Sorrows Spell (MF) [Prologue]

The soft sound of her laughter had drawn him in, but it was the promises made by her chestnut eyes and supple mocha skin that had started their seductive game. For hours she had passed through the crowd, passing out drinks and food stuffs, avoiding wandering hands and dangerous eyes. Yet every time she came to his table she managed to linger, offering Draek a deeper smile then that which she gave to any other. He knew, in that way all men know, that tonight Caris would be his no matter how much she might resist the temptation. So when the hour had grown late and all but the dedicated had gone on to warm beds or empty hovels he had stayed, drinking ale just slightly darker then her eyes while he studied her figure and quietly praised whoever had given Caris birth. Finally she was free of her duties and with hands strengthened by work and play, he had drawn the barmaid up the narrow stairs and along the darkened hall to the room he had kept for such intimate moments.

"I shouldn't" she whispered as the door opened upon the darkened room, her busty figure pressing lightly to his side as Caris stared up into his emerald eyes and smiled softly.

"But you will" he whispered back, his husky voice making her shiver and press closer to him, her lips parting as he leaned into to offer and share another seductive kiss that melted away her resolve.

The door closed behind them before another word could pass their lips, her back pressed against the rough wood of the Inn's small guest rooms as he took her wrists in his hands and pinned them gently above her flowing auburn tresses. Again they kissed, so long and so slow that he felt Caris weaken at the knees while his fingertips glided down her forearms and over the swell of her ample breasts.

"You could run" he teased, the sudden spark of hungry desire in Caris's eyes encouraging him not to relent or offer more then the subtlest of hints that she was still free to refuse.

"Would you chase me?" came her breathless whisper as Draek leaned in and began to nibble along her throat, smiling as her head tilted back to offer and receive the playful nips of teeth and the sensual heat of each feather light kiss.

"Throughout the night" Draek replied, his fingers gliding down the center of her blouse while the simplest of spells freed each toggle from its constraint.

Her ample breasts spilled out into the bare light offered by the moon, the gentle glow enhancing Caris's beauty further as the blouse fell loosely to her sides and left bare her light brown skin. The simple skirt she wore still remained, it's hem falling low enough to cover half her thighs yet remaining high enough to offer so many possibilities. He left it on, choosing instead to slide his calloused hands beneath and tease her undergarments down as he knelt and slipped them from her feet.

As he knelt there, staring up at her beauty, he wondered if Caris realized that nothing was keeping her arms pinned above her but the girl's own submissive nature. The caress of one hand brought her leg up to rest over his shoulder as he leaned in, warm lips kissing along her thighs as a grateful whisper of desire spilled from Caris's lips. Closer and closer still, Draek teased his lips against her thighs while drifting towards the center then pressing a long kiss to her folds.

"Oh" she breathed heavily, her body shaking ever so gently as his tongue slipped out and lapped knowingly at her labia and clit. Each caress made Caris breathe deeper and whimper in the softest of ways, each soft kiss making her nipples tighten and her heart race as Draek began to delight her pussy with the masterful skill of tongue and teeth.

In moments her hands fell of their own accord, her fingers tangling in his hair while others traced the curve of her breast and nipple.

"Mmmmm" he growled, savoring the sweet taste of her sex as Caris grew hotter and hotter, emerald eyes locked on her body as she arched and writhed against him. Suckling upon her clit and capturing it between his teeth, rolling and flicking the little nub of pleasure slowly then rapidly then slowly again. It didn't take long for Caris to cum from his efforts, it never did, but still he lingered and teased, suckled and bit until her body was shaking with a desire she could no longer contain.

"Please" Caris finally whispered, her eyes darkened by need as she met his emerald gaze, her leg slowly lowering to find her footing as he stood up and stepped back.

Another simple trick, a gentle flow of magic inherent to his caste caused his simple clothes to drift away like smoke and leave him bare before her eyes. He wondered, if only briefly, what she thought of him now that he was nude and knew by Caris's smile that she was pleased by what she saw. His skin was lighter then hers by a few shades, his muscles hardened by training and work. His dark black hair was kept back in a flowing tail that hung between his shoulders, his body free of scars or disease but touched by ink that traced along his body and marked him as a sorcerer.

"Please what?" his husky voice teased as she stared at him in silence, forcing Caris to once more meet his eyes after drinking in the hardness of his body and the thickness of his cock.

