“Siri” An erotic novel


"Siri!" Siri heard her mother's scream calling her. She instinctively ran and hid behind the latrine. She'll never find me here among the flies, she thought. Just then her mother grabbed her from behind.

"Siri! What the hell are you doing back here? Your father is looking for you!"

Her mother yanked her arm so hard she thought it would dislocate her shoulder.

They went to the front of the old house. Her father was standing talking to a foreign man.

"Bring her over here!" her father shouted at them.

When they were standing in front of the two men, Siri could see that the foreign man was middle aged, wearing dark sunglasses and a wide brimmed hat.

"Take her clothes off!" her father yelled at his wife.

Her mother immediately ripped her dirty, tattered shirt and skirt off and threw them to the ground.

Siri was standing completely naked in front of the foreign man and her father, while her mother held her arms from behind. She tried to hide her tiny breasts with her hands, but her mother pulled her arms down violently.

"Turn her around!" her father ordered.

Her mother immediately turned her daughter around so that her backside was exposed to the men.

The foreign man stood there expressionless, looking at Siri.

The two men finally began to speak to each other. The foreign man seemed to be able to speak some of their language, but with a heavy accent. Siri couldn't make out what they were discussing.

Finally the foreign man went to his car and came back with an envelope, and handed it to her father. Her father looked inside and his eyes widened with excitement. He showed the contents of the envelope to his wife. She let out a cry of glee.

"Take her to the car!" Siri tried to escape her mother’s grasp, but struggle as she might; she was slowly dragged closer to the stranger's car. They opened the passenger side door and threw her in. The foreign man got in on the driver's seat.

Siri looked at him terrified. He seemed to be somehow smiling under his opaque sunglasses.

He took a simple dress from his bag and handed it to her. She put it on, covering her nakedness. He reached over and fastened the seat belt around her, fastened his own seat belt, then started the car and drove away.

As they pulled away from her home, she could see her younger brother, Phong, standing under a desiccated tree, watching her slowly disappear forever.


The man stared expressionlessly at the road ahead of them. He turned the air conditioner up full blast, but it was no match for the midday sun. They drove through her small village and came to the intersection with the main road.

Siri made her plan in an instant. As the car slowed and then stopped to turn onto the highway, Siri opened her door and tried to escape. But the seat belt held her in the car. The foreign man shouted "Are you crazy?", and reached over to close the door. He locked it this time.

"Just calm down!" he shouted in her language.

They drove away down the long, straight highway. The heat from the asphalt was like an oven at this time of the day. Siri was shaking with terror.

The man offered her some water, but Siri refused it. The man drank it himself, placing the empty bottle in the trash bag.

They drove for several hours at a leisurely pace. Siri could no longer keep her eyes open. She nodded her head and fell fast asleep.

When she awoke, she was lying on a bed in a hotel room. The foreign man was sitting in a chair next to her. When the memories of the previous day's events came rushing back, she sat up in the bed and immediately made a wild dash for the door. The man was already there blocking her exit. He may as well have been a bronze statue.

"Calm down! Calm down!"

She lay back down on the bed and began to cry. After some minutes, the man brought another bottle of water. This time she could not refuse it; her throat was so parched that she could hardly swallow. The water was cold and delicious. Nothing like the well water they drank back home.

Back home. What about her little brother Phong? Who would look after him if she was gone? She had to somehow get back to save Phong from her crazy parents.

The man went into the bathroom and began to run the bath. When the tub was full, he gestured for her to come. She sat motionless. He gestured again. She still sat there motionless, staring coldly at him.

He walked over and tried to take her hand, but she drew away from him. Finally, he grabbed her wrist and with one motion, threw her over his shoulder and carried her into the bathroom. Siri screamed and kicked wildly.

He placed her gently in the warm water. She stopped screaming. Looking up into his face, which was quite close now, she could see that he was probably about 50 years old. Blond hair, large foreign nose, blue eyes. His eyes seemed somehow deep, like looking into a well.

She sat motionlessly in the water staring blankly up at him. He washed her entire body with soap, and proceeded to wash her hair with shampoo. The fragrance of the shampoo was something Siri had never experienced, concentrated flowers.

He then motioned for her to get out of the bath and wrapped her in a large, soft towel. He dried her hair and skin. He gave her the pretty little dress that he had given her in the car and combed her hair.

Just then door knocked! Siri's heart jumped out of her skin. As the man went to the door, Siri saw her chance. When he opened the door, Siri ran at full speed to the opening. But the man, obviously anticipating this, blocked her exit with a long extended leg.

Siri screamed at the top of her lungs. The man calmly took the tray of food from the bell boy, tipped him and closed the door. Siri sat dejected in the chair. Her chance was lost.

The man began to take the food from the tray and placed it on the table. The smell of the food filled the room. Siri didn't feel hungry, but the aroma was intoxicating.

