Ravishment in an Elevator

It’s an anonymous Monday. You’re running late for work. You grab an umbrella and your briefcase, take a second to check out your clothes in the mirror (conservative, professional attire) and you step out the door of your apartment.

When the elevator arrives, you step on, you're so preoccupied with outstanding bills and a meeting with your boss, that you barely notice the tall, dark man standing in the corner of the elevator.

The elevator descends past the 8th floor, the 7th, the 6th… then a screech and a jarring sensation as the elevator comes to a sudden halt…

You look over at the man you're sharing the elevator with. Did he just hit the "Emergency Stop" button?

You have a second to register the slightly predatory smile on his face before the lights go out. It’s pitch dark and silent, except for the sound of your breathing… in and out.

"Where were you when the lights went out?" you ask the stranger awkwardly.

There is no reply, but you hear heavy breathing behind you in the dark A set of large hands grasp your hip-bones and pull you backwards against a solid, muscular body. You start to protest, but something about the darkness and anonymity of the situation stops you. No one ever needs to find out about it, after all.

You feel his swelling, rock hard erection pressing urgently against your soft ass. His hands slide down the tops of your legs to the hem of your pencil skirt, and then start back up across the insides of your thighs, taking the skirt with it. He has very strong hands and when he gets to the sensitive insides of your thighs, he starts to squeeze, almost to the point of causing pain. You can feel the adrenaline flowing through your veins— he is is a total stranger and you have no idea what he might do to you. But the fear is mixed with an almost unbearable lust and passion.

His fingers slip under your satin panties and his palms press against your pubic hair as he roughly finds your wet slit. And it is very wet.

“This is insane,” you think to yourself, as the stranger’s insistent fingers begin rubbing your clit methodically. Not an ounce of tenderness, all business. but you melt against his hand anyway, and let out a little moan as he begins to finger fuck you. Sliding two thick fingers in and out of your pussy. You spread your legs wider and slide down a little as he manhandles your sweet little cunt.

You grind your ass against his cock as his fingers slide in and out of your wet pussy. He’s huge. you can’t help but reach behind you, grasp his firm ass and pull him even closer.

His fingers spear in and out of your pussy while he strokes your clit with his thumb. You’re starting to come; juices soaking his fingers and your panties—gasping for breath, your legs trembling, but he turns you around and pushes you up against the wall.

His hands brush your heaving tits as he grabs both sides of your blouse and rips it apart. He tears your bra off, and grabs your heavy, warm breasts hard.

His lips blaze a trail up the side of your neck and move to roughly sucking your hard little nipples. You run your fingers through his hair while he suckles you…You tear his t-shirt off, run your hands over his muscular chest when he moves up to bite your neck, hard. He tears off his jeans while biting your neck hard.

When he moves back against you, his cock grazes your stomach. you wrap your hand around it and begin to stroke its hot, silky length, rubbing it against your soft belly.

He puts his hands on your shoulders and pushes you to your knees. He grabs the back of your hair, pulling hard enough to bring tears to your eyes. As you open your mouth to protest he slams his cock into it all the way to the hilt. It takes a minute to relax your throat enough to accommodate his large size, and you almost gag until you do. Gasping for breath, your head pinned against the walls of the elevator, you take as much of his cock as you can into your mouth. Opening wide, licking his shaft while he thrusts into his dick into your face. "You’d better do a good job, baby," are the first menacing words he speaks to you. But you desperately WANT to do a good job for him, so you move your wet, hot tongue all over his shaft, drooling wantonly all over the strangers big, hard dick. You cup his heavy balls with one hand while jerking him off into your mouth with the other. You’re so excited your juices are flowing from your pussy and running down your legs. Now both of his hands are in your hair and he’s moving his cock in and out of your mouth rapidly. You feel his balls tighten up just as he begins to shudder and shoot his load into your mouth. Jet after jet of hot cum spew into your mouth and you greedily swallow ever drop. You’re amazed. His cock is still rock hard in your mouth. He shudders one last time, then lifts you off the floor suddenly, cradling you in his strong arms. Instinctively, you wrap your legs around his waist. He pins you against the wall, then reaches down, moves your panties to one side and slams his cock into your hot, wet pussy with enough force to make you gasp. Your cunt muscles milk his hard dick and he moans hoarsley, cradling your ass and banging himself into you hard. His insistent fingers knead your fleshy ass as he slams into your convulsing pussy again and again. You hold on tight, biting his neck and shoulder desperately as he takes control of your body totally, fucking you until your low moans become high pitched squeals and screams… "Cum for me, baby." He says. And that does it. Your cunt spasms hard, and your muscles all tense uncontrollably as waves of pleasure wash over you. " He gently lowers you to the floor, but your legs are too shaky to hold you and you slide down the wall of the elevator, legs spread wantonly. "oh, fuck…" you breath as your orgasm subsides.

Before you know it, he’s down between your legs in the dark, desperately ripping your panties off and tossing them aside. There’s nothing to do but lay back and take it as he laps at your freshly fucked slit. You spread your legs a little wider as he slips two fingers into your slit and fucks you hard while licking your clit in rhythm to his fingers. You run your fingers into his hair and smash his face deeper into your humid cunt. You’re gonna cum again. Can hardly believe it as a second orgasm rips through you and you moan, scream and clench your teeth hard. You almost black out, but he lifts you onto your hands and knees and positions himself behind you.

"Please…" you whisper, not sure if your begging him to stop or to fuck you again, harder. You gasp and see white as his whole length pistons into your cunt. He’s behind you on his knees, grabbing your waist and filling you with his cock, your head swimming, sweat coating both of your bodies, he takes command of you, slamming himself into you desperately…

You feel his dick start to convulse and a low moan escapes his lips as his dick expands and spits seed deep into your hot little cunt.. you collapse face down on the floor of the elevator, totally spent as he shoots his last jets of cum onto your upturned ass.

Just then, the lights come on and the elevator starts to move. You jump up and begin straightening your clothes; he is putting his on too. By the time you reach the lobby and the doors open, your skirt is pushed down and your blouse back on; He leaves the elevator on the bottom floor, not speaking a word to you.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/2805t3/ravishment_in_an_elevator

Categorized as Erotica


  1. Wow that was very good! I love the desire and passion and intense need of this story. Very well written.

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