Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.07: Marcia’s Got It (Part 7)

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< Part 6

Only a few minutes into her torture of Sandra, she heard Lady Jennifer call out, "Lisa!" and as she looked over to her, she saw her snap her fingers and point to the floor in front of her. This was curious to Marcia, because Lisa was the last girl in the room, which put her on the far end of the couch. 'Wouldn't it be easier if one of the closer girls was commanded to her?' she thought. Yet this started to make sense when she saw how easily, and with obvious great practice, Lisa knelt in front of her mistress, reached under her dress, pulled down her panties, and buried her face in her cunt.

'She has obviously been doing that a lot,' mused Marcia.

And then she glanced over at her mother and saw her with her dress pulled up, and casually rubbing her pussy through her panties. 'What exactly were the rules against women masturbating?' she thought. And what about Lady Jennifer doing the same thing before lunch when she was engaged with her mother? Then she remembered what Laura said this morning. 'All rules are strictly enforced, but few are taken seriously.' Oh well. She figured she had enough on her hands at the moment.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.07: Marcia’s Got It (Part 6)

Table of Contents

< Part 5

Up until now, Marcia had been standing casually and observing what was transpiring, although she was anything but a casual observer. As she followed Sandra into the parlor, she was staring at her behind, and wondering what it would be like to spank that ample bottom. As she stood there waiting for everyone to take their positions, her mind was wondering what kind of screams and moans she could get out of her as she alternated between spanking her bottom and stroking her pussy.

So when she heard what her mistress' desire was, she didn't react like 'Who? Me?' Far from it. Her whole demeanor changed. She stood up straight, with her shoulders flown back. With this came the now familiar surge of power flowing through her as she was mentally preparing herself for the task ahead.

"Marcia…" Lady Jennifer said to get her attention. When their eyes locked together, she issued a single command, "…impress me."

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.07: Marcia’s Got It (Part 5)

Table of Contents

< Part 4

"Mistress Jennifer…" began Alyson Frazier.

"Yes Ally?" she replied.

"I have really been struggling with the religious aspects of this kingdom, particularly with what Linda just said about husbands being 'high priests.' I know for sure I'm not ready to marry any 'high priest.' So I've begun to wonder if there is some sort of connection between being a conservative, and believing in a God. I ask this because it seems to me that I have to believe in one, in order to believe in the other.

"I guess what I am saying is that I really do like what I see in this kingdom, but I'm just not buying into it, so to speak. But if I have to believe in one in order to believe in the other, then I just don't know how to get started. Do you have any advice?"

"There most definitely is a connection." Lady Jennifer pondered her approach for a few moments then began, "There is a saying among conservatives that they like to use to describe the difference between them and liberals. And that is a person either believes in big G, God, or little g, government. If you believe in God, then you are likely to be a conservative, but if you believe in government, then you are likely to be a liberal.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.07: Marcia’s Got It (Part 4)

Table of Contents

< Part 3

Linda thought for a moment then said, "I didn't raise you to be submissive to men, because you didn't need to learn that. Submission is inherent in all women. But I also did not raise you like a feminist who believes that submission is wrong. I raised you to be strong and confidant, which should be inherent, but isn't, and I raised you to be comfortable with taking control of your life.

"Ultimately, I raised you to be in the society you were in, not the one I wanted you in. It is far more important for a child to understand how to function in a society, and then wait until they are an adult before determining what that society should be.

"In many ways, though, I did prepare you for this kingdom as best I could. Growing up you saw that there were clear lines of responsibilities between your father and I on how to raise you. You're comment about needing to talk to your father about the religious conflicts shows this. In our kingdom, it is very important that the man take the lead religious role in the family. Our men must be the 'high priests' of their families for our kingdom to function properly.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.07: Marcia’s Got It (Part 3)

Table of Contents

< Part 2

Lady Jennifer paused to give Sandra a chance to answer. Her shocked expression from what her near-fate is, seemed to be all that she could deliver right now.

"Do you think I would do it because I am the gender equivalent of an 'Uncle Tom?'" She paused again, but still nothing. "Do you think I would do it just to sell out my sisters to acquire some special favors from men?" She waited again, but now it now seemed futile to her.

"Let's try a different tack. Why do women nag their husbands?

This seemed to be something Sandra could respond to. "To get them to do something they want… Mistress Jennifer."

"Really?" she replied. "I never nag my husband, but I often get exactly what I want. …and a hell of a lot more often than a woman who nags her husband does.

"Let's try this question. What would you say about the self-esteem of a woman who believes she needs to nag her husband over the self-esteem of someone like me?"

