Orbital Academy XIV [scifi][mf][Fdom][facial]

In space no one can hear you scream…in ecstasy.

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"Jackson, why'd you bring us to Pivot? What about Orbital Academy?" Preston reached across Missy and flicked the cruiser's autopilot off, beginning to manually pilot their cruiser in line with the other squadmates'.
"Rookie Preston, please cut the comm chatter, we wouldn't want to crowd Orbital Pivot's comm channels," Jackson's voice crackled into the small space. The message was clear; We're being listened to. I can either trust Jackson or come up with my own plan. Preston and Missy exchanged looks, and she nodded, her brown ringlets bouncing with the motion. Preston shrugged. He probably would've trusted Jackson on his own, but he trusted Missy at his core. Pulling up the fine-navigation controls, he prepared to land the craft.

It was odd to move the cruiser into an unfamiliar hangar bay. Orbital Pivot's hangar was much larger that Orbital Academy's, containing expanded bays to allow Pivot to supply ships to every Orbital in the orbit. Although it was easier for Preston to move the ship in, the smooth and practiced action was unsettling. It feels wrong somehow. The ship settled down behind Alex's heavy cruiser, and Preston did his checks of the gauges without thinking about it. It wasn't until the canopy swung upward that Preston realized how many people crowded the large hangar bay. The normal scrub teams were moving in to hook up fueling lines and coolant cells, but there were more small groups scattered throughout the hangar. Jackson was already climbing down from his cruiser at the front of the line of ships, and the largest of the groups were waiting for him. Preston helped Missy down and they walked forward to join their squadmate, just as the man in front of the group spoke.

"Good evening Rookies. I'm General Hunter, and I'm in charge of this orbital. I checked over the flight logs before I came down, and I wasn't informed of any ships scheduled to dock today." The General was tall and muscled, with salt-and-pepper hair in a short buzzcut. Despite his slightly suspicious tone, his stare seemed focused and attentive rather than aggressive. He's a military type, Preston decided, hoping Jackson had also picked up on the vibe, strict protocol, law and order type.
"We're unscheduled sir," Jackson answered for the group as Li, Aimee, Marcus and Alex joined them, "we've just returned from the surface. From a rescue mission, in fact, to retrieve our squaddies that were left behind on a planetary. We managed to save all but two." The General raised an eyebrow, while behind him two of his men immediately began typing into their screens.
"I haven't ever heard of a rescue mission being undertaken, much less successfully," he commented, holding out a hand, "nor was I aware Academy was sending rookies down to the surface these days." One of the men behind him placed his screen into the General's waiting hand, which he glanced at briefly before returning it, "I see the Planetary authorized, but not the rescue mission."
"It was…unauthorized," Jackson admitted, "but we have reason to believe there are members of Academy who didn't want us to live through the Planetary. That's also why we landed on Pivot rather than Academy"

The General looked back and forth between the faces of the squadmates, his face neutral. The silence stretched, and Preston noticed suddenly how many of the people around the General were carrying heavy assault rifles and non-lethal riot pistols. His view on the scene suddenly shifted. Fuck…we aren't a group of rookies facing a slap on the wrist here… we could be in as much trouble here as on the planetary. He took another, more specific headcount now, noting the composition of the group in front of them. Flanking General Hunter were his two henchmen with the screens, but the four men and women surrounding them were heavily armed and armored. Preston hadn't ever been in a situation where someone might view him as an adult threat, not just a mischievous child. His hands were at his sides, and he moved his thumb subtly to make sure the pistol Missy had given him was still stuck in the waistband of his loose pants.
"Why don't you keep your hand away from that weapon, son," the General said quietly, without turning his head, "it'll make this conversation a little easier I think." The guards with weapons shifted at his words, raising weapons carefully but quickly, and Preston put his hands up slowly.
"General," the man on Hunter's left handed him the screen, "it's General Auspus from Orbital Academy for you sir." Preston's stomach clenched.
"Yes," General Hunder murmured, "I thought he might want to talk to me."

