Dendrophilia Excitement! [mf], [mtree], [ftree], [stick-y]

This is a portion from my ebook "Dendrophilia Excitement," available at I hope you enjoy it!

“My feet are hurting Bobby, do you want to stop and take a break here in the clearing?” “Oh, sure.” Bobby said. “Great! Let’s go sit over her by this log.” They sat down in silence. Bobby was embarrassed, and failing to find something to talk about. Leslina trusted him, and was a little bit turned on by his peeping. She looked at him. He was a good looking boy, muscular from working in the blacksmith’s shop. She wondered what he would look like naked. She remembered back to when she was a little girl, before she had moved into that village as a young teenager. Her grandmother had always kept her busy with the business, and she hadn’t had time to do anything else other than go to school, but before moving there she’d had lots more time. She remembered a game she used to play as a child, with the boys in the neighborhood. I’ll show you mine, if you show me yours. She had learned a lot from games like that, and she’d even had a boyfriend before moving to the village. She’d learned a lot more from him… She wondered if Bobby had ever played that game when he was a boy. The thought turned her on. She decided to ask if he wanted to play. Before she could ask though, Bobby stood up. He had been thinking too. He wondered how Leslina, this innocent beautiful young woman, would think about him now. He also thought a lot about his father, and what he would always say before the family would go away on trips. Go before we go, I don’t want to stop. Bobby wished he had remembered that before he had wandered away into the woods, because there weren’t many really well covered places around the clearing it seemed. However, he had to do what he had to do, and he had to do it soon. “Uh, I’ll be back in a minute.” He said to Leslina. “Where are you going?” “Well, I have to go uh…” he tried to think of a polite word for it. Leslina giggled a little like a school girl. “Do you have to go pee pee?” She asked. Bobby blushed, and said “Yeah I guess so.” “Well you’d better go!” Bobby nodded, and started off. In his head he fantasized about her wanting to come and watch, so that he could show off how large he was. She’d be impressed, and a little bit scared, but she’d want it he thought. Leslina also thought about it. She wanted to see his cock. She hoped that he had a big one, and she thought about maybe seducing him in this very clearing later. The thought turned her on, and she put her hand down there, and applied a little light pressure. She thought about Bobby as she made slow circles with her hand, and she groaned quietly. Behind her, she thought she heard someone else groan. She quickly looked back, but no one was there. Just the trees. She could see Bobby moving away from her, trying to find a discreet place to pee. She went back to what she was doing. She wasn’t wearing anything beneath her dress, because she had hoped that morning to find a place in the woods to masturbate. Now, she had the hope of something better than that. She giggled quietly, and rubbed a little harder. Beneath her dress, she felt something soft. It startled her. She moved her legs away really fast, and realized that it was just a tall blade of grass, with a tuft on the end. It had tickled her. Oh, she thought, nothing bad. She moved her legs back to here they were, and let the blade of grass between her legs. Maybe I can get it to tickle me in all the right spots, she thought with a naughty grin. In the forest, Bobby had finally found a discreet spot to pee. He let out his pecker, and released. It felt so great. He groaned, and thought he heard a low groaning too. He stopped peeing and looked around quickly, to see who was there. Nobody was there, so he continued doing his business. The tuft was tickling Leslina deliciously. She bit her lip as it moved across her labia softly, touching the skin so gently, while her hand moved her clitoris through her dress fabric. She closed her eyes, and her mind wandered to a fantasy of Bobby touching her there. He’d tease her, and then he’d start to lick her, before chowing down to taste all of her, finally winding her up to an intense orgasm. She opened her eyes, and realized that something was different. She stopped touching herself, and moved her legs away from that spot. Looking down, she noticed that there were now three blades of grass instead of one! Bobby finished up, and zipped up his blacksmith’s pants. He turned to go back to the clearing, and heard another groan. This time though, it didn’t sound like a person, it sounded like a heavy tree moving in the wind. Only, it wasn’t windy. Then, behind him a twig snapped. Bobby whipped around, and was struck in the head by a heavy branch from the tree he’d just peed on. He fell backwards, and unconscious. I wonder where they came from. Leslina asked herself. The blades of grass moved back and forth, as they would in the wind, but there was no wind. Leslina gasped, as she remembered her grandmother’s words from that morning, that a wizard could enchant the