"Please Master Saroes" Caris offered in a submissive tone, stepping away from the door and moving but a few feet before she knelt and teased her fingers up his thighs. Her first kiss against his abdomen was pleasing, the next even more so, and soon her lips had found something else to kiss and tease. Like him, Caris wasted little time in gratifying her own oral fixations, her tongue stroking around the swollen crown of his cock before parted lips slid gracefully down his shaft. When she had taken him as far as she could Draek took her chestnust tresses into his hands and forced his cock in further, leaving him to marvel at Caris's skill when she did not fight the pressure of his length sliding deeper.

"Mmmm" he growled in delight, moving her head back and forth, back and forth. As her deft fingers curled around the length and stroked him he let his grip on her hair weaken, let his fingers stroke her chin and draw Caris's eyes up to meet his own. From there she did all that she desired, sucking and licking him with wild abandon as his cock throbbed between her lips and glistened in the bare light of the moon.

"Not yet" he finally commanded, fingers once more tightening in her hair as he pulled Caris to her feet and guided the barmaid towards the bed. She crawled upon it willingly, eyes cast back to meet his own as he knelt behind her and lifted the meager fabric of her skirt to reveal her round ass and dripping sex.

That first thrust made them both cry out, partly from anticipation and partly from simple sensual delight. She moved against him in perfect rhythm, gripping his cock tight as she slid forward and he pulled back, then meeting his body once more with a rough slap of flesh that buried him to the hilt inside her.

"Goddess yes" she cried as they moved together, his shaft plunging within her pussy deeper, harder, faster. Soon all words became meaningless and only desire reigned. An orgasm overwhelmed her, her lips parting in a breathless cry as Draek gathered Caris's hair in his hand and pulled back, forcing her head to rise and her body to tighten upon his cock.

She rode him expertly and he gave to her all he could, then with a wicked smirk pulled free and guided the beauty onto her back. Once more he took her hands in his own and pinned them above her head, her legs wrapping tight around his waist as he buried himself inside her and thrust with urgent need.

Whether mere minutes had passed or long and pleasant hours he could not say, knowing only that with each passionate kiss and feral growl the pleasure still spiked and surged between them. Once more they shifted, her body laying upon it's side with him pressed tightly behind her, filling the tightest of Caris's holes with every rigid inch of flesh he had been blessed with. She bucked back against him and mewed, shivered and squeezed until his final thrusts of passion let spill his seed inside her. Then with a tried and sated smile curled against his side and slipped into that place of dreams.

He held Caris close, savoring the mixture of her warm skin and the teasing caress of the cool night air. She would rest, so would he, and in the morning he knew once more she would be taken and satisfied before both parted ways and went back to the lives they had led.

What he did not know, what few in the majestic city of the Elven King knew, was that somewhere in the darkness change was coming to shake the very foundations of the lives of all who slept on that long and peaceful night.



  1. Wow. Just wow. That was, without a doubt, one of the best pieces of erotica I have ever read. I also read [your other submission](, and it was also fantastic. I really hope we can expect to see more from you. Also consider submitting to /r/sexystories and /r/eroticliterature, other subs that may be interested in your work. I’d just like to offer you some help with your grammar, because it did slightly pull me out of the moment as I was reading it. You should check over for when you’ve used "then", but should have used "than". Then is for time things: he did this *then* that. It is also used in conditional cases: if you do this *then* that will happen. Than is used when comparing things. > offering Draek a deeper smile *than* that which she gave to any other or > His skin was lighter *than* hers by a few shades The other one was its vs. it’s. It’s should be used when it’s a contraction of "it is", and its is "belonging to it" > *its* hem falling low enough or > her body laying upon *its* side but > *it’s* a shame there were grammatical mistakes in this But seriously, sorry to nitpick, this is an absolutely fantastic work. The amount of attention you paid to describing the scene, and intimately describing the actions and thoughts of characters was all perfect. Too many writers skip over many of these details, and some put *too much* detail in. You seem to have worked out the balance perfectly. If this is the prologue, I can’t wait for the actual story!

  2. No need to apologize, I get so lost in what I am doing that I never notice those things. I admit I am not much of an editor, especially when my word count gets into the tens of thousands. Last time I checked I had half a dozen finished or nearly finished novels that I just gave up on because I didn’t want to go through the editing process. Thank you very much. +/u/dogetipbot all doge verify

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