The Ski Trip Surprise 2 [MM][MMF][oral]

John woke up with Frank's morning wood poking him in the lower back. Before he could move away, Frank stretched and yawned.

"Mornin'," Frank grumbled and gave John's thigh a friendly pat.

"Hey," John said, unsure of what to do. The idea of snuggling was out of the question, but Frank took matters in hand when his fingers slid forward to grasp John's semi-erect shaft.

"Looks like we got the same problem," he chuckled and pushed his cock harder against John's back. "Lemme help you out." It wasn't exactly a suggestion as he began to stroke slowly from balls to tip. The sensation made him push back a little, encouraging Frank to rub himself against John's back and ass.

"Fuck," John whispered as he felt teeth against his shoulder biting him as Frank pulled and released. Eventually a bit of precum made it out allowing Frank's hand to slide along his head. Soon the feeling was as fine a hand job as he'd ever gotten.

Frank moved down to slide between John's ass cheeks and pushed harder. Not to penetrate, just to rub along in between, dripping his own precum along the way to slip and slide more easily.

John began to hold his breath as the rough stubble scratched his back. The slick hand surrounding his cock and the slippery trail between his cheeks made John's flesh prickle. He pushed back against the thrusts as they found a rhythm that worked them both.

"Oh, man," Frank moaned as he wet John's back with his throbbing finish. Still working his hand up and down John's shaft, he whispered, "Are you gonna cum?"

Like he'd cast a magic spell, John erupted as the moving hand pumped for the last drops. They fell silent then, panting together in the quiet room. John resisted the temptation to relax against Frank's chest, feeling it would make things more awkward than they already were.

Frank took deep breaths, then rolled on his back to sigh deeply. "I wonder if Lily was serious about meeting us for breakfast."

The abrupt change of topic prompted John to sit up slowly on the edge of Frank's bed. The cooling liquid that dribbled down his back was distracting, so he grabbed the tangled sheets to wipe it off. "Only one way to find out."

"I'm gonna shower," Frank said, but there was no invitation in the statement. He got up and went to get clothes out of the dresser.

"Go ahead. I gotta check email and touch base with my client." John couldn't get a read on Frank at all. One second he was initiating things, the next he was talking about meeting Lily for breakfast.

And worst was the memory of that hot kiss the night before. John did it, but it wasn't a planned thing. Everything was confusing and fucked up now. He didn't know how to act or what the feel about the situation.

Getting on his computer, John scanned his email and then put it aside. It was only an excuse anyway. After the kiss the night before they'd sat around playing video games naked until John fell asleep waiting for his turn. They hadn't discussed the sleeping arrangements, let alone dealing with their morning wood.

By the time Frank was out of the shower, John decided to cool things off with Frank. It was too complicated, too strange, and too confusing to deal with on what was supposed to be a relaxing vacation. He grabbed some clothes and went into the bathroom while Frank dressed in the room.

He was still in the shower when Frank walked in and started to shave. As John drew the curtain back he saw Frank giving him a funny look in the mirror.

"What?" John asked as he dried his hair and body.

"It's weird, that's all."

"What's weird?" He failed to keep the defensive tone out of his question.

Frank rinsed his razor before turning to him. "You know I'm not gay, right?"

"Yeah," John answered with a shrug. "Neither am I."

"But you asked to come in the shower with me." It was almost an accusation. Frank stepped closer. "And you started suckin' my dick first last night."

"And woke me up with a handy this morning and came on my back," John growled in return.

The two men stood close together, staring in each other's eyes. It felt so much like the beginning of a school yard fight that John clenched his hands into fists.

"Never mind." Frank turned away, his face flushed as he abruptly left the bathroom.

John finished getting ready while Frank sat at the small table near the window typing furiously on his laptop. The mood between them had shifted completely in just moments. John couldn't shake his disappointment, despite his decision to cool things off.

"You coming down for breakfast?" John asked with a mild tone, trying to defuse the tension between them.

"Yeah," Frank said and shut the laptop after he finished typing. "Sorry about that."

John met his eyes and nodded. "We're cool."

"It's just… I don't know what to do. Or say. I hate feeling this way."

"So we cool it then. No biggie." John schooled his face to keep from showing the discomfort he felt saying those words.

"Good. Let's go see if Lily is really down there." His eyes sparkled as he returned to familiar territory.

