Curiosity Screwed the Girl [MF, Public, reluc, exh, Mdom]

You shouldn't have done it. You knew it was silly, trying to squeeze into the old kiddie playhouse, especially through the window. It's been years since you were in there! Of course it'd be small! "The boxy house wasn't designed for your curvy figure, don't do it!", your conscious yelled. But curiosity got the better of you, and now you realize you should of listened to the voice in your head.

Your d-cup breasts, which were a struggle to squish through before just won't pop back out now. You place your feet on the wall and kick back, but the orbs which you love so dearly, were so proud of, now hinder you. They squeeze together, firmer than any hands could compress them. Before you were able to angle one in and then the other (with some squeezing), but now as they both slide together, they merely squish against each other with each push, your body bouncing as they make impact. You wouldn't of even had to go backwards, though, if it weren't for your bottom. Called an apple bottom by some, a bubble butt by others, your ass was your favorite set of curves. Soft and cushiony on the outside, with a firm center that makes it shake with a definitive wiggle while you walk, it presses against the wall of the house, flattening out against it as your arms strain to push it through. Try as you might, you rear is simply too large to fit. You shiver as a breeze blows across your nether regions. Another reason you shouldn't have done it-you decided to go commando under your skirt, which was surely showing the world your round rump in full glory. As the breeze brushed your lips, you feel them become moist. You blush furiously, mentally scolding yourself. How can you be getting wet in a situation like this? And at such a drop of a hat? You plant your hands on the wall and push again, gritting your teeth while your arms strain to move yourself through, but all you accomplish is wiggling your legs while squeezing your cheeks tightly against your pussy, the warm sensation a soothing contrast to the nippy air.

Suddenly you hear it-footsteps in the grass behind you. "He-hello?" You call timidly. "Is someone there?" You squirm in your trap, awaiting a response. The only sound you hear, though, is the soft falls of footsteps on grass. "Can…can you help me?" You ask. The footsteps come closer, and you hope the presence is genial, not tempted.

Your hope appears to be wrong, however. Without warning or sound, you feel hands on your rear. A gasp escapes you as they give your rounded cheeks a squeeze. You can feel the pale skin fill out between the visitor's fingers, and you squirm, no doubt improving his feel-up in the process. "Nngh…no…" you moan, trying to fight the pleasurable urges washing over you. Your pussy begins to betray you, the slit becoming moist from the fondling. Your eyes widen as a hand slides between your cheeks, a single finger prodding your lips. "No, please! I'm stuck!" You cry, pushing your arms against the wall. Your bottom flattens against the wall, the cheeks pressed together around the hand only intensifying the touch.

You squirm in your prison, begging. "Please, please! Help me! I'll…I'll do anything! Just get me out of here!" The hand continues to invade your sanctum, ignoring your pleas. You cry out as a finger extends, pushing into the folds of your womanhood. "Ha…haaa…" you moan, arching your back. Your breasts strain against your tank top, the unshielded nipples poking through erect. As the finger moves inside you, brushing and rubbing, the lust rolls over you. You bite your lip and squeeze your eyes shut, trying one last time to fit. It's no use, your bottom too large and your mind too preoccupied with carnal thoughts. Your loins are on fire, and you can't believe you're so close to climaxing this soon, from just a simple fingering! You writhe and pant, trying to hold it in, but it seems the trapped feeling has turned you on.

The stranger's hand begins moving back and forth rapidly, making a wet 'schluck' every time he hits your pussy. He starts increasing speed, and it only gets worse for your self control. Your lips part against your will. "HnnnnoooooooAAAAH!" You cry, weekly pushing the ground with your legs. You have to get out of here, if for nothing else than to take the stud behind you face to face. You gasp as sweat drips off your face. "haa…haaa..hnnnnng…." Your eyes widen as you feel the climax build, about to erupt! With a mighty thrust you push on the, wailing as your back arches. "Hnnghnnaaaahhhh MISTER!" You scream, your body on the verge of climax.

The hands stop, frozen in your vagina and on your ass. You hang limply from the window sill, panting as the sweat falls to the ground, your nipples exposed through the soaked t-shirt. "Mister..plea..please…help me? I'll be a good girl, just…get me out…" You whimper. Your legs shiver, whether from the breeze or the near-orgasm though is hard to tell. Your mind is a frenzy, all you can think about is getting out so the mysterious individual outside can take you.

Suddenly you feel hands on your rear. You gasp as they fidget around, squeezing here and there, as if searching for a proper grip. The next feeling is a strong pressure from behind, pushing your rump into the hole. You scramble to pick yourself up and push against the wall yourself to aid the process. Your ass squishes against the wall, oozing between his fingers and pancaking against the plastic frame. You twist and grimace as you struggle, his hands turning and alternating pressure as they try to squeeze your posterior into the small opening. Your moist lips, soaking wet and lustfully charged, grind together, and you bit your lip again, whimpering. The stranger lets go and starts slapping your bottom while pushing, to arouse you or force you through, you can't tell. Each spank brings whimpers from your throat, and in the back of your mind you know you're being punished for such foolishness.

