Short story setup: Dark Places, P1 [m/f][prostitution]

Leanne never planned for any of this – the collapse of her marriage, being thrust into a cruel world with no skills or means to support herself, and definite not an addiction to narcotics. But this her lot in life. The designer drug to which she shackled herself was the worst of it all. Leanne was introduced to White Midnight at a New York nightclub. It had the odious combination of being three times more addictive than heroin, twice as expensive as cocaine, but lacking the incapacitating properties of either. It was the product of a Wall Street trader crowd that wanted to get high without losing the wits need for rapid calculation. Even worse, it had the side of effect of creating a burning, insatiable lust that sent her to dark places. With a habit she couldn't afford, and an aching desire she could control, Leanne began selling herself for money. Her penance would now be to forever find herself vacillating night after night between shame and ecstasy; self-loathing and consumption.

Those were the terms that led her here – seated on the edge of a hotel room bed on the lower east side of Manhattan, waiting to play indentured sexual servant to a man she found attractive, but menacing. Barry stood over her with a glare of both contempt and depraved lust, coveting her full, middle-aged breasts and hips. The massive bulge in his pants hovered inches from her face. It called to Leanne – compelling her to lucid fantasies that both disgusted and aroused the former housewife and stay-at-home mother. One particular imagine bolted into Leanne's mind: being held face down into a tear soaked pillow, her body writhing as her John thrust deeply and violently into her moist, swollen cunt. The thought caused her to involuntarily cross her arms, clutching them against her chest.

Barry would have none of it. He snatched Leanne's arms down, reached into the plunging neckline of her dress, and exposed her supple left tit. His massive hand worked her pale flesh with gross, fondling motions that clearly indicated he had no intention of making this pleasurable. Then, in a sudden motion that shocked her, he lift Leanne off the bed and pressed her to himself. Using his own body to pin her right arm, he restrained the left behind her body, and entangled his right in her auburn hair with a firm grip. His hot breath surged against her cheek as he brought his lips to her ear.

"I bet you don't remember the first time we met, do you?", Barry whispered. "That night at the club? I asked you to dance and you looked at me like I was nothin'."

Leanne found her voice, then replied, "I remember. I do."

"You think you’re better than me don't you? Well, look at you now."

The lips of Leanne's soft, shaven pussy quivered at the resonance of his words, as if their very tone threatened penetration. Barry gave pause before uttering what came next.

"I'm gonna make you earn this money, bitch. I'm gonna fill you up good."


My first stab at erotica. I'm not much of a writer, but we'll see where this leads. I intend to post more, but need inspiration. Hints from women are welcome and appreciated as I want stories to develop from a woman's perspective, which will be the challenge for me.



  1. Thanks for sharring. First, I really like the first paragraph set-up though I feel it needs to be part of a much larger story. Second, I certainly see where youa re going here but yout burn is way too fast. I need some build-up in the suspense of the story and the sex to get and keep me interested. Bassically, just don’t rip the clothes off the story…give you reader some foreplay =) again though- delicious and thanks for sharing. ~me

  2. I can’t thank you enough for responding. I’ve been waiting for feedback. Yeah, once I got a night’s sleep and looked at it again, I could tell I came "out the gate" too fast. Funny… I find interest in exploring erotica because I think it will develop me personally, and I do need to slow down. I doubt it’s coincidence that a woman is giving a male writer this advice ? The lack of back story is intention as this will be part of a series of shorts where character stories will interconnect throughout.

  3. I’ve been very busy at work, but thinking about finishing the story. Would you like me to send it to you?

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