Dorm Room Surprise Part 1 [MF] {bd,oral,anal}

After what seemed like hours of walking and asking around, I had finally found it: a small, single dorm room nestled into a corner of the apartment complex. To my luck, the door was slightly ajar and parted quietly at my touch. I had a surprise for the occupant and I wanted it to stay that way.

My excitement grew in my chest as I slipped into the little room. Months of planning and saving had led up to this moment. A cancelled flight had almost put and end to it all, but I was too stubborn a guy to let that stop me.

Light from the hallway spilled into otherwise dark room. It was a typical college student habitat. There were books scattered about the carpeted floor, a mini-fridge with cute heart and animal stickers, an unpacked suitcase and a small bathroom tucked away in the corner. My object of desire lay on the bed against the wall.

Matilda lay on her back, in a tangle of white sheets. Her honey blonde hair, usually straight, was a mass of tangled curls. One arm was bent above her head, the other crossed over her chest. I watched her stomach rise and fall with each breath, my cock growing hard. The blankets were pushed to the side, revealing a black t-shirt and smooth legs clad in similarly black shorts. Her round, blemished face twitched in sleep, mouth open just so to let me hear her snore.

I stood there, ogling my friend, imagining the possibilities. Why imagine? I thought to myself. She's right here.

I closed the door behind me, shrugged off my backpack and went to work. Binders? Check. Ribbon? Check. Nightlight? Check.

The nightlight went on the nightstand. Its pale white light gave me enough to see what I was doing. I sat at the edge of the bed, carefully peeling the white sheets away for easy access. Gingerly, I pulled her hands together, applying the binders to her wrist. They closed with a satisfying snap. The ribbon I kept close at hand. I would need it later.

I rolled her shirt back as slow as I could, revealing her round mounds, flattened by gravity. I took a handful of each plump breast, squeezing greedily. I leaned down to close my mouth around a pink nipple, smiling as it stiffened against my tongue.

My lips trailed down her belly, planting loud, wet kisses on her baby-soft skin. I traveled back up, burying my face in her cleavage and neck. At last, my lips reached hers. I savored the taste of her warm, wet mouth, her limp tongue surrendering to my investigations.

My hand rested on her stomach, rising and falling with her breath. "Hello, beautiful." I whispered.

Matilda answered with more light snoring. My hand traveled south, stopping at the entrance of her sex. I rubbed my thumb against her clit through the fabric of her shorts, coaxing a soft moan from her mouth.

Time for fun.

Note: Naughty bits to come. Leave a comment if you want to see more.



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