The adventures of Luke – Part 1.

Luke stared at himself in the mirror, searching for any misplaced hairs that might have tried to make a bid for freedom during the evening. The wax he bought had obviously been worth paying the extra few dollars for, it looked perfect. He lifted his wrist to his mouth and gave it a quick lick, before smelling it to inspect the smell of his breath. He had learnt the technique from a Cosmopolitan magazine dating back to 2008 that he had found in the waiting room of a doctor's surgery. Perhaps they've discovered a new, more innovative technique since then, he mused. Unsatisfied, he reached for the tube of toothpaste and squirted a globule onto his finger, before plunging it into his mouth and gargling with water from the tap. He looked back into the mirror. "Why do you even bother?" he thought. "She'll fuck you anyway". He laughed to himself, and shaped his hair into the most ridiculous style he could fathom – a horn-like spike sticking out at a perpendicular angle to his forehead. He looked like a middle aged, slightly overweight unicorn. Only perhaps more mythical.

He made his way back through to the living room, where Jessica waited, looking hungrier then ever. She was at least half his age – he guessed 22, maybe 23. She was very small, no taller then 5"2, and skinny but for her huge tits. Her long, brown hair balanced on them, some locks playfully falling down her cleavage and out of sight. She wore a long, tight dress that came down to her ankles. It was ever so slightly translucent, meaning that Luke was able to note the perfect gap between her upper thighs when she passed in front of the living room lamp.

She would have to do. He was tired, and though some of the clubs were still open, he was satisfied with her for tonight. He sank down into the vacant sofa space next to her, upon which she immediately moved closer, placing a cautious hand on his thigh. Luke looked at her and smiled. She was already looking at him, at his eyes, then his lips, then his eyes, then his cock, only for a moment, then back to his eyes. She bit her glossed lip, trying to suppress her urges and adhere to first date conventions. Luke remained unphased by her obvious yearning, keen to ensure she was good enough. He looked at her more searchingly then he had done before – her perfect, slightly bronzed skin; her brown eyes, framed by long, mascara'd lashes. Yup, she'd definitely do. Without breaking eye contact, he took her hand, still clenched on his thigh, and moved it up his leg, until it wrapped itself around the outline of his cock. She gasped, glancing down, as though her other senses were suspicious of her touch. But it was that big. She began to bite her lip with more veracity, as her hand slowly made its way up and down the length of his cock, almost reluctant to unearth it from its clothing. Luke smiled to himself. He didn't have much in the way of looks, or personality for that matter. He had never felt the need to work too hard on his personality, what with getting women being as easy as it is for him. Some days he lamented his lack of genuine assets, but the lamentation was only short lived. One thing he did have, however, was a massive cock. And he loved nothing more then fucking petite, big breasted girls with it.

He sat back deeper into the sofa – a subtle, but clear gesture to her. She accepted his unspoken invitation, as he knew she would, and stood up, turned, and faced him. Without saying a word, she reached for the hem of her dress, and began to pull it up, maintaining her eye contact with him the whole time. It was only as she revealed her tight, shaven pussy that her eyes wandered, almost involuntarily, down towards the throbbing shape beneath his trousers. He stopped her just as she unveiled the black wire of her bra. "Leave it on", ordered Luke. "For now."

She smiled obligingly, and climbed onto his lap…
