Merman Island [MMMMMF]

Hello, Reddit! I'm happy to share the first chapter of my latest book with you! It's called Merman Island. Tell me what you think!

My eyes slowly opened as waves of cold water rushed past my face. My body was completely cold and naked and my lungs were filled with salt water. With the little energy I had in my body, I looked around myself.

I had found myself on some uninhabited beach. The air was brisk and the sun was beginning to set. The wind was violently cold against my wet skin. I sat my body up slowly and looked into the ostensibly endless, uninterrupted waters from where I came. The waves crashed vigorously about two hundred meters out into the water.

I sat for a moment, trying to build up enough strength to pull myself to my feet, but then fell back down, lifelessly into the cold sand.

I started to drift out of consciousness once again. Nearby me, there was a man standing in the water. He was incredibly fit, with enormous muscles. He began to move towards me, and then I blacked out.


I sat patiently at the bar, waiting for one of my regular clients to show up. It had been a very slow night because of the heavy rain that was coming in from the ocean. There were a few older fishermen eyeing me from across the room, but I was confident that if I waited, I could get someone with a bit more money, and hopefully someone a bit cuter too.

“Can I buy you a drink, miss?” one of the older men said as he sat down next to me.

“I suppose you can, yes,” I replied.

The man was easily in his sixties, with thin grey hair and a thick grey beard. He was short and his face was weathered from years on the rough ocean.

“I seen ya around here with some of the younger boys.”

“Is that right?”

“You, uh, from these parts?” he asked me.

“Yes, sir.”

“You’re real pretty.”

“Thank you, darling.”

I looked up at the clock above the bar. It was getting late and I hadn’t seen a job all night. The old man put his rough, wrinkled hand on my thigh.

“What do ya think about comin’ on my ship and keepin’ me and my boys entertained, just a little?”

“Those your boys?” I asked, motioning towards the group of equally old men sitting across the bar.

“That’s right,” he said “We’re goin’ out on the water after a drink, here.”

“You’re going out tonight?”

“That’s right.”

“You’ve got a death wish, going out tonight.”

The man laughed.

“Perfect for baggin’ crabs.”

I smiled.

“So, what do you think?” he asked again.

“How much you got?”

“How much you charge?”

I looked back at the group of weathered old men.

“Hundred. Two if you want any weird stuff.”

The old man laughed again.

“You’re asking for a hundred? Look, darlin’, you ain’t got many options here tonight. We’ll give ya forty, and that’s generous.”

The group of old men looked over at me, smiling maliciously.

“Alright,” I said hesitantly.

“Great. The name’s Captain Joe,” he said, extending his hand to me.


Captain Joe’s ship was old and small for a fishing boat. The storm poured hard onto the deck of the ship as the crew pulled up their anchor and prepared their fishing gear. Thunder roared angrily over the distant waters as lightning crackled through the night sky.

One of the old men led me down a set of stairs into the crew’s sleeping chambers. The old wooden ship deeply groaned and creaked as I entered the room.

“Home, sweet home,” said one of the men.

“You got real pretty legs,” another said.

“Thank you.”

“Got a real nice ass, too.”

“Thank you, kindly.”

“Let’s see you shake it, honey.”

Another couple of men entered the room and all eyes were on me.

“C’mon, baby. Don’t be shy. We’ll be on the water a long time, now.”

“How long?” I asked.

“’Bout nine hours. Depends on whether we find us some crabs.” Great. Nine hours for forty dollars. I was the cheapest hooker in town.

“Shake that ass, baby.”

I looked across the room. There were five men in total, none younger than fifty-five. I turned around slowly and began to shake my butt for them.

“Oh, baby.”

“You boys like what you see?” I said, trying to force some enthusiasm. With any luck, I could at least bank a few tips.

“Come here, honey,” one of the men sitting on a bed said to me.

I began to walk towards the man. The boat rose and fell hard as it went over a heavy wave. I nearly fell over.

“Careful, now.”

