Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.06: My Daughter’s Bitch (Part 3)

Table of Contents

< Part 2

At the very instant Lady Jennifer said bitch, Linda flipped her hair over her right shoulder towards Marcia, and much like yesterday when Laura flipped her hair to her, a switch went on in Marcia that ignited her. With something akin to rage, she reached out with her left hand to grab the back of her mother's hair. As her hand neared her, Linda turned her head slightly to the left to give her daughter better access. As Marcia grabbed a firm hold of her, Linda reached her arms behind her in order to grab her elbows. This position thrust her breasts towards her daughter.

Marcia was surging with a deep sense of power due to her complete domination of her mother. Without any sense of tenderness, she took a handful of her mother's left breast and squeezed tightly, which elicited a cry from her. Then framing her breast between her thumb and forefinger, Marcia leaned down and bit into her mother's nipple through her dress and bra.

Marcia started to get frustrated at the material separating her from her mother's naked breast, but then she realized that the satiny material, which was already plunging very low as it was, could be easily pulled down exposing her completely. She now had unrestricted access, with the dress pushing up both orbs better than a bra could have. This allowed her to maul them with abandon. With her mouth engaged on her mother's breasts, she reached her right hand under her mother's dress, pushed aside her panties, and began plunging her two middle fingers into her in a manner that could only be described as an assault.

Even though she had already just come, a new fire was lit red-hot between her thighs. She now decided that she needed her mother to pay some attention down there right away. Pulling down on her hair, and pressing her forearm on her shoulder, she pushed her mother onto her knees.

"Suck my cunt, mom!" Marcia yelled out as she lifted her right leg over her mother's left shoulder, and threw the hem of her dress over her head. "Suck my dripping panties dry, you bitch!"

Marcia was in ecstasy now. Her mother was doing exactly as she was commanded, and she came quite quickly into her mother's mouth. As she started to come down she stepped back over and said, "Pull my wet panties off." Her mother lifted the front of Marcia's dress then pulled them off. Once Marcia had stepped out of them she commanded, "Stuff them in your mouth, bitch!" She did, and then put her arms behind her back again.

Marcia didn't know what to do next, but she knew she wasn't done. She looked around the room for inspiration, then saw over on the wall the strap that was used last night on Alyson and Lady Jennifer. In an instant she realized what must happen now. She yanked her mother back onto her feet, and dragged her over to the long couch to her left, then threw her mother across the low arm of it. She nearly ran over to the wall and grabbed the strap, then returned before her mother could even get settled in to what she knew must be coming next.

She now stood over her mother with the strap in her right hand. Her mother looked up into her eyes with a look that pleaded with her. Whether it was pleading no or yes she could not tell, and then realized they both meant the same thing. She knew her mother wanted this, and wanted it desperately — probably more desperately than Marcia wanted to give it.

With her left hand reaching across her mother's backside, she yanked her dress back to expose a pair of white satin panties. Immediately she landed the first whack of the strap on her behind, which elicited a muffled, yet loud cry through the panties stuffed in her mouth. Marcia landed a few more strikes before stopping to stroke her mother's crotch. She wanted confirmation that this was affecting her the way she thought it should, and she got exactly that. Those satin panties were soaked!

Marcia got behind her mother and pulled them off. She then walked around in front of the couch and looked down at her mother. She could see in her eyes that she wasn't done yet. The pleading in them was definitely for more, and certainly not to stop.

She looked desperate with Marcia's panties just barely sticking out of her mouth, and for some reason that Marcia just couldn't resist, she stuck the soaked part of her mother's panties into her own mouth, and sucked hard. She then threw them on the ground, and delivered ten solid whacks of the strap across her mother's ass in quick succession.

By the fourth slap of the strap her mother had spit out her gag and was screaming wildly. After the tenth slap Marcia dropped the strap on the ground, then grabbed both of her mother's thighs to spin her face up, with her ass just over the arm of the couch so that it was not resting on it. Marcia then dived between her mom's legs and proceeded to bring her to an incredible oral climax. As the climax hit her, Linda reached down to grab large handfuls of her daughter's hair, and grind her pussy into her eager mouth.

When Linda began to catch her breath, Marcia got up and reached out with both arms to her mother to pull her off of the couch. Once up, she embraced her mom in another passionate kiss. Marcia then noticed that her mother's bosom was still sticking out of her pulled-down dress. She tenderly caressed and suckled each before putting her back together. She then snuggled into her mother's neck and said, "I love you mom. I love you so much."

"I love you too, honey. More than you'll ever know!" Linda replied as she embraced her daughter even more tightly.

After a few moments of a tight embrace they both heard a shout next them. "That's enough you two!" They looked over at the love seat and saw Lady Jennifer furiously pumping away at her pussy. "Linda, get down here and suck my pussy!"

"Sure thing Jenny." Linda said quite happily. She pulled away from her daughter, and dropped down between Lady Jennifer's thighs. She first pulled her panties down before wrapping her arms under her legs to pin her hips down, then began to eat her Lady out.

As her breaths began to deepen significantly, she panted, "Marcia, I keep witnessing … some incredible performances of domination … by you … without experiencing them myself. That's … going … to … have … to … end … soooooonnn!" By this time her thighs were up on Linda's shoulders, with her ankles locked together. This put Linda's head in a vise. Marcia then marveled at how Lady Jennifer's body undulated like waves as her orgasm hit her.

When Marcia thought Lady Jennifer's senses had returned enough to be aware of her, she replied. "Of course Mistress Jennifer. When ever you want."

"Oh Marcia…" Lady Jennifer responded as if she were disappointed in her. "Just when I think you're really understanding what's going, you say something like that." As she said this, Linda pulled herself up next to Lady Jennifer in the love seat, and put her arm around her. "Don't you get it? You are not dominating me if you're concerned about when I want it. There can be no submission if I am doing something I want to do anyway."

She let out a sigh, and slowly got herself up. "I told Mrs. Gonzales to hold off serving lunch until we came in. Let's clean ourselves up, get some clean panties on, and then join the girls. I'm sure they're famished by now. I know I am!"

As Lady Jennifer came around the love seat to go to the bathroom behind it, she walked past Marcia. The moment that Lady Jennifer had gone by, Marcia slapped her ass as hard as she could.

With a loud yelp, she exclaimed, "Oh yes Marcia! Much better! Now you're getting it!"

~ End of Chapter 6 ~ My Daughter's Bitch ~

Chapter 7 >
