Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.07: Marcia’s Got It (Part 7)

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< Part 6

Only a few minutes into her torture of Sandra, she heard Lady Jennifer call out, "Lisa!" and as she looked over to her, she saw her snap her fingers and point to the floor in front of her. This was curious to Marcia, because Lisa was the last girl in the room, which put her on the far end of the couch. 'Wouldn't it be easier if one of the closer girls was commanded to her?' she thought. Yet this started to make sense when she saw how easily, and with obvious great practice, Lisa knelt in front of her mistress, reached under her dress, pulled down her panties, and buried her face in her cunt.

'She has obviously been doing that a lot,' mused Marcia.

And then she glanced over at her mother and saw her with her dress pulled up, and casually rubbing her pussy through her panties. 'What exactly were the rules against women masturbating?' she thought. And what about Lady Jennifer doing the same thing before lunch when she was engaged with her mother? Then she remembered what Laura said this morning. 'All rules are strictly enforced, but few are taken seriously.' Oh well. She figured she had enough on her hands at the moment.

And boy, what a handful was Sandra! She was an incredible example of voluptuous womanhood that was just beginning to blossom. She couldn't get enough of the feel of her, and wanted desperately to spend more time playing with those magnificent breasts. Then she remembered how skillfully Lady Jennifer spun her around yesterday afternoon, and wondered if she could also pull off that maneuver. 'Probably not,' she thought, 'but I will get her turned over somehow.'

Setting the paddle aside for the moment, she grabbed hold of the inside of Sandra's right thigh and the inside of her upper right arm, then did a clean jerk to spin her around. It was very clumsy, but she got Sandra on her back with her right leg over Marcia's left shoulder. She picked the paddle back up, and delivered a painful crack to the inside of Sandra's right thigh only an inch above her vagina. She got a howl out of her from that, but now she could stare into her eyes, and the eyes that stared back wanted more! With her arms above her head, and her blond hair swirled and framed around her face, she was a stunning vision of submission.

Marcia reached out with her left hand and began unbuttoning the front of her dress. This was a bit awkward to do with one hand, and it got Lady Jennifer to exclaim, "Allison! Don't just stand there! Make yourself useful again!" Allison quickly knelt in front of the girls, and got the rest of the buttons undone. Luckily her bra had a convenient front clasp, so Allison didn't have to figure out how to get her arms out of her dress in order to get the bra off. She soon found her self back where she was, still holding Sandra's panties.

Marcia could now squeeze Sandra's breasts while spanking her inner thighs. She was alternating between the left thigh and the right thigh while squeezing the left breast and the right one. She then began to tweak each nipple hard as she plunged the handle of the paddle deep within her. Sandra eventually erupted in an orgasm that soaked hers and Marcia's dress.

Marcia threw Sandra's leg back over her head to let it fall down, then leaned over into her for a passionate kiss. After a moment or two, she leaned back up, and looked over at Lady Jennifer. Her mistress was barely paying any attention to her as she was enjoying the activity of Lisa at her feet. "Do you think I'm still getting it, Mistress Jennifer?" she asked.

"Oh, you've got it baby," she replied in a haze of pleasure. "You've got it good." She then ground her pussy back and forth a few times on Lisa's face for a quick one, then said, "Sandra! Kneel in front of Marcia."

Sandra was still in a fog, but that loud command got her to move fast. She rather clumsily rolled off Marcia, then knelt in front of her. Lady Jennifer continued, "I want you to thank Marcia for going so easy on you when you jerked back from her grasp. If you had pulled that stunt with me, you would have received far more than a slap in the face."

Sandra looked up into Marcia's face, and said with all of the sincerity she could muster, "Thank you, Mistress Marcia. I deserved every slap you gave me, and will gladly accept anything you choose to give me in the future… Anything." That last word was not said seductively, but desperately. Marcia knew Sandra was hers to do with as she pleased from her on out.

"All right Allison," said Lady Jennifer. "It's time for your comeuppance. Bend over this arm of the couch." She was pointing to the one closest to her, just in front of the other girls.