They were dressed for the slopes when the went into the dining room. Frank scanned the room and spotted Lily sitting alone wearing a similar insulated outfit. Leading the way, Frank called her name when they got closer and she smiled to see them approach.

"I was hoping I'd see you down here!" She stood and gave both men a kiss on the cheek. "Join me!"

"So how'd it go last night?" John asked as he flagged the waitress down.

"Laundry took forever and she snores like a god damned avalanche. Oh my God, I wish I could leave early, but I'd have to pay too much to change the ticket."

"The offer is still open if you want to spent the last couple of nights with us," Frank offered without a glance at John. When they'd met Lily the night before, John had been impressed with Frank's cool demeanor, but now he seemed nervous and pushy.

The waitress came over to take their orders, delaying Lily's response. When she left to get their coffees, Lily said, "I don't want to put you guys out."

"It's no big deal," Frank assured her. "We'll help you move your stuff in after we finish breakfast." Lily didn't seem to pick up on his desperation.

John watched their playful banter, but couldn't seem to muster the energy to join in. He kept a smile on his face and nodded along with the conversation, but his heart wasn't in it. His mind kept playing a loop of taking Frank's cock in his mouth, of kissing him with beer on his breath. It had gotten into his head and was throwing him off his game completely.

When breakfast was over, Lily led them back to her room to get her things. The roommate was gone, but the room was an utter wreck, with clothes strewn all over. Lily had all her clothes in her suitcases and pulled them out for Frank and John to roll for her.

"You were already packed?" Frank asked with a grin. "How'd you know we'd meet you for breakfast?"

"I didn't, but I always look for the positive. And I'm positive we're going to have a wonderful few days together." Lily grabbed the smallest bag and her purse to follow them both out the door.

When they got back to their room, John realized the mistake they'd just made. There was only one bed turned down and slept in. His bed was still made up with his laptop sitting on it. Lily looked at the beds, then glanced back at them with a questioning look.

"So what did you boys do after I left?" she asked with an arched tone.

"Video games and beer," Frank said, pointing to the bottles and video game controllers on the night stand between the beds.

She blinked at his answer and asked, "Who makes their bed when they stay in a hotel?"

Frank blushed a deep red as he lifted her bag and placed it on the end of the neat bed. "This is John's bed." He didn't lie, but he didn't really answer her question.

"It's none of my business. Look, if I'm intruding on you guys—"

"You're not fucking intruding," Frank growled, then composed himself quickly. "Sorry, it's nothing, you're welcome to stay in here with us. Seriously."

John stood by watching the whole thing trying to keep his face neutral. Lily seemed extremely uncomfortable and Frank was clearly about to panic because she'd figured out they'd slept together. He needed to say something to fill the growing silence.

"Look, we're all away from our regular lives. No one knows us here and we don't know each other very well. I'll never see either one of you again after one more day, so how about whatever happens in this room, stays in this room. No questions, no judgement, no remorse."

Lily gave John a penetrating look after he spoke, then nodded slowly. "I had a wild phase in college. My best friend and I were lovers for about a year. I'm glad we did it, but no one in my life knows but her. No one." She looked to Frank with a thin smile and nodded to encourage him. "It's okay."

"After you left," Frank said, then paused to take a deep breath. "John… I… we never… I mean, neither one of us had…"

"It's okay," she said and crossed the room to touch his arm. "You don't have to explain if you don't want to."

Frank clenched his jaw. "It was a mistake. It's over anyway."

"Okay, then, let's go skiing." Lily put on a bright smile and led the way.

John followed them out feeling gutted, but couldn't say why. I wanted to cool things off, didn't I?

All day long he felt like the third wheel with Frank and Lily getting along so well. He sat alone on the ski lift behind the two of them, followed them down the mountain, and by the end of the day was wallowing in self-pity.

Lily noticed at times and tried to include him, but Frank kept an entertaining banter going he drew her attention back. For his part, Frank would answer direct questions John asked, but never initiated any conversation with him. It lasted until dinner, when John finally had enough.

"You two go on, I'm not hungry. I'll just grab a drink in one of the bars."

"No, you can't leave us now!" Lily insisted, but he noticed Frank had a tiny smirk. "Come on and have a drink at the table. Please? For me?"

