Masked Mornings [MF] (with pictures by /u/MaskedMoxii)

This story was inspired by /u/MaskedMoxii, and her photos are included with her permission.

How should I begin to describe you? Should I start with your golden hair, cascading into curving rivulets just below your shoulders? Or your eyes, somehow still expressive behind your mask? I could talk about your lips, which are lovely and red, but not demure. The way you hold your mouth hints at your ferocity and pride, which makes you all the more beautiful.

Or I could speak of your neck, and the way it curves gracefully into your shoulder. Your shoulders are beautiful, and underappreciated. You can tell a lot about a woman by her shoulders, and yours are poetry. As are your breasts, small, but perfect. And your stomach is a wonder. Anyone seeing it will want nothing more than to run their tongue along it. They would break any vow to taste your skin.

But your legs. Your legs are a revelation. Long and sinuous, taut and graceful, they are like something out of legend, something over which wars were fought and religions founded.

Showers & Pies

Let's lay down on the grass

On your blanket, in the backyard

We'll soak up the sun

Warm Spring days are so hard

I can't get too too comfy

There's a surprise pie to make

I get up and leave you outside

Through the window, my breath you take

While laying on the blanket

You do a yoga stretch

So content on that blanket

This is my mental sketch

I put the pie in to bake

Then come to you, still transfixed

We try to get comfortable

But there's little yellow bugs and tics

We go upstairs for a shower

You ask if I want one together

That is an easy choice

It would be my pleasure

We both get in

And do a thorough "tic check"

We wash and rinse each other

Kisses fall on lips, cheeks, and necks

My hands and tongue explore you

While your hands explore me

You bring me often to the edge

Inside you is where I want to be

Categorized as Erotica

Slow Rush

Monday you first came over

To give me a surprise, that's so neat

Oh. That's right you called is something else

It turned out to be a goose egg treat

There, the two eggs sat on the table

While we two sat on the bed

Staring into each others eyes

Kiss sounds would soon be said

From kissing right to touching

Feeling skin under clothes

My hands slowly cross the border

And retreat from your smiling head slowly shaking no

Our hands exploring each others bodies

It's the best kind of work

Just when I can take it no longer

Off comes your shirt

Revealing your upper body

Turned me on, you must've saw

Then you gave me what I craved

Once you took off your bra

The sight of your breasts

Nipples, shape, color… I have to say

I need them in my hands and mouth

At least once or twice a day

My shirt comes off too

We press our bodies together tight

Categorized as Erotica

Date night [FM]

We’ve spent a long time together tonight. I’ve listened to the tinkling of your laugh and seen your mouth crack wide smiles. We’ve had a wonderful dinner with sweet wine and many other delicacies but now it’s time to leave and of course I give you a ride home. As my car hums and slides through the night I steal glances at you sitting beside me. I see the contours of your legs stretching from the hem of your dress and down to the soft carpeting of the floor. I see your fingers as they fiddle absent mindedly with your sparkling earrings. I can’t help but sit in awe at your beauty, I wonder how I’ve ever gotten so lucky to be dating you and I wonder how I could ever be happier than I am now. I continue to admire you as we chat lightly until we arrive at your house. It’s a chilly night out so before I can protest you grab my jacket and hop out of the car with a playful laugh and dart towards your front door. I smile at the game and leap out of the car after you and follow you inside. The house is dark so I begin to tip-toe around trying to sneak up on you. I look in every room and every corner I can find until I reach your bedroom. The moonlight is streaming in through the windows illuminating the soft carpet with a faint glow of white and cream color. I hear a noise suddenly from behind me and I turn to see you standing in the doorway with my jacket around your shoulders.

The Bus Ride

So there I am, right, just riding the bus home from work, like I do every night, yawning at the 7:15 PM sun struggling through the clouds, another office worker home from the 9-to-5 grind on a crowded bus full of other wage slaves. Today was a lucky day; I got a seat. I opened up the crossword puzzle, whipped out a pen and was ready to waste some time…

But then I see her. The woman sitting opposite me stops me in my tracks. She's maybe not the most beautiful woman in the world, but there’s something about her. Some quality to her that I can't define. I can’t tear my eyes away. She seems to know she's sexy, even though she’s not what fashion magazines and bad television shows might consider the ideal woman.

She’s a pale brunette, shoulder length, straight hair cut into a bob, a pair of cats-eye glasses hiding her blue eyes. She’s wearing a dark blue, pin-striped suit, black stockings, pointy shoes, like a slightly “alternative” secretary or something.

