My patient wanted me [MM]

I have been CNA and worked for a home health agency for awhile. I don't where I will be sent. I got my assignment for somewhere relatively close to me for once so I was already excited. Now more than 99.9% of patients are old with some form of dimentia. Not really expecting anything else I knocked on the door of the client's house. This beautiful woman opened the door. Her auburn hair was swept up into a messy bun and she while she smiled with pearl white teeth I could tell she was tired. "Hi! Oh thank God you're here. Come in come in!" I've gotten this response before so I just followed her. Assuming she was the daughter of the client I thought really nothing else as we walked to the back with her explaining the details of what she wanted me to do. Then I saw him, her husband. If she was beautiful then he was a demigod. He had broad shoulders, sun kissed skin, jet black hair cut in a crew cut and ice blue eyes. Stunned I stopped and just stared. In that moment I imagined myself standing at his alter, offering my small palebody as a sacrifice. I was quickly brought back by wife saying, "I know we get this a lot. My husband was in car accident and has lost his legs." He pulls the blankets back and I see his stubs. "Okay I'm gonna go run some errands. He needs a bed bath and then just keep him company till I get back, okay? Alright sweetheart love you and don't break this one!! Kay bye sweetie!" The wife leaves and I go collect my materials for the bath. Once I get ready I stand before him and can hear my heart about to beat out of chest. I take a deep breath to collect myself and start. I begin by washing his hair, his face, hands and arms. His biceps are huge and I catch myself linger for a moment, catch myself and go down to his pits. Then as I start moving down his shoulders to his chest I can feel his gaze piercing through me. I look up and trying to smile I ask if everything was okay? "You know what my wife meant about keeping me company and being careful right?" Confused stop cleaning him and I ask for clarification. He throws the sheets back again fully exposing his thick hard cock. "Most of you guys can't keep off it. Completely shocked I take a step back and ask what he means all the while staring at his amazing body and what about his wife? "She know no one comes before her but that I have other needs that she can fulfill. All I can do if fight My urge to jump on him. I tell how unprofessional this is and I could lose my job. He laughs and says he know exactly what I was thinking about as I stared at him. No he wasn't gonna tell anyone, his wife wasn't so was I? "Well no but oh God what am I gonna do?" I back up against the wall and slide down putting my face in my hands completely embarrassed. Was it that obvious? This was too good to be real and there had to be a catch. "Come here man. I promise I won't bite unless you want me to." I start laughing, man this guy has everything: beauty and humor I'm sure his only flaw is that he can't be perfect. I get up and walk over to him. "Now where were we?" I pick up the cloth and start washing his chest, he grabs my hand and it takes everything in me not collapse right into his lap. He draws me in closer and kisses me. His lips are supple but his kiss is firm. I can feel myself climbing into his bed, pulling off my scrubs, exposing my skinny pale body. I lay beside him, kissing while I feel his hands explore my body. "You look even better naked" he chuckles. Then I feel him grip my cock and I shutter. I attempt to move but he is so strong and tells me to relax and I will get to feel him in due time. He starts pumping slowly, as his pace quickens he starts to kiss down my neck, shoulders, chest, stomach and finally I feel him. I can't help but moan as I feel his blowing me. I run my hands over his head and when I look down our eyes locks. "Give it to me buddy." I start pumping faster and look at him. "I'm gonna cum." "I know, I want it," he says and contines to let me fuck his mouth. Then I feel my body tighen and I explode in his mouth. I don't remember unloading that much but then I am more amazed he swallows every drop. When I feel nothing left he comes up and tells me to open his mouth. We start kissing then I can taste my cum. We're sharing it and it turns me on more. "Ah damn you already started. What did I miss?" There his wife was in nothing but a pair of panties, sitting in a chair. Holy shit what had I walked into?…
