Masked Mornings [MF] (with pictures by /u/MaskedMoxii)

This story was inspired by /u/MaskedMoxii, and her photos are included with her permission.

How should I begin to describe you? Should I start with your golden hair, cascading into curving rivulets just below your shoulders? Or your eyes, somehow still expressive behind your mask? I could talk about your lips, which are lovely and red, but not demure. The way you hold your mouth hints at your ferocity and pride, which makes you all the more beautiful.

Or I could speak of your neck, and the way it curves gracefully into your shoulder. Your shoulders are beautiful, and underappreciated. You can tell a lot about a woman by her shoulders, and yours are poetry. As are your breasts, small, but perfect. And your stomach is a wonder. Anyone seeing it will want nothing more than to run their tongue along it. They would break any vow to taste your skin.

But your legs. Your legs are a revelation. Long and sinuous, taut and graceful, they are like something out of legend, something over which wars were fought and religions founded.

And I love the way you dress, your clothing picked to accentuate your glamour. But still, you are most beautiful in the morning, your hair wild from sleep, and your robe wrapped loosely around you. You are on your back in bed, your long legs crossed at the ankles. I move to the foot of the bed and kneel down, taking your feet in my hands and uncrossing your legs, then I bend and run my tongue lightly up the inside of your calf. Your skin is smooth and slightly salty from a light sheen of sweat, and as I move my tongue up,forever, until it passes your knee, the only things I know are the taste of you and the sound of your breathing.

You let your robe fall open and spread your legs, allowing me to move between them. I flick my tongue along the inside of your thigh as I reach up and brush my fingertips lightly across your stomach. You make a small sound, and I move higher, then slowly and deliberately run my tongue up the length of your pussy, then down again. You are wet, and the taste of you consumes me. I pause for a moment, savoring you, then work my tongue upward, this time pausing to swirl it lightly around your clit.

Your legs are bent now, knees arched up, and I move my arms beneath them, my fingers brushing along your ribs. Your breath quickens and I grab your hips, pulling you against my mouth, and you reach down and grab my hair, guiding me where you want me. Then I can feel the muscles in your stomach start to clench as you begin to cum, and you raise your hips, pushing against my mouth , and for a while I am lost in you.

Once you have cum, I begin to work my way up your body. My tongue traces your stomach, working upwards to your breasts. I flick my it over your nipples, first, the left, then the right. Your skin is saltier now, slick with sweat, and as I wrap my lips around your breast, I want nothing more than to drown in you. But I need you ferociously, so I move up, licking and lightly biting your neck. My hands move along your sides, and push beneath your back, determined to feel every inch of you.

Then I am at your mouth. Your lips are a mix of your usual sweet taste and the salt from your sweat, and I feel my pulse quicken as you push your tongue into my mouth. Your hands are at my sides, but I reach back and grab your wrists, pinning you to the bed. Just for a moment, so I can lean back and look at you. Your beauty is astounding. Your golden hair pooled around your face, and the the freckles on your chest brought out by the flush of sex combine to make you a Goddess. Beneath your mask, your eyes are half-closed, but then you open them and look at me. Knowing the wanting you see in me is only increases my desire, and I reach down, and push into you.

I am moving slowly, looking at you while we fuck, but that is more that I can take, so I clutch your body against me, my hands around your back and gripping your shoulders, pulling you towards me. But you sense my hesitance, and you suddenly flip me on to my back. You straddle me slowly, looking me in the eye, then slip my cock inside of you again. You lean back so I can see you riding me, and you are a Goddess, long and golden and amazing. Your back arches, and you reach back to hold my shins as you fuck me. Your hair wild, and so beautiful.