forest. I wonder if this grass, and these woods, are alive! The thought scared her. Then she thought about what had just happened, these grassy tufts had just been tickling her pussy! “The woods might be alive, and they might be horny!” she said aloud quietly. As she did, there was a rustle behind her. She looked back fast, to see the branches of the trees reaching towards her! She started to scream, but it was muffled by a face full of leafs. Vines from the trees wound their way over her wrists, quickly binding her. She panicked, but she heard a soft “shh…” come from behind her. She couldn’t see who had shushed her, but she stopped thrashing. The vines were not hurting her, only holding her. The leafy branch moved away. She looked around her, and watched as several trees moved through the dirt to surround her. Bobby woke up, his head a little sore. He started to walk back to the clearing, but the forest seemed a little different. He couldn’t put his finger on what it was. Leslina watched as the grass beneath her grew up before her very eyes. Their long tufty ends pushed found their way to her legs, and started to tickle her legs. She kicked a little, more from being tickled than from fear, and some vines quickly whipped towards her and grabbed her ankles, holding her legs apart. She made a quick startled noise. Bobby heard it, and wondered if she was in trouble. Perhaps there was someone else here, someone who had just hit him on the head, and now they were hurting Leslina! He started to run towards the clearing. He thought he could see Leslina up ahead of him, surrounded by trees. She seemed to be tied up! He doubled his pace, but then something seemed to grab each of his limbs and he was stopped in his tracks. A leafy branch muffled his cries, and he realized that he was being held by vines. Surrounded by trees, and spread out on the ground, Leslina watched as the grassy tufts started to tickle her legs again. She giggled as they moved further up her legs, from her feet to her calves to her thighs. There were five tufts that started to move across her inner thighs, but they would have been blocked by her dress lying across her legs. They dipped down underneath the dress, and continued slowly tickling her skin. It excited her to watch them move up her thighs, and it excited her even more when a thick tree branch moved down and scooped up the end of her dress, moving it up. She felt as behind her some vines were unbuttoning her dress. Held fast by the trees, Bobby watched the scene unfold before him. He couldn’t move, and he couldn’t make any sounds. But when he realized that the trees were about to undress Leslina, his heart really started pounding! His anger was mixing with lust, and he didn’t know what to think. His cock started to ache inside his pants. He looked down at the ground to see a small willow tree swaying and moving through the ground towards him. Something about its movements was suggestive… and his cock twitched a little more. The vines and branches lifted Leslina up off the ground a little, and suddenly her dress was pulled up and over her head quickly. The branches laid it on the ground neatly next to her, and she was fully naked. She laughed a little, but her laugh was stopped by a small moan when the grasses found their way to the last inch of her thighs. There were more vines now, and they were climbing up the small willow tree, and then they reached out across the empty air between her and Bobby. They found him, and then they started crawling over him finding all the buttons on this clothes, and undoing them. Bobby was shocked! The forest wanted him naked! His clothes fell off his body, and the willow tree shuddered when his cock was exposed. It slowly moved up towards him a little more. Bobby’s cock twitched as it began to stand at full attention, a little drop of precum gently oozing out. His fear mingled with excitement. The grasses teased Leslina longer on the last inches of her thighs than they had anywhere else. Above her some soft vines descended to her shoulders, and slowly found their way down her exposed chest to her heaving breasts. The vines pulled Bobby up further into the air, and he could see above the willow tree. He could see Leslina’s naked body. Any fear he had was immediately replaced by lust. His attention was focused on looking at every inch of her skin he could see. Her breasts heaved up and down, and he watched as the vines found their way down and started to tickle her nipples with their leaves. “Oooh!” he heard her say. She quivered, and he did too, as one of the vines covering his body began to snake its way down his chest towards his cock. He looked down, another vine was coiling its way up one of his legs. They would both meet at the same time at his genitals. Slowly the vine on his chest found the base of his cock, and coiled its away around his cock, moving towards the head. At the same time, the leaves on the other vine found and started to tickle his balls. He tried to arch his back and he held his head back, gasping in pleasure. For even more stick-y excitement, you can download the rest of the story at