I made my way over to the man, turned around and sat on his lap, with my legs spread out. He wrapped his old, strong fishermen arms around me. I began to grind his lap slowly with my ass.

“Jesus Murphy, love. You’re a real whore, ain’t ya?”

“You better believe it, darling,” I replied.

The old man raised his hands up to my breasts and began to squeeze through my shirt and bra.

“Damn, girl,” he said.

“How do they feel?” asked one of the men across the room.

“They feel damn fine, if you ask me.”

“We’re askin’ you,” one of the men laughed.

“I want to feel these girls before the rest of ya make a mess of ‘em,” said one of the men as he walked towards me.

He placed his hands on my large boobs and the two men simultaneously fondled my chest as I continued to grind the old man’s lap, feeling his cock growing against my leg.

“Let’s see ‘em,” one of the observers said.

The boat tipped violently again as it crashed over another giant wave. I couldn’t help but let out a gasp, but the men seemed completely numb to the rough conditions.

“It’s okay, baby. You’re safe with us.”

The man standing over me grabbed my shirt gently from the base and began to lift is over my chest. I continued to grind the man under me as he made quick work of undoing my bra. My tits fell out as my bra was pulled off of my body. The two men aggressively grabbed my tits and squeezed them, painfully.

“Careful, boys,” I said.

“Shut your whore mouth. We’re the ones payin’.”

“Squeeze them nips,” one of the observers said.

The men began to squeeze my nipples hard. Another old man walked up, dropped to his knees, and placed his old mouth around my nipple and began to suck. He placed his big, old hands on my naked sides.

I looked across the room at one of the observers, who was undoing his belt. His pants slid down to his ankles and he grabbed his old, semi-erect cock in his hand and began to stroke it.

I closed my eyes for a moment, trying to let go of the little pride I still had left. A pair of wrinkled hands grabbed me from the waist of my pants and began to lower them past my knees. Another pair of hands entered into the mix and took me by the legs as I kept my eyes closed.

“Get her down on her knees,” one of the men said.

I opened my eyes and four of the men were standing over me. One of them took me by the arms and aggressively pulled me off the old man’s lap and onto my knees.

We crashed over yet another wave. A large splash of water fell down the stairway from the deck. Two of the men already had their cocks out and the others were undoing their pants.

“Suck ‘em darling.”

I looked up and scanned the men’s faces. The room was dark, poorly lit by a single flickering light on the ceiling. I could feel the cold air from outside against my naked skin.

One of the men stepped forward, pressing his cock up against my lips. I took a deep breath though my nose, and then opened my mouth. I took his dick in my hand, guided it in gently and began to suck him off.

“Oh, yeah. That’s a girl.”

I began slow and quickly picked up my pace, feeling his member throbbing and expanding inside of my mouth. The soft tip of his dick pushed hard against the inside of my cheek. I looked over with my eyes and could see the other men with their dicks in their hands, ready for some action of their own.

Pulling my head back, I reached out with both of my arms and grabbed two cocks, guiding one of them forward into my mouth and jerking the other off. Both men expanded and became rock solid quickly as I worked my hands on their members.

“Open wide, baby.”

I looked up and one of the men was stepping forward to try and share my face with the man currently in my mouth. With his hard cock in hand, he began to push it against my full lips, painfully stretching them out.

Both cocks were successfully in my mouth. I tried my hardest to move my head back and forth, but couldn’t with the pain from my stretched open mouth.

The two men began to thrust their elderly pelvises towards my face, forcing their dicks into my mouth. It was the most painful thing I’d ever experienced, but I needed the money so badly.

A hand aggressively grabbed my hand and guided it onto a penis. I couldn’t see it happening, as two thrusting aged sailors blocked my vision. I started stroking off the ostensibly invisible man as I continued to get stuffed.

“How many of us can we get into her?” one man asked, laughing.

I could feel the two old cocks rubbing together in my mouth, throbbing intensely as they did. The sour taste of pre-cum fell upon my tongue as the men began to push themselves harder into me. Their coarse, thick pubic hair pushed into my nose, tickling my face.

