Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.06: My Daughter’s Bitch (Part 2)

< Part 1

Lady Jennifer paused for a moment to give Linda and Marcia a chance to think about what she just said, then continued, "It's one thing to recognize the source of the conflict, yet it's quite another to actually resolve it. Many people outside of our kingdom do understand that this conflict exists, but most of them fail to come up with an effective means to deal with it. Whatever they may start off doing, they always seem to slip back into their old roles. And those roles are degenerative to each of them.

"We in this kingdom have an advantage over most people in dealing with this because of how we view sex. Once you have studied sex long enough with an open mind, you see that sex is very peculiar in that it can be at once trivial and profound — often at the same time! It can be anything from just 'getting your rocks off' to an act that can build powerful bonds between people. Yet one thing it should always be seen as is something that should only occur between adults.

"If you think about, sex is an incredibly unique activity. There is no other 'adult' activity that you absolutely should engage in. All of the other so-called adult activities, like drinking and gambling, are not things you really should do. Not so for sex. We are sexual beings that must engage in sexual activity to stay healthy. So what better way to break a parent/child relationship than by engaging in an utterly adult activity like sex.

"Marcia, I want you to think carefully about how you felt last night when you were told you would soon end up having sex with your mother. I'm sure at the time you thought there was no way this would be something you would want to have happen. Yet consider again what my husband said. By that time you had clearly shown not only a willingness, but a strong desire to have sex with other women, so why not your mother? If you're prepared to be honest with yourself, you'll see that it is because of your unrecognized desire to maintain the parent/child relationship.

"This is the same sort of thing I mentioned last night where I once had a lot of fantasies about being raped until I finally understood that what I really craved was sexual submission. I had a lot poorly understood concepts all wrapped together that never should have been together, and once I had untangled them I was able to proceed in life with a great deal of joy, and a whole lot less shame about myself.

"You inherently know that adults should not have sex with children, and you unconsciously want to maintain your parent/child relationship with your mother. With most mothers and daughters this by itself is not a problem, because they do not want to have sex with each other, and are certainly not required to do so. You, on the other hand, do not have that option.

"Like I just said, we in this kingdom have an advantage in getting our mothers and daughters to have a much more fulfilling relationship. Not only do we require they have sex together, but we insist that the mothers remain sexually attractive for a variety of other reasons. Most daughters in this world have mothers who have let them selves go to the point where even if they were inclined to have sex with women, they certainly wouldn't want sex with a woman in their mother's condition. You, Marcia, most certainly do not have that problem." Lady Jennifer paused to give Linda an admiring look.

She then continued, "Last night when I told you that I wanted to get you and your mother together before some man required it of you, I was in fact telling you a lie. This is the kind of lie you are going to run across from time to time around here where we can't really tell you the truth. At that time, I just wanted you to begin thinking about sex with your mother, nothing more. Now I want you to see it as something you should want to do. Not because it should turn you on, but because you should want to take your relationship with your mother to another level.

"I can assure you, the first time I had sex with my daughters it wasn't part of any preparation for the amusement of men. It was something that I had waited eagerly to do when they turned eighteen. I wanted desperately to be completely open and honest with them, without holding back on any of the fears and desires that I felt.

"Is it possible to have that kind of relationship without engaging in sex? Sure. It's possible. But if two highly sexualized beings, who take great pleasure in sex, believe that it is wrong to experience it between them, then that lack of sexual contact will be nothing but a barrier between them. If we were to still have that kind of open and honest relationship, it would be in spite of us not enjoying sex together, not because of it. For sexual beings like ourselves, sex is never irrelevant."

Lady Jennifer then pulled away from Linda, and said to her, "I now want you two to proceed with your greeting. This greeting is required when a maiden greets a married woman of the kingdom, but I hope you will continue it long after Marcia is married. Just as I do with my own daughters."

Marcia and Linda were staring into each other's eyes. Lady Jennifer could see that each was starting to breath heavily. Linda finally took the single step needed to close the gap between them, and slid her left hand down Marcia's panties. Marcia leaned a bit into Linda to steady herself, and then brought hands around to raise the back of her dress and expose her panties. She knew she wasn't required to do this until the woman delivered a spank, which signaled she had failed her inspection. She did it because she wanted her first sexual contact with her mother to be an act of complete submission.

Marcia was a couple inches taller than her mother, but Lady Jennifer could easily see Linda as the dominant right now. Marcia had snuggled up against her mother as Linda caressed her daughter's ass. Marcia was soon breathing very heavily as Linda's left hand worked it's magic in Marcia's crotch.

After at least a couple minutes of caressing her daughter's bottom, Linda delivered her first swat. She then caressed some more, followed by another strike. Marcia had rested her chin on her mother's shoulder and was now grinding her hips against her mother's hand that was trapped between her legs.

Marcia was soon headed for an incredibly powerful orgasm. Linda could sense her daughter was about to come, and picked up the tempo and intensity of the spanks she was delivering. Marcia continued to use her right hand to hold her dress up in the back so that her mother could continue to spank her, but now she hooked her left arm around her mother's shoulder for support as her orgasm came on her. As it was peaking she cried out in a deep-throated yell, then bit down own her mother's shoulder as it slid away.

When she started to get her breath back she heard Lady Jennifer exclaim, "That was wonderful! You two are going to be very popular at parties — so very, very popular indeed!"

Marcia now had her eyes open, and saw Lady Jennifer had sat back down on the love seat. She had her right foot up on the seat, her panties pulled aside, and the middle and ring finger of her left hand diving slowly and deeply into her snatch.

As Marcia pulled back a little from her mother, she immediately planted a passionate and open-mouthed kiss on her, which Linda returned with all of the passion she could. After a minute they stepped back from each other. Then, with kind of a playful smile upon her face, Linda stuck the fingers that had been between her daughter's legs into her mouth. This got a smile out of her daughter as well, and for some reason she couldn't explain, Marcia mouthed 'Thank you' to her mom for that simple act.

Lady Jennifer continued to slowly stroke her pussy as she said, "All right Marcia. What you and your mother have done will send you a long way to having the relationship you both need, but to really get there you need to take it to an extreme right away. I normally wait at least a week before I sexually introduce a mother and daughter to each other, but your performance last night was magnificent. You are a natural dominant, and any delay getting you to express your dominant side with your mother would be counterproductive.

"Most of the women of this kingdom do not understand how developing their dominant side actually accentuates their submissive side. Many would assume that I prefer to dominate in a sexual relationship, but that is not the case at all. Like I was telling you yesterday, it is not the absolute degree of submission that brings about the most satisfaction, it is the relative degree. The more sexually dominant you force yourself to be, the greater satisfaction you will get when you submit.

"What's interesting to note is that the same is not true for the dominant. You cannot improve your sexual satisfaction in domination by developing your submissive side. This is just one of the many ways that men and women are different and how they need to develop themselves differently. Men may have in itch that needs to be scratched, but indulging in sexual submission does not benefit them as dominants. That is why one of the most important rules in this kingdom is that men cannot participate in public sexual submission.

"I'm now going to give you a command. I'm not going to explain this command, because I'm curious to see how you will interpret it. The only advice I will offer is that it is very important that you take this command as far as you can, and don't hold anything back in the slightest. This command will seem very crude to you, but for your actions to work as they should, they need to be crude… …and brutal.

"Marcia…" Lady Jennifer paused for affect. "Make your mother your bitch!"

Part 3 >
