Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.06: My Daughter’s Bitch (Part 1)

Table of Contents

< Chapter 5, Part 14

This is a story of an alternate reality where there is a branch of Christianity that has rejected the dogma normally associated with sex.

Chapter 6: My Daughter's Bitch

"Hi mom."

Marcia felt very comfortable with raising her dress to her mother, yet she wasn't too sure why. She supposed it had to do with just watching her mother make out with Lady Jennifer like long lost lovers. The image shocked her so much she didn't know what to make of it. Until this very moment she couldn't imagine her mother having sex with a man other than her father, let alone a woman. Yet now that she thought of it, she did find the idea of her having sex with women easier to deal with than another man.

So here she was. Exposing her panties to her mother as if this was something she did all of the time. Her mother was standing three feet in front of her with her left arm wrapped around Lady Jennifer, and a rather amused expression on her face.

The more Marcia stood there, the weirder she started to feel. This morning the idea of sex with her mother hit her like a bucket of cold water in her face, but now, as she continued to just stand there, she started yearning to feel her mother's hand slide down her panties to inspect her as a married woman is suppose to do with a maiden in this kingdom.

"You handled that very well, Marcia," said Lady Jennifer. "You showed no hesitation in initiating your greeting. As I was telling your mother this morning, I think you are going to adapt quite quickly to our kingdom.

"Now before your mother continues with the required inspection of you, I would like to elaborate some more on what my husband and I said last night about incest, and more specifically, how it applies to mothers and daughters in his kingdom." Turning her head towards Linda she said, "I know you know all of this Linda, but it is good for you to be reminded of it as well."

Looking back at Marcia, Lady Jennifer continued, "As you have been learning so far about our kingdom, we consider men and women to be very, very different. One of those differences is how much more dependant women are on others; both emotionally and in everything we do. Men on the other hand are much more independent by nature.

"As such, the nature of our relationships is also very different. For a woman, the mother/daughter relationship is very important. Every woman needs to have a mother or daughter in her life in order to develop as woman. What I mean is that now that you are a woman, it is important for you to still have a mother in your life, not just another older woman to learn from. The same is true for your mother. Even though you are now an adult, it is important for her to have a daughter in her life as well.

"The same is not true for men. While the man is a child it is very important for him to have a father to learn from, but when the child becomes a man, it's not as important anymore to continue it. In fact, while there is nothing wrong with maintaining a strong bond between a father and son, their relationship should be one of peers, and any notion of hierarchy should be abandon, particularly if the father would like to keep his son in his life.

"It is actually quite rare for fathers and sons to have issues when the son becomes an adult. When there is a conflict with the parent/child relationship continuing longer than it should, it's generally because there is far more wrong with their relationship than just shedding it.

She paused for a second to look back and forth between Linda and Marcia. "If I know you two as well as I think I do, I imagine you both have had some pretty serious fights." She could tell by their expressions they had.

Linda confirmed, "It's been very hard to raise Marcia knowing what I did, and yet keep it inside me. I've known what you are about to get into for a long time, and I still found myself falling into the trap of hurt and anger."

Lady Jennifer replied to Linda, "I was no different. This just goes to show how much you still have to learn from your daughter. Not that she has any special knowledge that you don't have. It is what you will learn from your relationship with her that is so important."

Back to addressing both, she continued, "The very common anger that is often found between a mother and a daughter only strengthens my argument that a special bond must continue between them as the daughter becomes and adult. Men inherently know they don't need one as they become adults, and that is why there is so little conflict between fathers and sons.

"It's easy to write this conflict off as one where the mother is refusing to accept the daughter as a woman, but most people fail to see the conflict raging within the daughter. There would be no anger within the daughter if all she wanted were to be treated as an adult. The source of the conflict comes from something even she doesn't recognize, and that is how much she still wants to be her mother's daughter. She doesn't want to be just another woman to her mother, and since she can't reconcile these feelings, she lashes out in anger.

"So where does this conflict come from? And more important, how do we go about resolving it?

"The source of the problem is really quite simple. It comes from the fact that most people view the mother/daughter relationship as a form of a parent/child relationship. This is completely wrong. The parent/child relationship is only a component of the mother/daughter relationship, and this component must be discarded when the daughter becomes a woman for their relationship to continue to benefit each other.

"I must restate what I said earlier. Most people fail to understand the conflict going on inside the daughter, including the daughter herself. She knows she wants to be treated as an adult, but she also knows she still needs her mother. She has this conflict because she also defines the mother/daughter relationship as a parent/child one. This really is more of a problem in the daughter than it is in the mother, and you both need to keep this in mind as we move forward."

Part 2 >