"No," he said as gently as he could. "You guys have a good meal. I'll probably turn in early, but don't worry, you won't bother me."

The prospect of a threesome with Lily was no longer the entertaining prospect it had been. Frank had already turned away to tell the hostess there would only be two for dinner. Lily stepped closer to John and took his arm so only he could hear.

"I'm sorry it got weird between you two. You guys seemed like you were having so much fun yesterday."

"Yeah," John shrugged and tried to smile. "Live and learn."

"I'll see you after dinner," she said with a determined look.

Leaving them there, he wandered around until he heard music playing. Someone was playing old jazz standards on a piano, so John followed the sounds until he found an old guy wearing a black turtleneck. He was seated at a keyboard made to look like a tiny grand piano. Behind him was a drum set and guitar. There was no one else in this little corner of the hotel, so John got a beer from the bar and made his way over to sit at a table nearby.

Listening to the old man play put his head on autopilot and stopped him from thinking for a while. After a couple of more beers, he found himself humming along to the tunes he knew, his fingers twitching to follow the chord progressions in his head. For the first time since things got weird with Frank, John finally felt like he was comfortable in his own skin again.

When the old guy wound up a song, he lifted his chin and said, "You look like you know how to play."

"Guitar," John said. "Years ago."

"Ya never forget," the old man said. "I'm Tom. Wanna sit in? Nobody's here anyway but you and me." He gestured to an old hollow body Gibson in a stand next to a small amp. It had a pale yellow finish and the kind of patina that only comes from a lifetime of regular use and loving care.

"That's too fine an axe for my skills. Seriously, I haven't picked one up in years."

"My brother played that, God rest him," Tom said. "It's been too long sitting quiet. Guitars are meant to be played. Go on, tune it up."

Sitting on a stool next to Tom, John slid the wide leather strap over his head and flicked the switch on the amp. Tuning the ivory pegs against the piano, he soon had the strings right again. The sound was mellow and rich, just like he knew it would be. John looked to see what song Tom had his fake-book turned to on his stand.

"Since I fell for you?" John asked to confirm their song.

Tom switched to an old '70s Rhodes sound and began playing the introduction.

"Hey," John asked with surprise. "Is that the version from Double Vision?"

"Yeah, I love Bob James," the old man said with a smile and swing the mic over between them. "If you wanna sing it, you can."

"Shit, I can't do Al Jarreau," John laughed. "But I'm probably drunk enough to try the licks Sanborn played on his sax."

Tom played the slow piano part as his left hand walked the bass. John toodled around playing the licks he could remember as he improvised around the familiar melody. When the first verse came around, he picked up the chords as an arpeggiated riff to play along with Tom singing.

"You made me leave my happy home," Tom sang into the empty bar while the bartender smiled over at them. "You took my love and now you're gone."

"Since I fell for you," John sang along with him quietly, then played a little solo riff to carry into the next verse.

"My life has been such misery and pain," Tom sang, smiling at the couple coming to sit at the bar. "I know I'll never be the same."

"Since I fell for you," John sang along again, then he picked up the transition into the chorus, laying down a blistering line of notes that brought Tom right back in.

"Well it's too bad, and it's too sad, that I'm in love with you. First you loved me, then you snubbed me, but what can I do? I'm still in love with you."

Tom sang with the passion of a teenager, putting so much soul into the song that John felt his eyes well up. Blinking to see the music, John headed back into the last verse and switched back to the arpeggiated rhythm part.

"I know I'll never see the light. I get the blues most every night, since I fell for you." The clean sound of the amp got a little more bite after he rolled the tone knob forward to bring it home. Playing with his eyes shut, he sailed into the final transition to the improvised solo at the end.

"First you loved me, then you snubbed me. I thought you placed no one above me. Now I'm black and blue, since I fell for you." Tom improvised his vocals over the wailing guitar line, then they managed to end the song together like they'd played it forever.

It was the smattering of applause that made John look up. The bartender was clapping with a beaming smile on his face. Lily was jumping up and down as she clapped. Frank was just sitting there, nodding to himself.

"That was great! Play another one with me." Tom insisted.

"Why the hell not," John said, forcing himself to look away from Frank.

"You gotta preference?" he asked.

"Just turn the page and we'll keep going until my fingers give out. I don't have the callouses anymore, so it won't be long."

