Dorm Room Surprise Part 2 {bd,oral,anal}

I trailed my finger down her inner thigh, drawing little circles along her leg. The faint smell of soap lingered on her dainty soles. I kissed along the arch of her foot, breathing them in like a wine enthusiast before a fine vintage. Even now, I could not believe that I had this goddess at my whim. I'm the luckiest man alive.

Matilda shifted in her sleep, letting out a breathy sigh. Her tied hands came to rest on her belly, but she was otherwise still. I exhaled in relief. I wasn't ready for her to wake yet.

Her toes looked painted, a nice hot pink to complement her blushing complexion. All the same, I took her digits in my mouth, sucking vigorously. She sighed again, murmuring what sounded vaguely like a name, my name. "Are you dreaming of me?"

I massaged the tension out of her feet, I felt the muscles shifting under my touch. While I could rub her foot for hours, there were other parts of her that required my attention.

My lips followed a trail along her thigh, stopping at the entrance of her sex. Her shorts were the only thing standing between her lips and mine. I yanked her shorts down to her ankles, smiling at the pink folds of her womanhood. I inched closer until my nose was almost touching it.

Matilda was clean-shaven, with not a hint of hair, even on her thighs. Smooth as a baby's backside. Down here, she smelled of powder and honey, like some pastry fresh out of the oven. I pushed my face up against her walls, digging my tongue into her wet warmth…and sighing in delight as her sweet nectar rushed forward into my mouth.

She sighed as well, her legs spreading, her toes curling in sleepy pleasure. I hooked my arms under her knees, feasting with tongue and lips.

Her moans grew louder, livelier and she grew wetter as well. "Don't stop. Please…"

I grinned, face pressed against my meal. Stop? Never.

I became ravenous. My tongue became more insistent and my fingers grew slick from probing her. Her hands ruffled my hair, gripping my head as she braced herself for her first orgasm. The sound that escaped her lips was half a moan and half a scream.

I let her sweet juice trickle down my chin for a moment. When I was done eating, I licked my lips and rose between her legs. "Delicious."

Through the dim light, I could see her eyes, bright and blue as a clear sky. Her smile, drowsy as it was, made my heart leap in my throat.

"You know how to wake a girl up." Her words came out in a sleepy British drawl. "When did you get here?"

"A few minutes ago." I watched her try to smooth out her hair, only to realize her hands were bound. When I offered to undo the binders, she slapped my hands away.

"Well, don't be a stranger. Come closer."

I kicked off my socks and sneakers to lay down with Matilda amongst the sheets. The bed was barely large enough to accommodate us both, but we didn't mind.

I kissed her while the taste of her was still fresh on my lips. My hand found its way between her legs. It was not long before she was wet again.

And then she whispered the words that made my cock nearly burst out of my jeans.

"Take me from behind."

In the next part, I take her from behind. Leave a comment.