The spanking finishes, as you hang trembling you feel the stranger's arms wrap around your waist. You gasp, your ass prodded by his erection as he moves up against you. It pokes between your cheeks, tempting your soaking cunny. As if possessed, you feel it drip more, the waterworks begging for the cock to plow into it, but the stranger won't grant you this. Instead his arms tighten around your waist, and he pulls back. You slid in reverse until your breasts reach the windowsill, and like before they squish together, the current angle impossible to squeeze through. The stranger doesn't stop though, and you hear plastic scrapping as his foot presses against the wall. Suddenly you gasp-he's pulling more! Your chest pulls your boobs against the wall, but they merely bunch up, squeezing and ballooning as he tries to force them through the hole. You gasp and twist. "Auow-ow-stop!" You wail, your mammaries refusing to return to whence they came. The stranger relents, and you fall forward, your head and arms hanging limply while your breasts, almost smugly, dangle daintily above you. You look up and notice two small stains of moisture around nipples.

Panting, you continue to hang dejectedly. You can hear the stranger breathing outside, but he hasn't done anything. Your loins ache, you feel as if you're going to explode if you don't take him soon. You come to the depressing realization though, that you'll be stuck here for hours. You blink a few times, and make a decision. "…M-m-mister?" You say softly. "I..I don't think I'm able to get out.."

There's no response. You inhale deeply, knowing what you're about to do is depraved, immoral, and yet so tempting, so lustful, you can't deny it any longer.

"P-puh-please….fuck me…" you whisper.

There's still no reply. At first you think he didn't hear you, or maybe he left. You squirm, not knowing how you'll bear being this aroused with no outlet. But then you hear him stand, and you freeze. The metalic zip of a fly undone cuts through the silence, and you can't help but spread your legs wider in anticipation. Your body trembles as his hands grab your rear, the now familiar grip spreading the cheeks. The cold air against your damp pussy sends a chilly shock through your system, and it exits through a loud gasp. The cock brushes your lips, and he starts moving back and forth, rubbing against your dripping cunt to lubricate it. You bite your lip once again, but this time you can't hold it. Your legs tremble as your vagina comes alive, squirting across his dick and down your leg. The muscles in your loins contract again, continuing to spritz the incoming member. You moan, pushing forward to squeeze your cheeks together in a vain attempt to cover yourself. It's no use, and you hear him chuckle, his deep laugh ringing in your ears as the unseen stranger prepares to take you.

It's then you feel it. He shifts his weight, and the tip of his cock presses against your pussy. He slides it forward, parting your folds with ease as you inhale sharply. It's so thick! You feel it slowly stuffing you, held back momentarily by your inner tightness before he pulls back and thrusts again. You cry out, any sense of decency lost to carnal instincts. In as far as your womanhood will allow, the stranger begins to move back and forth, slowly at first but eventually gaining speed. You start rock in the same direction, your bottom bouncing and squishing against the plastic frame. Your hips occasionally bang against the edges, and you cry out, but there's nothing to be done-you wanted this, and with the pleasure comes the pain. Your breasts swing to the rhythm of the thrusts, trapped in your shirt. As you cry out in lust, the stranger reaches balls deep thickness. As he pushes harder and harder the tip of his cock pokes your womb.

A long drawn out moan is interrupted with a shriek as you feel his finger plug your ass. First one, then two fingers stuff their way into your pucker and curl, holding on as your body is rocked in its prison. Your legs buckle, you squirm, a feral cry catches in your throat as you finally get to climax. Your body tenses, clamping around his cock as you erupt in orgasm. You scream unintelligibly, your pussy almost bursting as it sprays again, dwarfing the earlier teaser. Your orgasm seems to have finished your lover, as you feel his cock erupt in you, the hot spunk flowing in your vagina and dripping into your womb. He pulls back, shoving your ass against the hole and you feel more cum land on you, dribbling liberally across your backside and thighs.

You hang from the hole again, exhausted. The stranger pats your sticky, stuck bottom and you hear his fly zip. A card drops through the mail-slot on the playhouse's door, and you smile, seeing the number. As you hang there, stuck, and alone, you can't help but think about your fate-a fuck toy until you're able to slim up and get out. Oddly enough, you have no problem with that. Sometimes, curiosity is a good thing…



  1. Wow this was awesome. Is there more where this came from? A continuation or just something similar?

  2. WELLLL… This exactly doesn’t-I wrote it as a one shot. There is a stuck fetish, but it’s not all sex-a lot of it is just the act of being stuck. I have written other stuck stories, but they’re furry. As for human stucks, I know of two stories on xnxx and I’ve posted galleries to r/hentai. Whatcha interested in? XD

  3. I like this stuck fetish. I’m more of a human guy though, where should I look for those?

  4. Well, the xnxx story is[this]( (Note, it’s got simulated beastiality, heads up). Also there’s [this]( is the best place for stucks-deals with wedges (like this), sticky, captured, all sorts of them. is another wedge site. I’ve also posted some galleries to r/hentai, I gotta brb but when I get back I’ll send them

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