He motioned for her to sit and eat. Siri just sat where she was, glaring at him with piercing eyes. So the man just shrugged his shoulders and began to eat at a leisurely pace.

When he was finally done, he offered her another bottle of water. She didn't refuse the water.

Siri began to feel herself becoming sleepy again. She didn't want to miss another chance to get out the door, but she couldn't hold her eyes open another second. She remembered nothing of the man putting her in the bed, pulling the covers over her, and turning down the lights.


When Siri awoke the man was already dressed and moving busily about the room.

"Ruse and shine, girl!"

Just then a knock came at the door. Siri knew that another dash at the door would be futile. The man kept an askance view on her anyway as he took the breakfast tray from the bellboy and sent him on his way

Siri suddenly realised that she had eaten no solid food for the past two days and counting, but her pride prevented her from sitting with the man and enjoying the meal. After the man had finished eating, he went into the bathroom to finish packing. Siri stared longingly at half the spanish omelette the man had left on the plate. Finally she could resist no longer. She stuffed the egg into her mouth and swallowed whole. Unknown to Siri, the man watched approvingly from the bathroom mirror.

The man gave her a pair of jeans, a sweatshirt, socks, sneakers, backpack and a baseball cap. The clothes were clean and fit her well. As Siri put the clothes on, she didn't even notice the absence of panties.

They walked out of the room, down an elevator, to the lobby, checked out, onto the busy sidewalk and hailed a taxi.

Siri's first real view of the great city was overwhelming. Although she had seen pictures of the city on the TV in her village back home, the scale of the place was beyond description. Everyone moved about with such calm efficiency. Buildings soared over her head like towering giants.

As they neared the international airport, Siri saw for the first time in her life giant birds with mechanical wings and roaring engines. She never imagined that she would fly aboard one herself.

The taxi let them off on the curb and they proceeded to the check in counter. The man checked one small suitcase, received their tickets and walked with Siri through security.

Next the man presented two passports to the immigration officer. The officer performed his duties and stamped the two passports with two loud bangs!

In the departure lobby they purchased more water and some snacks for Siri. As they waited for their flight, the man read a magazine while Siri gazed at the sights around them. They boarded and took their seats, Siri sitting by the window.

As the plane took off and climbed into the sky, Siri gazed down upon her countryside below her and wondered where Phong was down there.


Siri was captivated by the stewardesses. They were beautiful, friendly an intelligent. She fantasized for a moment herself wearing one of those stylish costumes, flying around the world.

The stewardesses served them a delicious dinner and brought the man a beer. Everyone on the plane seemed calm and friendly. Even the restrooms were clean and fragrant.

Siri gradually began to feel sleepy. The man made sure that her seat belt was kept lightly around her. When she awoke they were already making their final approach.

Siri could feel the excitement on the plane. They landed, debarked, collected their small bag. The man presented the same two passports to the customs agent who quickly stamped them and returning them to the man, said with a smile, "Welcome home, sir."

When they stepped from the terminal building, Siri felt for the first time in her life the biting cold of the Northern winter. A light snow was falling, turning the entire city into a giant nativity scene.

They took a taxi to the man's home. The man paid, collected the bag, and took an elevator to an upper floor. As they entered his room, he said "Welcome home, Siri!"

Having never been in the place, Siri wasn't sure what he meant by "home", but the idea of actually living here suddenly seemed not only possible, but entirely enjoyable.

The man ran a bath for her and again washed her naked body. Her young nipples stood erect as the man gently caressed them with warm water. Siri was overcome with the clean fragrance of the bathroom. It was far cleaner than any room in her old home, not to mention the filthy, unsanitary latrine.

Thinking about her former home made her think again of her brother Pong. But she resolved that there was nothing she could do for him for now.

The man gave her new pajamas and helped her to bed. As he held her gently in her arms, he heard her say, "Goodnight, Papa". But the accent, heavily on the final syllable, sounded almost Italian. "'Papa', that will do," thought the man as Siri quietly slept in his arms.

Siri awoke with shock. A small pool of blood had collected around her butt, soiling the new pajamas and bed sheets. "If Papa sees this, he'll beat me!" she thought. She remembered clearly how her father had hit her mercilessly for the same offense only one month prior.

Just then Papa awoke and seeing the little mess, only smiled knowingly. He sleepily removed her pajamas and told her to take a shower while he put the pajamas and sheets in the washing machine, added soap and pushed a button. He got a new pair of pajamas for Siri and put clean sheets on the bed.

When Siri was finished with her shower, he brought her a tampon and showed her how to insert it. She had never felt anything so soft and comfortable inside her vagina before. They lay together again in the warm bed and slept until late in the morning.

[to be continued]

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/1x23ue/siri_an_erotic_novel