Before they could start, Lily came up with one beers. "The bartender said you guys were drinkin' these."

"Thanks," Tom said and took a long pull before setting it down on the small table next to him.

"Thanks, Lily," John said, feeling embarrassed for no good reason as he took a sip. "How was dinner?"

"I wish I'd come with you," she whispered as she looked at the guitar. "Holy crap, you can really play that thing!"

"I haven't picked one up in years," he confessed. "Do you happen to sing? This next one is a torch song that could use a low voice like yours."

"Oh, no, I'm not musical at all. I can't wait to hear it though." She turned to Frank and pointed at the table right by the stage. "Let's sit here!"

It only took four more songs before the ache in his fingertips forced John to stop. He sat down next to Lily at the table to listen to the rest of Tom's set and ignored Frank on the other side of her as much as he could.

"Oh my god, your fingers," Lily whispered as she took his left hand and opened it for her inspection. "You've got blisters."

"It's fine. I should have stopped sooner." He was pleased when she held onto his hand. Frank seemed less pleased as he drank his beer.

Tom played late with an attentive audience, but then bid them farewell. "I'm too old to be hangin' out after my set. Besides, the wife is feeling poorly, so I'm off to check on her. If you wanna play with me again tomorrow, you just show up and grab that guitar!"

After he left the lack of conversation grew awkward. "I'm beat," John said and pushed up from the table. "You guys turnin' in?"

"I'm not that tired," Lily said as she stood, roughing Frank's hair with a grin. "You boys up to trying again?"

"I'm game," John said and offered his arm to Lily.

"Sure, why not." Frank took her hand and they strolled back to the elevator.

John had let go of what happened and was feeling normal again, but Frank still seemed to be struggling. When it was just the two of them, Frank seemed to be willing, even eager to do what they'd done. Unable to think of something to say to make it better, he just kept his mouth shut.

Frank opened the door and let them in before locking it behind them. John got out some shorts and headed to the bathroom while Lily poked through her suitcases and Frank turned down his covers.

He left the door open while he showered because modesty was pointless. They'd all been naked the day before anyway. When the curtain ruffled, he realized one of them had shut the door so he finished rinsing, turned off the water, and opened the curtain. Frank was leaning back against the counter staring at his feet.

"What's up?" John asked as he grabbed a fresh towel.

Frank shook his head and remained silent for a moment. "Look, uh…"

"Just let it go," John said, getting tired of being jerked around. "I have. Enjoy the moment. We've got one more day and then you'll never see me again."

Frank winced like he'd be slapped and pinched his lips hard. "Fine."

He'd been so friendly and open that first day, John thought as he left the bathroom. They'd had a great time, even if things went in unexpected directions. Frank's near hostility in the morning and his agitation all day was no fun, but at least John could see the light at the end of the tunnel.

He hung his towel over the towel rack and put on his shorts and undershirt. Padding out into the room, he asked, "Who's next?"

"Me!" Lily declared and dashed into the bathroom with her things.

Sitting down on his bed, he picked up his computer to check email. After clearing out the spam, he caught up with some work emails and lied to Stephen about how much fun he was having. When he closed the laptop and sat it on the night stand near the window. When he began to pull back his covers, he noticed Frank was watching him from his bed.

"I thought we'd be over here," he whispered. "Like last night."

John could tell it was an attempt to bridge the distance, so he cut him some slack. Sitting on his bed facing Frank, John said, "It might be a little crowded with three."

"Maybe." Frank looked like he is about to say something else when Lily appeared. Frank choked and began to cough when he saw her.

"Holy shit," John muttered. She had a barely-there nightie on over nothing. There was something about a woman who teased her hair up and slipped into a sexy nightie before bed.

"Does this take your mind off things?" she asked with a grin.

"I'll be back. Do not start without me." Frank dashed into the bathroom for a quick wash and got back before Lily and John could do more than snuggle and kiss.

Climbing up from the foot of the bed on the other side of Lily, Frank touched and teased her the whole way up. John had already wet his fingers, but moved to give Frank equal time.

"Someone needs to lick my pussy," Lily pouted. "It's so lonely down there."

Frank moved first, so John continued to kiss Lily and play with her wonderful, full breasts. Her nipples rose making tiny tents in her nightie as Frank made her squirm down below.

"Aren't your shorts getting tight?" she purred in John's ear and watched as he stood up next to the bed.

