No One Else Part III (mm)

Part I Part II

And just like that, everything which happened after was a blur. His memory could hardly put two pieces of the passion and primal need together, let alone the entire puzzle. All he knew was when he rolled over, there lay the only person he wanted. The only person he would ever want.

Lying there looking at the most beautiful man in the world, Sowen found himself absent-mindedly stroking Kyne's cheek, smiling all the while. When he realized he was doing it, he scooted closer, lowering that arm to wrap it around Kyne's waist. Bare skin on bare skin only made him want Kyne nearer, right up against him. Delicately, he pressed his lips to the other man's forehead. Pulling away enough to get a good look at that perfect man, Sowen smiled again. "I really do love you, you know," he said, sure the words were not necessary.

Kyne snuggled closer. Placing his head on Sowen's chest he replied, "I know," earning himself another light kiss on the cheek.

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No One Else Part II (mm)

Part I Part III

Having Kyne's lips pressed to his own was not new. What was new was Kyne initiating it. As close as the two men were, Kyne had always made it abundantly clear they were no more than friends. Really good friends, but friends nonetheless. More times than he could count, Sowen had made his feelings and intentions known to his friend. It simply was not possible to spend an extended amount of time with Kyne and not fall in love with him. Anyone who could manage it was a far stronger person than Sowen, but he regretted none of it. He had loved the man almost from the beginning. And as long as he could remember, Kyne had spent just as much time rejecting him.

His curiosity got the better of him. Reluctantly he pushed Kyne away, sitting up straighter and damning himself as he did so. Again he asked, "What are you doing?"

In response Sowen received short chuckle. "I believe I'm attempting to shove my tongue down your throat."

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Orbital Academy XIV [scifi][mf][Fdom][facial]

In space no one can hear you scream…in ecstasy.

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"Jackson, why'd you bring us to Pivot? What about Orbital Academy?" Preston reached across Missy and flicked the cruiser's autopilot off, beginning to manually pilot their cruiser in line with the other squadmates'.
"Rookie Preston, please cut the comm chatter, we wouldn't want to crowd Orbital Pivot's comm channels," Jackson's voice crackled into the small space. The message was clear; We're being listened to. I can either trust Jackson or come up with my own plan. Preston and Missy exchanged looks, and she nodded, her brown ringlets bouncing with the motion. Preston shrugged. He probably would've trusted Jackson on his own, but he trusted Missy at his core. Pulling up the fine-navigation controls, he prepared to land the craft.

No One Else (mm)

Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.

A light flashed from the phone sitting on the kitchen counter as it alerted its owner of an incoming text message. Puffing out one last cloud of smoke, Sowen squashed out the remainder of his cigarette on the balcony railing before flicking it into the street below. Bits of ash stuck around, greying up the railing. Not that it could be greyed up too much more than it already was. Years of extreme sun-exposure had dyed the once black iron. Maybe one day he would tire of seeing the dim color and have it replaced with concrete.

Any shade of orange or red which had painted the sky just a moment earlier had been blotted out as the velvet night returned. Even in the city it was impossible to run from the unnerving darkness of the western desert. The blistering sun would always give way to the luminescent moon, the shimmering stars who threatened to blink out of existence at the slightest breath. Night would always come. Something so inevitable offered only two possibilities: hide from the night, or embrace it.

Lonely man in a new city (MF)

Lexington, or Lex, didn’t know where his life was going, all he knew was he needed to get back to California one day. Life hasn’t been easy for him this past year with his fiancé of 8 years leaving him for one of his interns, his dad dying from a stroke at such a young age and moving away from his family to follow his dream job. But even the job wasn’t panning out the way he had hoped. From day one it was obvious that his boss had it out for him so to make a friend in the office was a huge help to take away from the stress of having his every move picked apart and analyzed. Hannah was a bright young face, always able to see the humor in every situation and it didn’t hurt when she joked about his sexual prowess and gave him that look that would even make a baker lose his cream filling. So, being miles from home and having only one real friend, it was obvious why he started to develop feelings for her.

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Football Players in the Locker Room [mm / 600 words]

The locker room was humid and hot from all of the hard bodies that had just departed. I was one of the only guys left over since Coach had been wanting to talk to me about my scholarship opportunities. I'd felt bitter about him wasting my time after practice, missing out on the buffet of tight, sweaty men in such close proximity to me.