My eyes began to water and my throat began to gag, but none of the men backed off. One of the men shimmied in behind me on his knees, and I could feel his hard dick against my back. His hands began to guide his cock down south, towards my asshole. I could hear him spit into his hand and wipe it on his dick. Tears fell down from my eyes as he began to push his thick wrinkled member into my asshole.

I had three dicks inside of me, and an unknown number of hands on my naked body. The dick in my asshole began to seep deeper and deeper, slowly. I could feel its veins pulsing against the walls of my anus as it slithered inwards.

Then, the two cocks slipped out of my mouth along with a long thick strand of my saliva, and I was lifted up onto the bed, a cock still deep in my ass. I fell back hard onto the old man whose penis was in my anus. The two men who were once in my mouth stepped in together and began to shove their dripping wet cocks into my pussy, simultaneously.

My eyes continued to water, making my makeup run all over my face. I couldn’t see the faces of the old men, as they were backlit by the room’s only light.

At this point, my memory became blurry. The ship began to rock and sway disturbingly. I had three cocks deep inside of me, thrusting and shoving in and out. Yet another man stepped in to get his dick sucked, ignoring the obvious mental and physical pain I was in.

I was a quite literally a piece of meat. One of the old hands slapped me hard in the face and another man guided my hand towards his elderly cock. My slit was being stretched raw and it felt as though I was going to pass out, as no one was giving me a chance to catch my breath. All I could taste was cock and all I could feel was cock. I had reached a new low.

“Whale!” someone upstairs screamed down into the sleeping quarters.

The men stopped fucking me and looked towards the stairway.

Bang! The ship was hit hard and sent violently onto its side, nearly tipping over into the water. The old, naked men all fell over onto one another as the boat crashed down hard into the unrelenting waters.

“Get your asses up here!” a man yelled from up on the deck.

The men scrambled to get their pants on, as the boat was struck hard once again. I tried to pull myself up to my feet, but couldn’t balance, not used to the rocky waters. Water slammed through the stairway opening from the deck and I could hear screaming from up top. The men quickly hustled up the wet stairs, leaving me behind, naked and scared.

I slowly and shamefully slipped my panties over my hurting vagina and carefully walked towards the stairway, water crashing down over my head. I gripped the handrails tightly and slowly pulled myself up the stairs.

A large wave crashed over the side of the boat and some of the men were sent flying across the deck. Loud gunshots snapped in the night air as the boat rocked over in the other direction.

An enormous hump began to rise over the side of the ship. It grew larger and higher, and then a powerful spurt of water erupted from its blowhole. Men screamed and more gunshots rang through the air, unable to penetrate the whale’s thick skin.

The enormous beast began to sink down, back into the water, causing a powerful wave to nearly push the ship onto its side. The half naked old men all pulled themselves up to their feet and tried to pick up their rifles.

“Get the harpoon ready!” one of the men screamed.

The men all rushed to the edge of the boat, armed and ready. A moment of silence crossed the boat. My heart began to beat aggressively in my chest, as I stood cold and naked in the brisk ocean air. The night was completely silent, except for the thick drops of rain against the old ship’s wooden deck. Bam! The whale slammed its monolithic body into the underside of the ship, lifting us high up over the surface of the water.

The men tried to aim their rifles over the edge of the ship. Multiple gunshots rang through the cold air as the boat began to tip onto its side, falling towards the violent waters below.

“Hang on, boys!” someone yelled.

I grasped on tightly to the handrail next to me as the boat made contact with the hard water. Some of the men were sent flying off of the boat as I flipped over the handrail and into the side of a large crate. Water began to spill onto the deck of the boat as I lay motionlessly in pain, my vision beginning to blur.

The last thing I remember was the hump of the massive beast rising up the side of the boat, once again. I could see it’s enormous eye staring at me as it began to sink back into the black ocean, letting the boat sink slowly along with its old, disabled crew.

Thank you so much for reading! If you enjoyed it, you can get the book here!


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