Black Mail Merri

Making sure she wasn't followed, was part of the game. It wasn't like anyone knows, or if anyone did that they would even care, but Merri casually looked over her shoulder for the 7th time. Making sure she was not followed to the Library. The morning crowd of the quad didn't change. No one leaping behind light poles, or diving into trashcans to avoid direction. The humiliation that would destroy her if anyone knew what she had done, or what she was doing now. She laughed nervously. It was laugh or turn around and chicken out. If she chickened out she would run. And if she ran she would drop her gift. Nothing could be worse than if she broke it. Merri turned back and swallowed hard. Walking with renewed purpose, she never looked back.

Merri steps inside the library. She sucks in a short breath in through her teeth. The pervy janitor who control's the library's air conditioner keeps it set at just above "meat locker". Everyone knows this. Merri feels her confidence melt against the warm shame blossoming in her cheeks. She isn't wearing a bra. Her pale nipples begin to perk up. Then stiffening to the point of aching. They cut through the thin cotton of her shirt.

The Library isn't busy yet, but when she leaves the boys will be outside waiting. They know the edge of "acceptable behavior" and stay just inside. When it's time to leave she will feign confidence, and pretend to ignore them. Behind her sunglasses Merri will soak in their drooling stares. Headphones in and her iPod off, the boys won't know she's listening. They don't know. They could never know. How she burned with what they said, and how they laughed. How could she ever step foot on campus again if they knew they were what finally pushed her over the edge when her fingers go exploring tonight. This too was part of the game.

Merri walks all the way across the building to the covered walk out to the East Wing. The East Wing was her school kept the entire computer coding wing. The elevator seemed older than the building itself, it that was possible. The numbers descended to the lobby. Merri closes her eyes and squeezes her thighs together even tighter with a fresh wave of humiliation. This is it. If she could walk away If she would chicken out, no, if she could walk away. If she could just walk chicken out away.

If she could take one step chicken away from the door fucking pussy before the door opens. Get out now before that fucking bell can.


Pavlov's niece exhales in a shudder, her eyes still closed she takes a weak step forward and on to someone else's shoe. Merri's foot slides off a work boot. She reaches out and is caught by a pair of strong rough hands. Merri's eyes finally open, and it's Him looking back at her.

He is older. He was not one of the boys she was used to seeing here. She liked the "geeks". Intelligence was a huge turn on to her. None of the mouth breathers waiting for her walk of shame below would have ever been found on this side of the building.

He is strong. Not at all like the keyboard cowboys. If they weren't overweight a steady diet of Starbucks and Adderall left them perpetual adolescents. He was a man, when he grabbed her she was safe from falling. When was the last time she felt that save and so afraid. In His grip, she would later confess to herself, she could do nothing without His permission.

He sees me. When the boys did look, no, when the boys stared, or worse followed it raised the stakes, but at times had ruined the game. Then during Finals, when they sat inches away from the screen meticulous search for bugs in their lines of code, Merri walked a little slower. Bounced a little harder. Her skirt swayed a little higher. The boys, her coders, she never knew what she wanted from them. She wanted Him to look at her. She whimpered inwardly thinking of what she wanted Him to watch.

"Miss." He gives me that Merri that polite smile we save for strangers moves her callously out of his way and walks by as though He felt nothing. He felt nothing, and He walked away. The humiliation and abandonment were not apart of the game.

Defeated Merri stepped into the elevator and stared at the floor. Merri thought about Him all 5 floors. He had to work around school, somewhere. She had casually asked her girlfriends if they had seen him. While a few had none knew anything more about him than "intensity". Until now it had always been the mark of a good day to see Him. Even if it was only across he quad. Knowing He was out there, somewhere, was satisfying.

Finally in the lab, Merri's thought of nothing but delivering her gift. She held it more consciously now than ever before. She was past the point of no return. Far past caring whether or not the boys were watching her or not. Anyone could have followed, or not.

In the furthest corner of the Lab was an old HP desktop no one else bothered to use. Nearly every time Merri had to plug and unplug both the computer and the monitor before it finally kicked to life. One day the computer give up the ghost it was a chilling thought.

The harddrive coughed, whined, sputtered, and finally spun to life. It was at least booting up. It wasn't until the desktop popped up on the old CRT monitor, a cartoon profile her school's mascot, could Merri finally begin to finish her task. She navigated through a network of files within files. Another part of the "game" to run the labyrinth. It hadn't been here last week or the week before – a two week lesson of patience and diligence. Had she the file been there, and she had not looked…

Merri froze in place.


Humility, outrage, weakness and desire fought for control inside Merri. After three deep concentrating breaths, Merri sent the file to be printed. Not opening the file before printing is part of the game. She had miss understood the rules once, and failed to complete an assignment on time. Failure was no longer an option.

Merri was to remain at the computer and not get up to retrieve her assignment until it had completely finished printing. Dot Matrix printer. This part of the game was always the hardest. Someone would eventually come. Someone would see what she was printing. Someone could pick it up and know what she let herself be subjected to.

When it finally finished. Merri properly, quietly, pushed away from the desk. Mindful of her posture she walked to the printer tore it free from machine and returned to her seat. With three deep breaths, she was finally ready to finish playing the game.


What a good girl you've been. How long can you keep up the charade? You've been carrying my gift around with you. But I'm the only one who knows. I can see it. I can see it in the way you walk. Stairs seem….more interesting to you now. I'm still watching you. Im always watching you. I was behind you on the bus Tuesday. You were on Reddit, posting something in a masturbation sub. You almost caught me looking but I'm too smart for you.

