Taken By The Gods (Sci-Fi/Deity Erotica) [mf]

Hello everyone! I just released my new book and wanted to share one of my favourite parts of it with you. It's one that I'm particularly proud of, and would love to hear what you fine Redditors thought!

I moved to the back of the ship, for the first time in days, and looked out our back window. The edge of our own Universe appeared like some black fluid that sat, self-contained in a giant wall, floating in an endless sea of white. It was like staring through the glass at Sea World and watching the oblivious fish swim around aimlessly.

The enormous creatures would walk up to our black mass of a universe and stare in, before turning around and walking away into the infinite whiteness. Their bodies were like giant plumes of smoke, ranging over an impossibly large spectrum of colours. They were strangely humanoid but also completely physically non-existent. They completely defied every law of science in their mythical existence.

I sat in my room, documenting everything. My eyes became heavy, having not slept since we had encountered the beasts. I was becoming worried about Michael, who hadn’t left his bedroom window in three days, even to eat.

When we would return to Earth, we would have no video evidence of what we saw. The heavenly creatures didn’t exist in any footage because their light spectrum was on a different frequency than any camera couldn’t possibly capture. I reviewed S.I.R.I.’s video files and she was correct; all she could see was an endless stretch of darkness, as if we’d never left the Alhena system. Looking at the footage was like looking into a different dimension. I was looking at something that was there in front of me, but what I could see was entirely different.

“Jamie,” Michael’s voice said, startling me.

I looked up and he was standing in my doorway.

“Michael, you scared me.”

“You’re working far too hard. You must take a rest.”

Michael’s voice was uncharacteristically calm and soothing. He stood up perfectly straight and seemed to have a strange glow about him.

“I’m okay. I’m going to try and finish this initial report.”

“Please, take a rest. You need to conserve your energy.”

“Michael, are you okay?”

He smiled and began to walk towards me gently. The way he walked was also uncharacteristic. It was almost as though his legs moved in a walking motion as he floated towards me.


He sat down next to me and placed his hand on my thigh. It felt incredibly soft and warm, almost like cashmere. His touch sent shocks of energy though my entire body, though my spine and down into my tight little pussy.

“You’re only going to see this once, Jamie. Why not take it in? Do your report on the trip back.”

“I—I don’t know,” I stuttered.

He carefully slid his soft fingertips up my thigh, sending more electrical shockwaves through my body. A brief euphoric wave flowed through my vagina and I let out a small moan, before cutting myself off.

“Michael?” I asked again.

“I am not Michael,” he replied, smiling at me.

His hand continued to move up my thigh and the pulses of jubilation continued to become stronger in my quivering slit. All of my instinct told me I should be scared, but instead I became calmer and more relaxed than I’d ever been before.

“Who are you?” I asked.

Michael responded with a gentle smile as his hand slid up my shorts and onto my pussy. Uncontrollably, I threw my head back in ecstasy. Another warm flow of elation swept across my whole body and Michael began to lower me down onto my bed.

I reached up and gently placed my hand on his face. It felt warm as energy flowed out of him and down through my fingertips. I closed my eyes for a moment as my hot trembling pussy released a trickle of warm juice. As I opened my eyes, both of our clothes were off of our bodies. Michael’s thick, strong muscles bulged out and glowed brightly with the godly energy inside of him and his long throbbing cock stood, erect and tall against his abdomen. He gently stroked my chest, starting from my neck, running across my soft breasts and down to my pussy where he began to massage my clit.

The energetic pulses continued to intensify. Colourful light began to stream out of his fingertips and it danced around the surface of my vagina, tickling my clit and stroking my labia. I surrendered all control of my body to my state of absolute pleasure.

Leaning in, Michael locked his lips with mine and I could feel the colourful energy stream through my body from his mouth. The smoky spirit on my pussy began to slide inside of me, penetrating my body deeply. I let out a loud cry as it stimulated my entire vagina. My pussy began to flutter and pulsate as a tiny stream of warm fluid began to consistently pour out. I was feeling pleasure unlike any I’d ever felt before.

I tried to reach my arms out to grab onto something, but there was nothing to grab. Michael pulled himself over top of me and lined his long slick cock up with my dripping wet slit and pushed it in. He began to penetrate me over and over as our bodies became entangled in the warm, bright energy of the gods. I was cumming. I had been cumming since the godliness first penetrated my wet pussy and I couldn’t stop cumming. The tickling sensation continued on my clit and the stroking sensation continued on my labia. Michael’s long thick cock felt like it completely stuffed my tight pussy.

“Oh, God,” I said loudly. “Oh, God.”

I had absolutely no control over myself, as I couldn’t stop cumming. My entire body was trembling as I lay in a puddle of my own lubrication. Michael’s hands moved up to my chest and he began to fondle my breasts as he increased his speed and intensity. He threw his entire body weight hard into me with every passionate thrust, squishing hot juice out of my tight pussy and onto our warm bodies. He was getting close to finishing. His thick member was beginning to swell up inside of me as it filled up with a massive load of celestial cum, ready to fire.

“Oh my fucking God!” I screamed out loud as Michael exploded inside of me.

His hot cum quickly filled me up. He continued to thrust his body forward into me, launching shot after shot into my helpless body. Finally, he pulled out and shot the remainder of his incredible load onto my chest. Feeling slowly began to return to my body as the euphoria slowly parted.

I lay motionless, trying to catch my breath. Michael rolled over next to me and he was quiet. I looked over at him and he looked at me. He stared at me for a moment, and then a concerned look crossed his face. Suddenly, I was no longer next to a god, but it was once again Michael.

Thank you for reading. If you liked it, you can get the whole book here

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/1vph7r/taken_by_the_gods_scifideity_erotica_mf