Date night [FM]

We’ve spent a long time together tonight. I’ve listened to the tinkling of your laugh and seen your mouth crack wide smiles. We’ve had a wonderful dinner with sweet wine and many other delicacies but now it’s time to leave and of course I give you a ride home. As my car hums and slides through the night I steal glances at you sitting beside me. I see the contours of your legs stretching from the hem of your dress and down to the soft carpeting of the floor. I see your fingers as they fiddle absent mindedly with your sparkling earrings. I can’t help but sit in awe at your beauty, I wonder how I’ve ever gotten so lucky to be dating you and I wonder how I could ever be happier than I am now. I continue to admire you as we chat lightly until we arrive at your house. It’s a chilly night out so before I can protest you grab my jacket and hop out of the car with a playful laugh and dart towards your front door. I smile at the game and leap out of the car after you and follow you inside. The house is dark so I begin to tip-toe around trying to sneak up on you. I look in every room and every corner I can find until I reach your bedroom. The moonlight is streaming in through the windows illuminating the soft carpet with a faint glow of white and cream color. I hear a noise suddenly from behind me and I turn to see you standing in the doorway with my jacket around your shoulders.

“Found you.” I say in a slightly husky voice.

“Well then I’d say you deserve a prize.” you say as you saunter towards me, hips swaying with each step you take.

“Really,” I say playfully as you reach me and I put my hands on your shoulders, “what prize might that be?”

“I’d say you deserve your jacket back.” you say, teeth glinting in the moonlight. Disappointment rises within me as I pull the jacket from around your shoulders but that’s when I see what you have under it. Nothing at all, save a small pair of lace panties. I look into your eyes and I see longing there, I see the desire and lust that you hold.

“Do you like your prize?” you ask in a small, breathy voice. The only response I can muster is to pull you close to me and bring your lips to mine. I feel the warmth of your body pushing against mine, I feel your fingers flowing through my hair, it’s intoxicating. You begin to unbutton my shirt after only a few minutes, leaving me bare-chested as you are. Your soft hands trace the lines of my body before pulling me back towards you.

“You know,” I said, breaking the kiss, “you did a great job of hiding.” There’s that laugh again, soft and light, it reminds me of bells on a cold winters night.

“What’s my prize?” you ask, voice husky and seductive now. Again, without a word I lead you over to the window sill and sit you down on the chilly marble. I kneel down before you, never breaking eye contact until I lean forward suddenly and take your nipple into my mouth. I hear you gasp with surprise and pleasure as my mouth and tongue begin to dance on top of your soft breasts. My head moves back and forth with smooth movements, making you writhe and squirm with pleasure. You begin to grasp at my hair, pulling and pushing on my head to direct my tongue to where it will give you the most pleasure. After several minutes of this I move my hands, slowly, up your legs. My fingers trace along your soft legs, rubbing, scratching, tickling, and pinching all the way until I feel the lace of your panties against my fingertips. I let your nipple fall from my mouth and I can see it swollen with pleasure in the moonlight. I look into your eyes and I see your beauty, I can see where you’ve mussed up your hair and where your saliva has made your make-up run and stain but that does not deter me, it makes me happy to be seeing the real you. As I keep my eyes fixed upon you I move your panties to one side and slide my middle finger into your wet opening in one smooth movement. You gasp again, louder this time as I begin to finger you. I pull my finger back and begin to rub your g-spot furiously as you moan louder and louder until the whole room is filled with your cries of pleasure. I feel your wetness running down my fingers and over your thighs and this excited me. I can feel my cock pressing against my jeans and a desire grows with it. Suddenly I pull my finger out of you and slide your panties down as well. You begin to move to get up but before you can my mouth is between your thighs and my tongue is hard at work again. I hear your moans turn to screams as I begin to lick the soft lips of your vagina and move upwards towards your clit. Your noises excite me so much that I cannot wait any longer. I pull my hard cock out of my pants and begin to masterbate as I continue eating you out. After several minutes of this and after countless screams and moans you pull my head back and look into my eyes once again. Your eyes are wild now, your face flushed and breathing heavy. Silently you pull me to my feet, strip me of all my clothes and shove me onto your bed. No sooner have I hit the mattress then you are on top of me, straddling my chest and kissing me violently. As we kiss your hand travels downward towards my erection. I feel your fingers close around my shaft as you guide it slowly towards its destination. Your wetness makes the entry easy but your mouth drops open all the same. I see your eyes widen and your knees go weak as my cock slides into you. You begin to slide, back and forth allowing my length to be drawn in and out of you. I watch as you straighten your back and begin to pinch your nipples as you ride me. I feel the incredible sensation of your womanhood wrapped around me as you bounce up and down on my thick cock. You ride me faster and faster until you start mumbling about how you’re cumming. Your screams continue on and on until I see you screw up your face, feel your pussy clench down on my shaft and go silent. I can see your eyes roll upwards and see you trembling on top of me with your mouth open in a silent scream. This lasts several seconds until you collapse on top of me. We lay there panting for several seconds more until your breathing returns to normal.

“Do you want me to get out of you?” I ask as my fingers rub the curvatures of your back. At this you sit up and look deep into my eyes again.

“Don’t you fucking dare.” With a grin I take hold of you around the waist and spin us around so that you’re on your back. I look into your eyes again as I begin to push myself deep into you. Your gasps become moans once again as I continue to fuck you with all my strength. I work myself up, going faster and faster until there’s not a second between my cock pulling out and it slamming back in. I continue this until I can feel my own orgasm building inside me. As I continue to fuck you I say that I’m about to cum and you say that you are too. Your legs wrap around my back and your arms are around my neck as I pump into you over and over until I feel myself cumming inside you. I slam my cock into you one last time and I hear you make a small yelp as I begin to shoot my semen into you. In that same moment you let out a loud scream as your cunt clamps down and tightens around my cock once again. I feel my warm seed inside you as I slide my cock out and lay beside you. And as we catch our breath, we fall asleep.

This is the first sex story I’ve put out to more than one person. If you have any special requests for me to write about then PM me and I’ll try to have them done as soon as I can. Thanks for reading!




  1. I’d say about 80% of the half-assed greentext stories in the wincest threads on 4chan that end in bel-air or dinosaur are better than the diarrhea that spewed forth from your pudgy little fingertips.

  2. Cr1tikal references aside I’ll take that 20% with pride, 4chan is a lot to compete with and some of those stories are even funny.

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