"General Auspus," Hunter held the screen in front of his face with his left hand. Missy's fingers dug into Preston's arm as their General's calm voice came from the screen.
"Hello General Hunter. I understand some of my rookies landed in your hangar bay a few minutes ago."
"They certainly did Auspus, we have them in the brig right now," General Hunter fixed them with a stare as if challenging any of them to say a word, "anything I should know about them?"
"I'm glad you took that action. Keeping them isolated is certainly the best option to keep Orbital Pivot safe.They're quite a dangerous bunch."
"Are they now?" General Hunter's expression didn't change, but Preston noted with concern that his right hand moved casually to the butt of his pistol.
"We aren't quite sure what their end goal is, but we suspect they intend to form a rebellion against the Orbit." Preston ground his teeth at the smooth calm with which Auspus mangled the truth, "they dipped into the fog after they left, and we tracked their progress to Pivot, so whatever their story, it will involve the deception that they visited the planet."
"But that's a lie, of course?" General Hunter moved as he asked, his eyes sweeping across the group of rookies as he stepped in among them, "they came straight from Academy to Pivot?"
"Of course," Auspus' voice contained just the right amount of annoyance to sell the story. Out of the corner of his eye Preston saw Missy open her mouth, and he grabbed her hand and squeezed. She stayed silent, with a look of barely concealed rage on her face, as the General stopped directly in front of Preston.
"Hmm." General Hunter said noncommittally, and Preston had to force himself not to move as the aged man reached out and grabbed him by the arm. "You've given me a lot to think about General Auspus," General Hunter mused aloud, rubbing the material of Preston's shirt between calloused fingers.

The Terrans' prison clothes! Preston realized with a start, looking down at the rough and coarse clothes he was wearing, the Orbitals don't have material like this, and Auspus doesn't know the Terrans captured us!
Although General Hunter's expression never changed, his hand moved off of his sidearm as he made his way back to the front of the rookies, speaking into the screen.
"Aren't your rookie squads usually made up of nine rookies and a Captain? There are only four rookies here."
Preston glanced at his squadmates. Missy and I, Jackson, Alex, Marcus, Li, Aimee… he counted before the realization hit him, it's a test. He's only counting the ones in Academy flightsuits…the ones Auspus knows made it.
"Yes General Hunter, that's correct," Auspus didn't hesitate for a moment, "their Captain wasn't involved in their little rebellion, thankfully, and we were able to safely capture the remaining five of their group before they took off. They're safely detained here in Academy."
"I'm glad to hear it," a hint of expression had finally appeared on General Hunter's face as he surveyed the seven squaddies, an unforgiving hardness. Preston found it encouraging.
"When will you be able to ship them back to the Academy for processing?" Auspus' question was casual.
"I'll have to square things away here first," General Hunter answered noncommittally, "but I'll get back to you." He closed the screen and passed it back to his henchman.
"So…" the General seemed to be mulling things over in his head, "I'm assuming when you said "someone in power, you were referring to your captain and your general?"
"Just the General, sir," Jackson replied, "I'm pretty sure the Captain wasn't involved."
"Well now, isn't this problematic?" The General ran a hand through the stubble on his head and blew out a breath. "If I'm following the letter of the Orbit's law I'd ship you all back in a containment cell before the end of the day." Preston felt the urge to reach for his gun again, but he restrained himself. Shooting people won't help our case.

Continue Reading…

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/1xilhq/orbital_academy_xiv_scifimffdomfacial


  1. Aw I’m really glad you like it! It means a lot to me when people connect with the characters and world as well as enjoy the *ahem* "assets" :)

  2. Lets start with the negative feedback to get that out of the way… (mild spoilers of course) First Preston wears prisoner clothes, later he’s taking off his flightsuit? Preston moans at the ceiling while he can’t look away from his girlfriend? He is growing hard slowly and next line he’s orgasms? Now to the points I’m unsure of. Preston grew up in Pivot, but he doesn’t recognize the general nor the hangar bay beforehand? It might have been cool to have him remember about them (but from other POV). His heritage is a weird "plot twist". At the end the 3 of them aren’t as quick with understanding what the device is for as… Jackson would have been?… It’s only slightly annoying and it results in missy naked and with awesome hair so that’s fair in the end. Anyways, as a whole it’s amazing, as always. Missy is even more my dreamgirl, Hunter is a cool new character, Pivot is cool, low tension after last one is cool. I love you and your work, but you know that :D

  3. Wow! The editing for this week’s chapter was really rushed and haphazard, but I had no idea I’d missed this much! Thanks for catching all of that, and I’ll be sure to make another editing pass as soon as I’m able to fix those issues! I’m glad that even with glaring errors you were able to enjoy it…I’m so embarrassed!

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