Taken By The Gods (Sci-Fi/Deity Erotica) [mf]

Hello everyone! I just released my new book and wanted to share one of my favourite parts of it with you. It's one that I'm particularly proud of, and would love to hear what you fine Redditors thought!

I moved to the back of the ship, for the first time in days, and looked out our back window. The edge of our own Universe appeared like some black fluid that sat, self-contained in a giant wall, floating in an endless sea of white. It was like staring through the glass at Sea World and watching the oblivious fish swim around aimlessly.

The enormous creatures would walk up to our black mass of a universe and stare in, before turning around and walking away into the infinite whiteness. Their bodies were like giant plumes of smoke, ranging over an impossibly large spectrum of colours. They were strangely humanoid but also completely physically non-existent. They completely defied every law of science in their mythical existence.

I sat in my room, documenting everything. My eyes became heavy, having not slept since we had encountered the beasts. I was becoming worried about Michael, who hadn’t left his bedroom window in three days, even to eat.

Orbital Academy XI

The next chapter of your favorite smutty scifi space opera!

New to Orbital Academy? Get some spacey sauciness from the beginning.
Want to get straight to the dirty business? Jump right in.

Inside of Jackson's head, a small reminder alert pinged, and he took a breath. The ping was vaguely musical, and for the nanosecond it lasted Jackson enjoyed and appreciated the fact that he had a snapshot of music that only he could enjoy. The breath ended and he returned his focus to the problem at hand.

Very occasionally Jackson would wonder what it would be like to have a normal human brain. He would probably be lazy, perhaps absentminded, maybe talkative. Perhaps he might've even had a say in how his personality developed. His mother had taken that choice away from him with her extensive use of cocaine and critz and alcohol. When he was born his mind was so malformed there were only two options; augmentation or no augmentation. Without a CPU he would be a ward of Orbital Minera, his brain running a single function where a normal human could handle several, barely classifiable as alive much less intelligent. So really, the social worker hadn't had a choice either, giving the techs and medics permission to use him as a test case for their latest augmentations.

Wanna fall in love?

Your back pressed firm…. ….upon the wall….. …………………me…. Pressed firm upon you, as I take your sacred hands into my own.. The warmth across the…. ……………………………..nape of your slender neck….. ……….as I whisper "I love you… ……………………………………….I love you… …………………………………………………….I love you" Fluidly down your ear canal, where there is a sudden burst of pheromones deep… ……..inside…… ………….your…… …..brain….. And, slowly as these toxic scents waft up my nose, my lips land with utmost urgency atop yours… A lovers… …………first….. ………………embrace….. …………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………. ………………………………………… ……………………………. …………………. ……….. …………….. And…. ….as ou.r… ………l.i.p.s…. part, I place delicately that gentle hand on my crotch.. "Damn baby girl…. I love the way you make my…… ………………………………………d… ……………………………………..i….. ……………………………………c…… …………………………………..k……. ……………………………Hang"

Intricate B

My page.. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Poet-Intricate-B/152062208329721

Categorized as Erotica

Bigfoot [m/f][bf/f]

I quietly slid my hand across the seat towards Frankie’s lap. Howard was busy driving and his girlfriend, Mandy was fast asleep in the passenger seat. Frankie looked over at me and I put my finger to my lips, motioning him to be quiet.

Frankie looked over at Howard, making sure that he wasn’t watching. I carefully moved my hand across his lap and onto his crotch, feeling his big cock through his pants. I began to rub gently. Frankie looked up at me again, and I smiled.

“We’re entering Bigfoot territory now,” Howard said quietly, not taking his eyes off of the road and making sure to not wake up his girlfriend.

I continued to rub my boyfriend’s dick, feeling it getting long and hard in my hand.

“Yeah?” Frankie forced himself to ask as my fingers massaged his throbbing member.

“Yeah, we should be there in about fifteen minutes, I’d say,” Howard said.

Frankie put his hand on top of mine and applied some extra pressure to his pleasure.

“Just over there is where the famous Patterson photo was taken,” Howard said, “About a mile through those trees is that big clearing from the photos.”

Storm Nymph [mf] [Kinky]

The rolling thunder seemed to vibrate all over her skin as Nela danced in the summer rain. The night that seemed to hang all around her like some sheer piece of lingerie only made her feel hotter, made the rain that was even now pouring between her breasts and down over the curve of her ass feel like a lovers slow caress. No one could hear the music but her, and that was all she thought she wanted that night, the sensual feel of the storm and its power exciting her. When the lightning broke the sky above and the rain poured even harder Nela thought it could not get any better, until a pair of strong arms curled around her body. One instantly grabbed her bare breast and squeezed tight, the other pressing a firm hand to her lips as a body as nude as her own pressed against her rain-slick buttocks.