I never got to see what you wrote and the mystery is just too delicious. Maybe you were wondering if it's ok to constantly masturbate in public. That you wear remote control panties, and you can't help yourself from going to the park, not to jog, not this time. You find a nice shady tree, bring up your kindle, set your panties on low while you read some filthy stories and admire the flesh parade that jogs past you.

Or do you jog with them, following a tight ass bouncing along the trail in front of you until you have to take a knee and ride out another orgasm, wondering if you'll finally be caught. Because we both know you want to be caught. Caught and punished for your inability to control yourself in public.


1 comment

  1. Maybe it was something more innocent. Maybe you had read about orgasm through nipple stimulation and you were looking for first hand advice. That you know to start out with open palms feeling your breasts sensually. Holding them. Squeezing them. Lifting them up to appreciate their weight and letting them drop back down. Feeling your nipples becoming swollen and more sensitive you take them in your hand and work them from back to front rolling them in your fingers. Focusing on how it makes your clit feel while you get wetter and wetter. Struggling not to give into yourself you keep your hands on your breasts and bring yourself to an toe curling orgasm. Was it……different? Does how you get off fill you with a warm and guilty shame? You’ve tried to stop. "This is the last time. No more." and but you know you can’t stop. Did you need to find others like you? Who play with hot wax and fuck their hairbrush handles in the dark. Or maybe you wanted to talk about toys. The ones you keep in your special little box, in its special hiding place. That box with your most special things. The ones you paid for in cash so could throw away the receipt. Is there a mask? Do you become a collared little kitty cat with a plug for a tail? You’re a talker, maybe something to shut you up. A bright red ball gag autographed by the impressions from your teeth? A bridle? You asked for help from men and women – so maybe it had nothing to do with you at all. Did you need advice on how to "masturbate" someone else? Did you go there looking for hand job advice? This one makes me chuckle because it’s so deliciously innocent. Considering what we both know you did. How can you make a video…of such exquisite nature…and then pretend to not know how to jack a cock? But you don’t need any advice on that at all do you? Maybe you were asking for advice on playing with another woman. Have I turned you off? Can you not trust men anymore and now seek the comfort of your own? This is infinitely more interesting, but I would think that you know what feels good, you have a pussy you’ve feigned no ignorance in its use. The best part of any mystery is when the truth is finally revealed. **Today’s Assignment:** Write your username and password on your panties. Place them and my gift inside your favorite book. You’ll find it on Shelf 35 3rd row. I want to find out for myself what you were asking. I hope it was worth my time or your next assignment will reflect my disappointment. **HOMEWORK** It’s time we address your greedy nature, Sharon. You greedily hold on to the truth of who you are and what you did to him. How long can you keep up the charade? This week your homework addresses your greedy nature. I want to know everything you want. Don’t be shy, Sharon. Before you leave this library you are going to find pen and paper and write down everything you want. Don’t play games, you know exactly what I mean. Tell me just what are your physical needs. You will write the list in order. Beginning with the light and innocent and ending with your most depraved desires. – I want to be held" – I want to be kissed" Obviously the end of the list is where I will be paying the closest attention. By now you should be well past where other girls would have stopped.This is where you write down what you *really* want. What you are scared to admit to yourself. If you aren’t having trouble putting it down on paper it doesn’t belong at the end and is a waste of my time. Wasting my time will be considered failure to comply. The first time she failed to complete an assignment – whoever it was took a juicy clip of *The Video* and uploaded it to the schools servers. Merri had been mortified, as though it were she herself on the video. She had played into this and failed "Sharon". The second time. He uploaded a clip of the tape – you can’t see much – but you can hear a name. Her name. "Sharon" over and over again. Now there was nothing Merri could do. She didn’t use "Reddit". The fuck is a "Reddit" anyways. Her Blackmailer hadn’t been following her at all. He had been following the real "Sharon". The one who didn’t have "His Gift" inside her. That reminded her. She taking a quick look on either side to make sure she was still alone. Meri walked over to Shelf 35. There on the 3rd row was her "favorite" book. A Hollowed out nondescript hardback that looked like it could belong anywhere in the library. She pulled the book out of the shelf and opened it. Inside the inside was hallowed and lined with velvet. A sharpie fell out. Whoever was blackmailing "Sharon" had a flair for the dramatics and really wanted that password. It was time to leave her blackmailer his gift. "Do or die" Merri thought to herself. "She ran through the motions in her head. A. Shorts and panties down. B. "Give him his gift" C. Shorts up. No one sees no one knows.". Taking deep breaths she pushed passed her fear and focused. She threw her shorts and her panties down in one shot stepping out of her shorts bending over to pick her panties. Someone close by coughs. Merri squeaks and a silver weighted ball falls out of her pussy and lands with a thud in shorts. "OH MY FUCKING GOD!" Merri screamed under her breath fighting to regain control of the situation. She grabs the ball and her panties. Still half bent she relaxes her vagina and the second balls slides loose into her waiting hand leaving her with a longing emptiness. With one hand balancing the balls, and panties Merri pulls her shorts up with the other. Merri stuffed everything in the book, and shoved the book back on the shelf. Merri looked back and forth over each shoulder wondering who coughed and what if anything they saw. She waited, to weak to move. Hearing only her heart beat. Time stretched agonizingly. No one called out. No one came over. No one knew. No one cared. So when she walked out from Shelf 35 and bumped back into "Him" again. He caught her again. She felt his strength, again. He went to move her out of his away. Before he could finish the sound she held on to him. "Sir."

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