As Allison was walking over, Lady Jennifer noticed that she was still holding Sandra's panties. "Sandra. Stand up, and take your clothes off… Now!" Marcia stood up with her to help her out of her dress. She was hoping that Lady Jennifer had something in mind that would alleviate the raging storm going on between her thighs, but no such luck. "Now put your panties back on, and lie down on the couch for Allison to use as a gag."

This hardly seemed fair to Marcia. She should be the one that gets to come (cum?) underneath Allison, not the girl that just did in a spectacular fashion. To make matters worse, she was command to go back on the other side of the couch with the rest of the girls.

There she was, standing there in a dress that looked liked she'd peed in it (thanx to Sandra), and desperate to stick her hand up her dress, just like her mom still was.

Allison was now bent over the low arm of the couch with her arms wrapped under Sandra's thighs, and her hands locked together over Sandra's stomach — just as her mistress commanded. As her mouth came down on Sandra pubic mound, Lady Jennifer ordered Lisa to raise Allison's hem. As soon as she saw panties, Lady Jennifer delivered the first stroke of the belt with a loud pop. This was followed by a loud, yet muffled, scream of agony, then immediately followed by a loud, and unmuffled groan of pleasure from Sandra.

Marcia recalled what that felt like last night as Lady Jennifer screamed into her vagina. Not just the vibrations of the scream, but also the hot and cold air that was pushed and pulled past her clit from her heavy breathing. She was now getting even more incensed with every crack of the belt. She should be the one down there, not Sandra.

It was then she noticed Alyson standing to her right, and she also noticed that she was looking at her, and not at what was going on in front of them. "Yes, mistress," Alyson quietly said, and at first Marcia thought she was being mocked, and was about to unload on her because of her frustration. Then she saw in her eyes an attitude that was the furthest thing from mockery. Marcia could tell she desperately wanted some of what she just gave Sandra.

With a need driven by her frustration, she reached around with her left hand to grab the back of Alyson's hair. Alyson submitted immediately by turning her head to the left, to give easy access for Marcia, and threw her arms behind her back to grab her elbows. Once she had firm control of her head, Marcia pulled back and down to lift up Alyson's face, and then began hungrily devouring her mouth. She quickly moved down her neck to her shoulder, and at the same time, pulled up the back of Alyson's dress, and tucked it into her arms that were locked behind her. As she thrust her left knee between her legs to stabilize her, she smacked Alyson's ass as hard as she could.

It was then one whack after another on her panty-covered ass as Alyson ground her crotch into Marcia's thigh. Marcia was enjoying this position to spank a girl much more than the way she spanked Sandra, because she had Alyson pulled tightly to her body. It took a lot more effort to hold her up, but this made it much more intimate, and amplified her feelings of domination. Alyson's mouth was right next to her ear, so she could revel in her cries, and heavy breathing. Alyson did not last long under this assault, and soon Marcia had more false evidence against her that she peed in her dress.

This was the final straw for Marcia. It was now her turn, damn it! She brutally pulled down on Alyson's hair, driving her to her knees. Just as she did with her mother today, she pulled her dress over Alyson's head, and jammed her pussy against her face. "Pull my panties down!" she soon demanded. Alyson complied, and once they were off, she threw her right leg over Alyson's left shoulder, and then ground into her face again. "Suck me! Suck me hard!"

As her cum began to flow, she used both her hands to pull Alyson's face into her. The past few times she orgasmed she passed water, but not like this. This was a gusher, and she screamed at Alyson, "Drink it all bitch! Don't let a drop get past you!" Alyson complied without fail.

As the fog of ecstasy lifted, she realized that Lady Jennifer was no longer spanking Allison, and in fact, everyone was staring at her in utter amazement. Lady Jennifer then looked over at Linda, and said, "We haven't just created monster. We've created a scene stealer as well!"

~ End of Chapter 7 ~ Marcia's Got It ~


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