Categorized as Erotica

Orbital Academy X

The latest in the sexy space opera!

New to Orbital Academy? Sate your desire for scifi sexiness from the beginning.
Want to get straight to the dirty business? Jump right in.

"We can't leave them Captain, please, we can't leave them behind!"
Jane didn't trust herself to respond to Missy's pleading. She continued her task, working calculations to determine the planet's rotation since they'd landed. Jackson sat next to her, doing similar calculations to determine the vectors of the orbitals around the planet. The work was going slowly since the rest of the ground team was refusing to help.
"You know that Missy is right Captain," Aimee backed up her friend, "if the positions were reversed, the others would come for us."
"They probably would," Jane's voice was hoarse, but it didn't waver, "because I'm not there to stop them. I'm with you, and later you'll realize that keeping you from rushing off is saving your life."
"Captain," Missy's voice was steady too, Jane noted with a touch of surprise, "I will knowingly risk my life if there's even the slightest chance of-"
"There isn't the slightest chance," Jane cut her off, flicking the switch to prepare the pod. The open walls around them slowly closed, switching from an open command center to an airtight spaceworthy craft. "The chance of rescue is zero, Missy. I know you don't want to hear that, and believe me, I know how much it hurts, but they're gone. They're done."
"Their beacons still show up on scanners. They're not dead."

Dana: Thing of Beauty [MF, student/teacher]

Happy new year!

Here's another story I wanted to share with you. It's a student/teacher first-time tale:

Dana: Thing of Beauty

Dear Allison,

I promised you that I’d write the story of my first time with Dana, my teacher and first lover. Never let it be said that I didn’t keep my promises. But I have to tell you: writing this, it’s had me as nervous as the virgin I was back then. Palms sweaty, shivering. The only thing that’s kept me going is remembering your face when you asked me to write this for you — how could anyone ever deny that face anything? But because of that face, I couldn’t write it to you; when I tried to think about you as I wrote, it became much less about what happened then, what I experienced then, and much more about what I have experienced with you.

It’s funny: I’ve written my whole life, but I’ve never in my life written a sex scene. This was the hardest thing I’ve ever tried to write. It was too easy to make everything sound ridiculous, or to turn myself into way more of a smooth operator than I ever was.

[MF] | “Cool Down” | Part 2

Part 1 Again, sorry about the lack of formatting.

I stood up from the bed and rummaged once again through my suitcase. I needed my pyjamas and toiletries, I was going to have a shower after that session. I changed back into my clothes and made my way to the girl’s bathroom the receptionist pointed out on the map. Down the stairs, down the hallway, up some stairs and to the left. It wasn’t that far of a walk, but I could see how this might be a bit of an inconvenience. I opened the bathroom door and heard the showers running. Looked to be three shower stalls, and all of them were in use. Perfect. I stood for a moment, wondering if I could pull off being covered in my own wet for the rest of the day, and decided that just was not going to happen. If I met up with the handsome stranger again, I’d at east want to smell nice. So I made my way out of the bathroom and did something I was not sure I’d ever do. I walk to the boy’s bathroom. Low and behold only one shower was running. I made my way to the stall at the end and placed my clothes and towels on the nearest bench. It wasn’t so bad in here, at least it was clean. I looked over to the used stall and could just make out a male figure through the silhouette.

Categorized as Erotica

[MF] | “Cool Down” | Part 1

First piece I've written out and shared, hope you enjoy! Sorry about the lack of formatting, I'm unsure of how to make a new paragraph for the conversations)

Eight in the morning, move in day. I don't think there has been anything more stressful in my life so far. People everywhere, boxes and boxes piled up higher than I could even reach. It's going to be a long day. Holding my checklist and sign in papers in one hand, and my luggage in the other I made my way to the university reception. It took about an hour to be seen and even then there were disruptions, some students had already lost their dorm room keys, and my stress levels were rising at a pretty even rate. I tried to stay cool, calm and collected as the flustered receptionist dealt with my papers and assigned my dorm room. “Oh no,” she let out a sigh, “there seems to be a bit of a problem.” “What’s happened?” I asked, as If anything could make me more uptight. She looked up at me through her glasses, “Well it seems you checked your gender as male when you were filling out your dorm application,” she gazed at me top from bottom. Stopping when she came to my small, yet perky breasts hidden beneath my t-shirt, she continued, “and the computer has assigned you a room in the boy’s tower. I’ll do my best to correct the situation, would you mind taking a seat?” “You’ve got to be kidding me; do you know how long it will take? I asked, desperate to sit, but even more so to be sorted in a room. “I really am sorry, but this could take a couple minutes.” She replied and pointed to the back of the small, cramped room, “the seats are over there.” I let out a long sigh and grabbed my luggage and made my way to the only available chair in the row. I should have come earlier.

Categorized as Erotica