Dorm Room Surprise Part 2 {bd,oral,anal}

I trailed my finger down her inner thigh, drawing little circles along her leg. The faint smell of soap lingered on her dainty soles. I kissed along the arch of her foot, breathing them in like a wine enthusiast before a fine vintage. Even now, I could not believe that I had this goddess at my whim. I'm the luckiest man alive.

Matilda shifted in her sleep, letting out a breathy sigh. Her tied hands came to rest on her belly, but she was otherwise still. I exhaled in relief. I wasn't ready for her to wake yet.

Her toes looked painted, a nice hot pink to complement her blushing complexion. All the same, I took her digits in my mouth, sucking vigorously. She sighed again, murmuring what sounded vaguely like a name, my name. "Are you dreaming of me?"

I massaged the tension out of her feet, I felt the muscles shifting under my touch. While I could rub her foot for hours, there were other parts of her that required my attention.

Stuck, Fucked and Sucked [mf][oral]

The subway car emptied out around Kendall Square. It had been a long night, my back was tired and the suitcase I lugged around like a barbell was comfortably resting on the seat next to me. The only other person on the train was a pregnant woman doing a crossword puzzle. Our eyes met as I studied her – blonde hair, puffy breasts, and a distended stomach that looked swollen and plump – but she quickly diverted her gaze, likely put off by the exhausted sixty year old man she saw staring back. I wanted to get up and talk with her. I wanted to tell her about how I used to be a famous lover in the 70's. I wanted to show her my tattoos and bore her with a story about the time I met Elvis in a bar outside of Reno, but it was easier to mind my own business than it was to try and learn hers.

Speeding along, the subway took a jarring turn before Harvard Station and suddenly stalled. The lights flickered for a moment and then died with a frustrated hum, flashing once more before turning off completely. A voice rumbled over the intercom, "We're sorry for the delay. The train is experiencing some mechanical difficulties and we ask that you remain seated until further notice. Thank you."

Dorm Room Surprise Part 1 [MF] {bd,oral,anal}

After what seemed like hours of walking and asking around, I had finally found it: a small, single dorm room nestled into a corner of the apartment complex. To my luck, the door was slightly ajar and parted quietly at my touch. I had a surprise for the occupant and I wanted it to stay that way.

My excitement grew in my chest as I slipped into the little room. Months of planning and saving had led up to this moment. A cancelled flight had almost put and end to it all, but I was too stubborn a guy to let that stop me.

Light from the hallway spilled into otherwise dark room. It was a typical college student habitat. There were books scattered about the carpeted floor, a mini-fridge with cute heart and animal stickers, an unpacked suitcase and a small bathroom tucked away in the corner. My object of desire lay on the bed against the wall.

Black Mail Merri

Making sure she wasn't followed, was part of the game. It wasn't like anyone knows, or if anyone did that they would even care, but Merri casually looked over her shoulder for the 7th time. Making sure she was not followed to the Library. The morning crowd of the quad didn't change. No one leaping behind light poles, or diving into trashcans to avoid direction. The humiliation that would destroy her if anyone knew what she had done, or what she was doing now. She laughed nervously. It was laugh or turn around and chicken out. If she chickened out she would run. And if she ran she would drop her gift. Nothing could be worse than if she broke it. Merri turned back and swallowed hard. Walking with renewed purpose, she never looked back.

Merri steps inside the library. She sucks in a short breath in through her teeth. The pervy janitor who control's the library's air conditioner keeps it set at just above "meat locker". Everyone knows this. Merri feels her confidence melt against the warm shame blossoming in her cheeks. She isn't wearing a bra. Her pale nipples begin to perk up. Then stiffening to the point of aching. They cut through the thin cotton of her shirt.

Ravishment in an Elevator

It’s an anonymous Monday. You’re running late for work. You grab an umbrella and your briefcase, take a second to check out your clothes in the mirror (conservative, professional attire) and you step out the door of your apartment.

When the elevator arrives, you step on, you're so preoccupied with outstanding bills and a meeting with your boss, that you barely notice the tall, dark man standing in the corner of the elevator.

The elevator descends past the 8th floor, the 7th, the 6th… then a screech and a jarring sensation as the elevator comes to a sudden halt…

You look over at the man you're sharing the elevator with. Did he just hit the "Emergency Stop" button?

You have a second to register the slightly predatory smile on his face before the lights go out. It’s pitch dark and silent, except for the sound of your breathing… in and out.

"Where were you when the lights went out?" you ask the stranger awkwardly.

There is no reply, but you hear heavy breathing behind you in the dark A set of large hands grasp your hip-bones and pull you backwards against a solid, muscular body. You start to protest, but something about the darkness and anonymity of the situation stops you. No one ever needs to find out about it, after all.

Categorized as Erotica