"I believe, Mistress Jennifer, that a woman who nags has low self-esteem," Sandra replied.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.07: Marcia’s Got It (Part 2)

Table of Contents

< Part 1

"What's shallow is denigrating the importance of beauty," replied Lady Jennifer. "Beauty is what makes life worth living. If life were nothing more than a chemical reaction, then beauty would be irrelevant. The liberal mindset that distains beauty denigrates our society. This kingdom, on the other hand, is dedicated to the celebration of it. A very important aspect for you to be an asset to this kingdom is being beautiful, just as men are required to be handsome.

"There are many ways to become more of a liability than asset to this kingdom, and losing your beauty is one of them. Then the next thing to determine is whether you will be held accountable for it. If we believe that you allowed yourself to lose your beauty, then you are just kicked out. Since you are all women, you will get your buy out price, which can never be lowered, so don't worry about that.

"If you're not held accountable, such as being badly disfigured in a fire, then you'll become a dependant of the kingdom, much like our children, or say the elderly parents of yours that need to be cared for. As a dependant there are many functions of the kingdom you can participate in, but not any of the members-only-parties or balls where we put on display our liberal sexuality.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.07: Marcia’s Got It (Part 1)

Table of Contents

< Chapter 6, Part 3

This is a story of an alternate reality where there is a branch of Christianity that has rejected the dogma normally associated with sex.

Chapter 7: Marcia's Got It

Lady Jennifer flew into her private dining room as she did earlier this morning, but rather than passing through, she went to her seat at the table. Immediately following her from the parlor was Linda, then Marcia. None of these women showed any evidence of the intense sexual release they had all just experienced. The other girls were all ready seated at the table as they were last night. Linda took the seat Lord Jacob had been in at the opposite end of the table from Lady Jennifer, while Marcia sat next to her mom.

As Marcia looked at the girls seated there, she wondered if they could have heard what had just transpired behind that door.

After Lady Jennifer had sat down she said, "Girls. I want you to meet Linda Quillis, and while she could easily pass for Marcia's older sister, she is in fact her mother."

"Hi." Linda said to the assemblage.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.06: My Daughter’s Bitch (Part 3)

Table of Contents

< Part 2

At the very instant Lady Jennifer said bitch, Linda flipped her hair over her right shoulder towards Marcia, and much like yesterday when Laura flipped her hair to her, a switch went on in Marcia that ignited her. With something akin to rage, she reached out with her left hand to grab the back of her mother's hair. As her hand neared her, Linda turned her head slightly to the left to give her daughter better access. As Marcia grabbed a firm hold of her, Linda reached her arms behind her in order to grab her elbows. This position thrust her breasts towards her daughter.

Marcia was surging with a deep sense of power due to her complete domination of her mother. Without any sense of tenderness, she took a handful of her mother's left breast and squeezed tightly, which elicited a cry from her. Then framing her breast between her thumb and forefinger, Marcia leaned down and bit into her mother's nipple through her dress and bra.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.06: My Daughter’s Bitch (Part 2)

< Part 1

Lady Jennifer paused for a moment to give Linda and Marcia a chance to think about what she just said, then continued, "It's one thing to recognize the source of the conflict, yet it's quite another to actually resolve it. Many people outside of our kingdom do understand that this conflict exists, but most of them fail to come up with an effective means to deal with it. Whatever they may start off doing, they always seem to slip back into their old roles. And those roles are degenerative to each of them.

"We in this kingdom have an advantage over most people in dealing with this because of how we view sex. Once you have studied sex long enough with an open mind, you see that sex is very peculiar in that it can be at once trivial and profound — often at the same time! It can be anything from just 'getting your rocks off' to an act that can build powerful bonds between people. Yet one thing it should always be seen as is something that should only occur between adults.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.06: My Daughter’s Bitch (Part 1)

Table of Contents

< Chapter 5, Part 14

This is a story of an alternate reality where there is a branch of Christianity that has rejected the dogma normally associated with sex.

Chapter 6: My Daughter's Bitch

"Hi mom."

Marcia felt very comfortable with raising her dress to her mother, yet she wasn't too sure why. She supposed it had to do with just watching her mother make out with Lady Jennifer like long lost lovers. The image shocked her so much she didn't know what to make of it. Until this very moment she couldn't imagine her mother having sex with a man other than her father, let alone a woman. Yet now that she thought of it, she did find the idea of her having sex with women easier to deal with than another man.

So here she was. Exposing her panties to her mother as if this was something she did all of the time. Her mother was standing three feet in front of her with her left arm wrapped around Lady Jennifer, and a rather amused expression on her face.