Homework Time! [ff] [Second person pov, lesbian]

A friend wrote this for me and gave me permission to post, apologies for any grammatical or spelling errors, let me know what you think!

Homework Time! Just a normal day at school, in our little shared dorm room. You were doing your math homework and I was just on my bed, scrolling through Tumblr. You began to slack off like usual, with your music playing and you start to go on Netflix and find an anime to watch. I look up to see you smiling, of course, since I know that you don’t smile at math I got up from my bed and sat on your lap, straddling you and blocking your view of the computer. You look at me with that amused face, “whatcha doing?” you asked, as you put your arms around my waist to keep me steady and I put mines on your shoulder. I just shrugged and said, “well, obviously math is just giving you so much fun, I want to give you more reason to study” You raise an eyebrow and I just laughed and kissed you. One on the forehead, another on the nose and a deep and passionate kiss on your lips. You kiss tasted like the sunflower seeds you have been chewing on for the last hour. As we kissed intimately, I slid my hands down to your pants and began to unbutton them. You stopped and looked at me, about to say no, but I leaned forward to stop your protest and kissed you again. Keeping you occupied with your lips, I gently pulled down your pants and underwear, as they got down to your knees, you just used your hands and feet to completely take them off. I suddenly got up without a word and turned around to go back to your math homework site. “Hey!” you said, wondering why I stopped. I just smiled and ignored you as I pulled up your problem and put the pencil in your hand. “Here,” I said. “Do your homework and focus for me, okay babe?” “But, ummm, I don’t have my pants on. And I’m hornyyyyyy” You whined. I went to my closet area and got out a small towel, on my way back to your desk, I grabbed on of my pillow pets and opened it up. Then, get inbetween your chair and your desk, I set the pillow down in the floor and kneeled on it. I slapped your bottom playfully, indicating that I want you to get up and spread the towel over the chair. “Now, I don’t want to get tired and I don’t want you sweet cum all over the chair.” I winked. “Okay, now do your homework. If you stop, I stop.” You looked at me and opened your mouth to question but as soon as you did I gave one long lick all the way up from you ass to the top of your click and you let out a whimper. Hearing you whimper just turns me on so much. I laugh a little, breathing some air into your quivering pussy and said, “What are you waiting for, do your homework…” and I took another long, delicious lick on your clit. You are getting a bit wet. I hear you scribble something with your pencil and I began to work with you with my tongue. First going up and down, going between the folds of your pussy, and paying special attention to your clit, pressing a bit harder with my tongue there. Up and down. Up and down, until I want to take a break, then I just dive in and sucked on your clit, cleaning out some of the juices that were beginning to flow, tasting that sweet cum. I feel you shake at your legs, so I decide to write out the alphabet with my tongue, making delicate a’s and crossing those rough T’s. Just as you relaxed, I decide to put one finger in, into the warm pussy. I feel your back arch as you grip your desk, and you grit your teeth, trying to focus on the blurry numbers in front of you. I began to go in and out of your pussy. Just as you relax even more, I began to add another and another, until three fingers are going deep into you. There is no way you can pay attention to your homework anymore as you began to squirm and whimper in your seat. As I fuck you deeper and deeper with my fingers, my tongue continues to lap up all the juices coming out. You’re whimpers turn to deep breathes as you get closer to cumming for me, and as you reach your climax, I thrust my fingers in deep as they can, feeling your pussy squeeze them tightly with your orgasm and I kiss your sore lil clit. As I got up from my position, I looked at your computer and saw it never moved on to the next problem.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/2n0kdz/homework_time_ff_second_person_pov_lesbian