[MF] Hard as Iron (Xpost /GoneWildAudio)

A story in which a bank robber takes advantage of a hostage.

Or is it the other way around?

As read by the author: http://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildaudio/comments/27xuc0/m_hard_as_iron/

The door from the lobby to the vault room flew open with a crash. Entering the room, Marco slammed it closed again with just as much fury. Ripping his mask off and throwing it aside, he began striding back and forth across the room as he cussed up a storm, "Those stupid motherfucking bastards! I can't fucking believe this shit! Those fucking idiots still think I'm some kind of moron after four days of this shit!"

Anne, seeing his anger, stood up from where she had been playing cards with the other hostages and went to the bars that surrounded the bank vault door, which stood open. Her dark skirt and heels, along with the pants, skirts and shoes of all of the hostages, had been taken away by Robby on the first day. 'For security' he had said, but she suspected the man had other motives, judging by the way he spends so much time staring at their feet. Her long, dark hair, which had been pinned up for the first two days of the ordeal, now hung in loose curls around her face and down her back. Her big brown eyes watched him in earnest, taking in his tall, wiry body. His sun-bleached mop of unruly hair, tanned skin, piercing blue eyes and the hints of tattoos peeking from his shirt sleeves and collar.

"Marco," She called quietly. He stopped and looked at her, as if noticing that he wasn't alone for the first time. He strode over to her, standing just inches from the bars, looking down at her.

"I'm sorry." He said to her quietly. "Fuc… Stupid cops are playing games again."

"What is it this time?" She asked as she gazed into his intense eyes. She could feel her nipples harden at his proximity. Since she was leaning against the bars, her breasts protruded between them, the bar between them causing her white satin blouse to conform tightly to her curves. Her nipples now making two tents in the taut material.

"They're saying they won't provide us with any more food unless I release a hostage. I told them, again, that the there's only two ways hostages are leaving here. With me or in a bag."

She reached through the bars with one hand to stroke the side of his face gently. "Those fools. You've not given in to any of their demands yet. Why do they think you'll start now?" Her fingers slide into his hair and then along his ear. "You'll come out on top here, you know that. Be strong Marco."

Unconsciously, she tilted her face up between the bars and her lips parted ever so slightly. He leaned forward to kiss her, the contact sending a bolt of arousal through her body. Her eyes closed and she stood up on her toes to press into his kiss. Her hand in his hair sliding down to his back to be joined by her other arm coming out of the cage to slide around his waist as she pulled him against the bars and her breasts.

Anne moaned softly as his hand clutched at her breast hungrily. His other hand slipping through the bars to grab her firm ass tightly, pulling her against the bars where his growing bulge pressed against her.

The passion of their kiss, even constrained by the bars, rose rapidly. Their hands caressing, exploring each other's bodies. The hard iron providing a sharp contrast to their bodies.

Mr. Barnaby, the rotund bank manager quietly stood up. Getting the attention of the other hostages in the cage diverted from the scene developing between the bars was not easy. Seeing the prim and professional Senior Load Officer for the district displaying such passion shocked them all. He signaled that they should move into the vault, out of view. If Anne could seduce Marco into unlocking the cage, they could rush the door while he was distracted. He admired her bravery in sacrificing her body so that the rest of them might escape.

Marco's hands moved up to grab the front of her blouse, but before he could tear it open, her hands closed on his wrists and she broke their kiss breathlessly. He raised an eyebrow at her, "No?" She laughed softly, "No." His brow furrowed and he opened his mouth to protest when she smiled up at him. "I'll need those buttons later." Letting go of his wrists, she quickly unbuttoned her blouse and shrugged out of it. He smiled back at her, "Of course. You've got me so fired up right now!" He slid his hands around to her back and deftly unhooked her bra. She took half a step backwards to slip out of it, dropping it on the floor on top of her blouse before stepping up against the bars again where his hands fondled her big breasts eagerly.

A moment later his lips were on her nipples. Sucking and licking at them. His mouth alternating between them as she moaned loudly at the way his tongue caressed her sensitive nipples. It had been too long since a man handled her that way. She dared not think about how much she missed being the focus of a hungry man's libido, his passion. But her body remembered and reacted to Marco's attention with wild abandon. Her hands clutched at his head as he sucked and bit at her breasts.

Her orgasm caught her by surprise as his hand pressed against her wet panties. She trembled as the wave of pleasure rolled over her and she gasped his name, "Ohhhh… Marco!" But he didn't relent. He bit her breast again. His hand slid inside of her panties to caress her clit and her swollen lips, wet with her juices. "Fuck me…" She gasped breathlessly. "Oh god, please fuck me Marco!"

After one last suckle on her engorged nipple, he stood up and took a step back, his eyes devouring her luscious body against the bars. He reached down to unbutton his fly and pull out his hard cock. She stood there for a moment, feeling her own tender breasts before opening her eyes to get her first look at his cock. She moaned at the sight of his magnificent tool, so hard and strong and ready for her.

She quickly turned around, pulling her panties down to fall to the floor at her feet. She grabbed her ass cheeks and pulled them open as she backed up against the bars, showing him how eager she was for his shaft to bury itself inside of her wetness. Her swollen lips open wide, inviting him inside of her.

Marco wasted no time in accepting her invitation. Stepping up to the bars, his throbbing cock found her pink hole and drove inside of her with one swift stroke, burying himself fully into her eager pussy! He groaned loudly and she shrieked with pleasure as he filled her in a way that she had never been filled before. He held himself still for a moment, just savoring the hot, tight grip of her body on his. The way she caressed the entire length of him all at once.

But then his desire took over. He pulled himself back, slowly, until just his head was inside of her. She whined at his withdrawal. Grabbing the bars of the cage for leverage, he thrust his cock back into her with a grunt, eliciting a pleasured squeal from Anne! Pulling back slowly again, he thrust into her hard. And again. A little faster this time. Then faster. Anne reached back to grab the bars by her legs to keep herself pressed firmly against the bars to get maximum penetration from him as he slammed his hard shaft into her over and over again.

The slapping of their bodies rang throughout the wood paneled room, mixing with his grunts and growls of animalistic fervor and her impassioned cries of pleasure as he fucked her eager pussy hard and fast, until they both cried out as his cock erupted deep inside of her!

The force of her orgasm caused Anne's knees to go week and her grip on the bars loosened. As Marco pulled his spent cock from her wet pussy, she slid to her knees, one hand clutching at her throbbing pussy as if to stem the flow of hot jizz from running down her legs. He leaned against the bars to catch his breath and smiled down at her.

She turned to look up at him, the after glow from her orgasm lighting her face. Seeing his flagging cock hanging so close, dripping cum, she pressed her face against the bars and opened her mouth. He slid his cock between her lips and she sucked him in eagerly, moaning at the taste of their juices on him. Only able to take half of him in, she ran her lips and tongue up and down the sides of his shaft to get every last drop that she could. Her hand between her own thighs rubbed eagerly at her dripping pussy as she sucked him, another orgasm making her shudder and moan around his cock.

Tucking his cock back into his pants and buttoning him up, she smiled up at him and said quietly, "When this is all over, take me with you Marco. Please."

He nodded, caressing her face before turning to head for the side door to discuss the cops' latest demands with the rest of the gang. Anne quickly dressed and resumed her seat at the card table as if nothing had happened.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/27ykkq/mf_hard_as_iron_xpost_gonewildaudio