No One Else Part III (mm)

Part I Part II

And just like that, everything which happened after was a blur. His memory could hardly put two pieces of the passion and primal need together, let alone the entire puzzle. All he knew was when he rolled over, there lay the only person he wanted. The only person he would ever want.

Lying there looking at the most beautiful man in the world, Sowen found himself absent-mindedly stroking Kyne's cheek, smiling all the while. When he realized he was doing it, he scooted closer, lowering that arm to wrap it around Kyne's waist. Bare skin on bare skin only made him want Kyne nearer, right up against him. Delicately, he pressed his lips to the other man's forehead. Pulling away enough to get a good look at that perfect man, Sowen smiled again. "I really do love you, you know," he said, sure the words were not necessary.

Kyne snuggled closer. Placing his head on Sowen's chest he replied, "I know," earning himself another light kiss on the cheek.

Silence passed between the two of them, grew until it was the only thing there, but it was not an uncomfortable silence. Sowen could have laid there forever in the silence, eyes closed, cuddled up next to his favorite person in the world. His only wish right then was that every day could end the same: with Kyne wrapped up in his arms. None of the awful things would ever matter again if he could have that one wish.

He felt the vibration from the man’s throat against his chest almost before he actually spoke. "Sowen?" Kyne broke the silence.

"Hmm?" Sowen replied, much too relaxed to form full sentences. He wanted to be that happy forever, but he also knew the silence had not been broken for anything but to talk. To have a real talk. About them. About what they were and what they were doing. Where they were going. None of those questions did he have an answer to.

A puff of air caressed his chest as Kyne heaved a sigh. He sat up, leaning on his elbow while still remaining on his side. “What are we doing?”

Sowen could not help but laugh at the question. It was obvious what they were doing. He knew what Kyne meant, and it was not a question he wanted to answer. He just wanted everything to stay the way they were right then and there, but life was never that easy. If they were going to do everything, they were going to have to do it right. That meant they had to talk, even if it was the last thing Sowen wanted to do.

"What does it matter?" he asked, smiling as sincerely as he ever had, lacing his fingers into Kyne’s while massaging that hand with his free one.

Another sigh preluded Kyne’s next words. "What if I don't want to do this anymore?" His eyes dropped, looking his hand and not at the man he spoke to.

Sowen moved his free hand to rest under Kyne’s chin, applying just enough pressure to make the man look at him. Without a moment of hesitation, he gave the first answer which popped into his head. "Then don't," he said with a simple shrug. Would Sowen like that? Not at all. It would crush him slightly if Kyne didn’t want to be his anymore, if he couldn’t handle it. All he had ever wanted was Kyne since the moment the two had spoken, but if he had to sacrifice the relationship to keep the friendship, it was the easiest decision he could have ever made. Some Kyne was better than no Kyne at all.

The look of bewilderment on Kyne’s face was laughable and adorable at the same time. Mostly adorable. "Really?" he said, but there was no knowing if had anything else to say, because Sowen cut him off with yet another kiss.

"Yes, really," Sowen said, wrapping his arms around Kyne and snuggling into his neck. The affection was returned when Kyne nuzzled back into Sowen, holding him close as if the many might float away should he let go.

The rest of the night would be consumed by the silence which came back with a vengeance. It devoured them as if they might be the only people left in the world. All there was to be heard was the breathing of the other coupled with the rhythmic beating of his heart. Nothing could have been more perfect for Sowen than just lying there, snuggled against his best friend.

((The End))
