Lonely man in a new city (MF)

Lexington, or Lex, didn’t know where his life was going, all he knew was he needed to get back to California one day. Life hasn’t been easy for him this past year with his fiancé of 8 years leaving him for one of his interns, his dad dying from a stroke at such a young age and moving away from his family to follow his dream job. But even the job wasn’t panning out the way he had hoped. From day one it was obvious that his boss had it out for him so to make a friend in the office was a huge help to take away from the stress of having his every move picked apart and analyzed. Hannah was a bright young face, always able to see the humor in every situation and it didn’t hurt when she joked about his sexual prowess and gave him that look that would even make a baker lose his cream filling. So, being miles from home and having only one real friend, it was obvious why he started to develop feelings for her.

One night after work he decided to bridge the gap and ask her out for drinks, she didn’t seem too anxious but it was plain to see on her face that she had been waiting for his invitation for quite some time. It was a casual date, joking about work and their childhood, parents and siblings, it was almost too good to be true for Lex. He had noticed her from the first day he stepped into the new job when she dropped some paperwork next to the copier. When she bent down to collect the papers, her blouse opened up just slightly to reveal a hint of her beautiful breasts but the moment was over as fast as it began. She looked up, smiled at him and walked away. So Lex did his best to be subtle but to “accidentally” run into her around the office. Now as the night progressed they lightly teased each other with slaps on the arm and winks from behind their drinks. But now it was getting late and last call was just behind them. To Lex’s surprise Hannah actually suggested they go back to her place, she had an apartment with a nice view and a new bottle of wine that she hadn’t opened yet. The sexual tension between them was palatable as they made their way across the crowded city and up to her 60th floor apartment. As the elevator rose to her floor he decided to go for it and try to kiss her but timing was never Lex’s strong suit and as he leaned in, the elevator doors opened and she walked out leaving him puckered up to thin air. But she looked back and with that same sly grin that she gave him on his first day at work, nudged her head towards her place. She playfully ran off towards the door as he gave chase and as they got there he reached her and wrapped his arms around her and held her close. She felt like a summers day, like when you’re laying on the beach with no cares in the world. He spun her around and gently pushed her against her door, he wasn’t going to miss this time. She looked up into his kiss and gave back the same emotion that he had for her. They stood there holding each other and seeing nothing but the other ones lips for what felt like hours but must have only been a minute before she pulled away and grabbed his hand and led him into the room. It was a very nice house, small entryway that led down into a nicely sized living room. Staring ahead was a glass window that was open from one wall to the other and you could see the New York skylights twinkle in the distance. As he was standing there enjoying the view, Hannah came back with two glasses of wine. He felt like just throwing the wine aside and taking her right there for all of New York to see but calmed himself down. This woman was amazing and if anything was to happen tonight, he wanted to enjoy more of her company first. So they sat and got comfortable on her couch as they danced around small talk for a few minutes before Hannah threw her leg over him and stared into his eyes and said “I’m not one of those quiet women that let something good pass by, if I want something then I take it”. Then she pulled his hair back and kissed his neck, slowly at first but then she eventually moved back to his lips and started grinding against his hard cock. She could feel it getting bigger as she slowly teased him with her tongue and hands. And as he kissed her back he started slowly unbuttoning her shirt and teasing her back and hips with his hands. Lex then stands up, carrying Hannah into her waiting bed and lays her down as he kisses her from her cheek, to collar bone, down to her hard pink nipples. She squirms and lets out a soft moan as each inch he moves down her body sends a line of electricity through her head and finger tips. She lifts her cute ass up as Lex slowly pulled down her pants and kisses his way up from her ankles to the inside of her thigh to her cute little button. Hannah arches her back as he pleases her and runs her fingers through his hair with each passing lick. He hears her breathing faster and as she starts to scream out he grabs her hips and pulls her towards anxious mouth. Lex moves up in the bed to lay right beside her and she looks down, somewhere along the way he took off his pants and she was surprised at how big he was. It was her turn to please him but he insisted on tasting her as well, so she threw her legs over his head and went to town on him. Hannah enjoyed this part of the game, feeling the man shift under her mouth and reading his body to know what he liked more. A few minutes go by and Lex picks her up and spins her around with his masculine arms and sets her on his lap. They are both out of breath and sweat has just started pouring down their faces. They smile and lean in and enjoy the passion that is so evident between them as they kiss. Hannah stands up ever so slightly and stares into Lex’s eyes as she grabs his hard cock and slides it gently inside her. Her gasp is so slight and sexy that they both just stop for a moment before she pushes him on his back and takes him just how she wants him. He looks up at her body, eyes closed and hands on his chest and lets her take command of him. This is new to him being with a dominating woman but he enjoys knowing that she knows what she is doing and doing it with such force and recklessness. He grabs her supple ass and flips her over and she giggles. This woman is sexy, funny and utterly adorable in every way. He pulls out and slowly slips back in, teasing her because he knows that she wants him to just pound her like a nail. Hannah can’t take it anymore, “Please take me, I want you to cum for me. I want you now!”. He stops teasing and just goes for it. Minutes pass with their legs wrapped and their faces pressed together, breathing heavily. She was breathing faster and faster, he was pulling her close and right when he felt her approaching climax he came and collapsed next to her. They laid there in the sweat and heat of their passion and just let the quietness of the night take them in. They must have fallen asleep because it was now morning and she was getting out of the shower. He laid up and was captivated by her beauty, it was a sight that he could quickly get used to. They had to get ready for work before they were late but the question was, could they keep their passion in their back pocket while they were at work or was this office romance going to get a little more exciting? 

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/1xbxyz/lonely_man_in_a_new_city_mf

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