I began taking off my padding, the only thing left on me being my jock strap. I always feel sexy when I wore it, my thick ass sticking out from the white straps that wrapped around it. Someone else noticed it on that day, too.

His hand snuck up the crack of my behind. I gasped, not having heard anyone even come in, and spun around to face my groper. Standing there was Don Partito, the new transfer student. He had exotic looks, and stated at a previous time that his family originated from Brazil. His hair was black and curly, and his body tanned and toned. My mouth salivated as I took in the sight of his freshly-washed hair and skin. He was completely naked, his long cock emerging from his genital hair. “What are you doing, Don?” I asked, taken aback.

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“Siri” An erotic novel


"Siri!" Siri heard her mother's scream calling her. She instinctively ran and hid behind the latrine. She'll never find me here among the flies, she thought. Just then her mother grabbed her from behind.

"Siri! What the hell are you doing back here? Your father is looking for you!"

Her mother yanked her arm so hard she thought it would dislocate her shoulder.

They went to the front of the old house. Her father was standing talking to a foreign man.

"Bring her over here!" her father shouted at them.

When they were standing in front of the two men, Siri could see that the foreign man was middle aged, wearing dark sunglasses and a wide brimmed hat.

"Take her clothes off!" her father yelled at his wife.

Her mother immediately ripped her dirty, tattered shirt and skirt off and threw them to the ground.

Siri was standing completely naked in front of the foreign man and her father, while her mother held her arms from behind. She tried to hide her tiny breasts with her hands, but her mother pulled her arms down violently.

Emilia’s hookup

Emilia did NOT hook up. She had never kissed anyone she hadn’t met weeks and weeks before, let alone taking them to bed. She repeated it in her head again.

And yet here she was, on her hands and knees on her bed in her small London apartment, with her hand reached back between her legs, guiding the end of his cock between her soft pussy lips.

Her Friday evening had started innocuously enough. She dashed home from her job in the City, pulled on some jeans and a comfy jumper, and headed a few hundred meters down the road to the pub where her friend Natasha was waiting outside.

"Hey babe, how are you doing!" Emilia exclaimed, squeezing her friend in a long hug.

"Good thanks, good! You won’t believe what Fernando did to me though" Natasha replied as they headed inside. And that’s how it began.

Two hours and several expensive hipster cocktails later, Natasha had just concluded listing all the “vapid bitches” her former boyfriend Fernando had slept with in the last weeks of their relationship. Emilia, meanwhile, had just finished fantasizing about Fernando and his mysterious Iberian eyes when her pussy-moistening thoughts came to an abrupt end with the arrival of a tall, dark-haired and slim man next to them at the bar. Natasha glanced at him, and raised her eyebrows. Emilia licked her lips.

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Sorrows Spell (MF) [Prologue]

The soft sound of her laughter had drawn him in, but it was the promises made by her chestnut eyes and supple mocha skin that had started their seductive game. For hours she had passed through the crowd, passing out drinks and food stuffs, avoiding wandering hands and dangerous eyes. Yet every time she came to his table she managed to linger, offering Draek a deeper smile then that which she gave to any other. He knew, in that way all men know, that tonight Caris would be his no matter how much she might resist the temptation. So when the hour had grown late and all but the dedicated had gone on to warm beds or empty hovels he had stayed, drinking ale just slightly darker then her eyes while he studied her figure and quietly praised whoever had given Caris birth. Finally she was free of her duties and with hands strengthened by work and play, he had drawn the barmaid up the narrow stairs and along the darkened hall to the room he had kept for such intimate moments.

"I shouldn't" she whispered as the door opened upon the darkened room, her busty figure pressing lightly to his side as Caris stared up into his emerald eyes and smiled softly.

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Orbital Academy XIII [scifi][mf][romance]

Look in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's the latest chapter of a scifi space opera!

New to Orbital Academy? Boy are you in luck! Check out the scifi smut from the beginning.

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Missy was surprised at how well she was holding up. During her first day at the Academy, on her first jog, she had collapsed in a heap after three minutes of steady running. Now here she was, on an uneven and dark jungle floor, and she'd been jogging for an hour. She wasn't even the most out of breath of her teammates; Aimee was huffing and puffing just ahead of her.
It's because of how resolved I am to save Preston and my squaddies, she thought valiantly, but in reality it was probably more due to the fact that Captain Appet had pushed her as hard as she did. It had only been five months, but Missy thought of herself as an entirely different person now. The type of person who would risk everything to save the people she cared about.