kate went to work on his penis.

(Thanks for the support for part 1 guys! Part 3 coming up…)