When he started, he noticed Frank watching out of the corner of his eye. Taking his time, he striped slowly and ended by by stroking himself to a full erection before climbing back onto the bed.

Lily strained for a moment, then whispered, "There's my first one. Come up for air and give me a chance to recover." John was already kissing her when Frank brought her musky scent up on his face.

With both of them kissing her, it was inevitable they'd bump into each other. First it was purely accidental, then John noticed Frank timing things so they would kiss her at the same time. Soon all three of them are kissing each other, tongues and teeth bumping in a wild free for all.

Suddenly it was just John and Frank kissing while Lily ran her fingers along their shoulders.

"I have to say it's so hot watching you kiss," she whispered.

When she spoke, Frank grabbed the back of John's head to hold their lips together while his tongue forced its way into his mouth. John fought him off with his teeth, biting at his lips in return.

John's mind was reeling as Frank stopped suddenly to press their foreheads together. Kissing him was exciting. Not that Lily wasn't exciting, but there was something about Frank that cranked up his heart rate.

"I want you," Frank whispered. "I don't know why, but I do."

"I don't like guys, but I like you." John whispered back. "I don't need to know more than that. Not anymore."

Lily kept touching them gently and muttered, "God, finally."

Frank let out a single laugh. "Sorry, didn't mean to kill the moment."

"This is the moment," Lily said and kissed him tenderly. "I want to be with both of you. That means you two needed to be on the same page about things."

"Yeah," Frank said and sat back. "So what's next?"

"Someone is going to fuck me. And someone else is going to fuck my mouth." She sighed and pushed them back to get on her knees. "You guys can work out the details, then I'm going to go to sleep in that bed over there. Alone."

John rolled over to get the condoms out of the night stand drawer. When he looked back, Frank had his hand out and was grinning. "I got the back."

Lily pulled her hair back in a hair tie, then knelt across the bed sideways with a happy grin on her face. "This was on my bucket list," she giggled.

Frank suited up and pressed himself into her slowly as she sucked air through her teeth. "So nice," she purred. Looking up at John, she licked her lips and nodded for him to come closer.

John put his cock against her lips and let her suck it in at her own pace. He had to shut his eyes until the intensity passed, then he opened his eyes to see Frank pounding her smoothly with a grin on his face. When Lily moaned, both men matched their paces and gave her what she craved.

"Bet you cum first," Frank teased.

"You're on," John answered as Lily held her mouth open and rolled her tongue to make a wet sheath for him to thrust into.

The pace increased naturally as all three of them warmed up. Lily's orgasms were obvious when she held her breath and bowed her back. Frank would slap her ass when she started, making her hum deep in her throat around John's shaft.

Frank was sweating freely from the exertion before he started holding his breath. John was close, but was holding off his orgasm with his last scraps of will. With a squint and strain, Frank whispered, "Cum with me."

"I'm ready," John replied in a tense growl.

Both men let go, filling Lily at each end while she made hungry sounds. When she collapsed onto the bed in a wet heap, both Frank and John climbed on to lay next to her, rubbing her back and legs as she cooled.

"I'm so glad we have one more night," she murmured. "Please say we can do that again."

"Hell yes, that was fucking hot," Frank said.

"Switch up next time?" John asked as their hands met on her back.

Frank rubbed his hand with a sigh. "Sure."

"I'm gonna go potty then go to bed. I'm beat." She crawled to the edge of the bed and stumbled into the bathroom leaving them alone.

"Wanna sleep with me tonight?" Frank asked.

"Yeah," John said and crawled towards him on the bed. When their lips touched it wasn't as rough a kiss as before, but was still hungry. Their tongues explored instead of fighting, the nips teased instead of bit. John hummed as they slowed and separated.

"It's nice," Frank said. "Different, but so nice."

They put the bed back into order and climbed in together. It took a little coordination to get settled, but Frank let John be the big spoon this time.

"Thanks," Frank said as John settled against his bare back. "For everything."

When John leaned forward to kiss Frank's shoulder, he felt Frank settle back against his chest. Lily stepped across the room to turn off the lamp before getting in the other bed.

"You guys doin' okay," she asked in the dark room.

John waited to let Frank speak for them both.

"Yes," he whispered with a touch of wonder in his voice. "We're great."
