Orbital Academy XII

The technically-on-time chapter of everyone's fav sexy scifi space opera!

New to Orbital Academy? Get some spacey sexiness from the beginning.
Want to get straight to the dirty business? Jump right in.

"AWA" Get up, pull myself into consciousness, stop sleeping

It was the worst possible way to wake up, the buzzing headache and the forced knowledge that was crammed into the charged word, but Alex grit her teeth and acted as if it hadn't bothered her. Over the past few days she had learned to become incredibly good actress when it came to ignoring the Terrans' forceful way of speech. She yawned and blinked with a vague smile, as if looking forward to a free day instead of sitting alone in a stone cell. It had worked for the old guard, once he realized his charged words didn't bother her he had stopped using them unnecessarily. The guard on the other side of the bars was new, and his face fell at her lack of reaction. His dark purple hair poked out awkwardly from beneath his helmet to frame the crestfallen face, and the overall effect made him look young.
"They said you didn't like PO," he said disappointedly, as the word's definition rattled around in her head, words infused with might and power. Very careful not to wince, Alex shrugged and shook her head.
"It not bug me," she said. That had taken some getting used to as well, speaking like a child using single-syllable words. Terrans' language was almost identical to her own for single syllables, but they used their charged words for anything more complex. Since they didn't understand multi-syllabic english, and she couldn't infuse her words, Alex compromised even when it made her sound like an idiot.

"Hmm," the new guard muttered, watching her suspiciously. He suddenly started speaking rapidly, firing off a string of charged up, painful words, "SU, LI, DE, HO, " Alex hadn't taken multiple words at the same time before, and her hands, still under the blanket, gripped the sheets. Manipulative and scheming, my words unbelievable, he doesn't believe my words or actions, he thinks I cheat and lie, there's no point in resisting it. She made herself smile, even as she struggled to catch her breath. The sudden meaning faded, but the pounding in her head stayed behind, as if the charged words had burrowed through her skull to get to her brain.
"I like you," she grinned, even though it hurt, "what's your name?"
"Pho," the new guard seemed unsure of how to take his new charge's attention. Alex mentally filed the name away. She wasn't yet sure of exactly how the hierarchy worked, but she knew that those without a charged word for a name were fairly low on the ranking.
"I like you Pho. You're a fucking asshole bastard and proud of it."
"What means this, 'fuck king ass hole bast tard'?" Pho asked quizzically, sounding out the multi-syllabic words as if they were separate. Alex just shrugged and lay back on her cot, hands behind her head.

Another day with nothing to do passed by slowly, and Alex settled into her new daily routine. She first folded the homespun blanket into a neat square which she placed on the cot, using it as a cushion as she meditated. There hadn't been the time to continue with her meditation at the Academy, and she found that re-establishing her childhood habit had a much needed calming and stabilizing effect on her. She kept up the meditation until the guards brought her the morning meal. Today it was a wild rice with chunks of spiced meats and vegetables, a small loaf of bread, and a large jug of water.
"Why do you give us such luxurious food?" Alex asked as she wolfed the meal down. Her captor's largess was odd, considering how sparse her accommodation had otherwise been. Pho seemed startled that she would talk to him, and shrugged.
"You eat what we have," he shrugged, "no point in two meals being PO" prepared, cooked, handcrafted Alex had taken to the habit of bracing herself whenever a Terran opened their mouth, and she didn't flinch.

After she drank enough to quench her thirst, Alex carefully removed the rough black shirt and pants she had been provided with, using the remaining water in the jug to clean them. Out of the corner of her eye she noted the guard, not even attempting to hide his attention.
"You give all your guards such a show?" He leered. Alex gave him a blank look and continued washing her clothing, careful to make no move to cover herself, but also not trying to titillate. Different guards reacted differently to her routine; some enjoyed the view and some treated it with disinterest. Either way, her display wouldn't hurt as long as she made it clear she wasn't trying to seduce him, and having clean clothes helped her mental stability as well. She wrung them out and put them back on, enjoying the feeling of the damp cloth against her skin in the humid air.

Settling cross-legged on the cot, Alex looked around her cell, trying to view it with fresh eyes as she had for the past few days. Three walls were made of tan stone, solid and windowless. The bars that made up the fourth wall were a dark wood, but Alex doubted she could break them. If she could splinter the bars the Terrans would have more than one guard to stand by her cell, even though she was a small asian girl. Better to not try, give off the air of a model prisoner. It's worked for me so far. So, she considered, forcing herself to breath deeply as she gazed around, The walls would take a weapon to break through. The bars are better, but the guard needs to be taken care of…still no solution. Same as yesterday. I'm not escaping from here. She sighed, and waited for the guard to arrive to summon her.

He arrived before the second meal was brought.
"She is to be brought to the Prince," the new guard pointed at Alex with his chin. Pho narrowed his eyes at the guard.
"I wasn't told of this," he said suspiciously.
"The Prince won't want it talked about…er, talked of," Alex said from her cot, "but new guard, he say the truth. The Prince wants me to come to him."
Pho seemed begrudgingly satisfied, and he fiddled with the intricate lock on the cell, stepping aside. Alex kept her head high as she passed, and pretended not to notice Pho's eyes travelling up and down her body, taking in the shape that the damp clothes did nothing to hide. He was probably worthless, but it didn't hurt to keep his attention in case she needed something from him at a future date.

"Ah, it is good to see you ALE" Alexandria, beautiful, adorable, unique. Alex disliked that the Terran's used a charged word to refer to her. Although it was an honorific, she couldn't quite get over the feeling that she was being mentally raped with her own name. She forced a smile and bowed her head,
"And it is good to see you too, Prince," she replied quietly. Although his name was Ashahosta, the Prince didn't seem to mind her calling him by his title. Alex had learned a few days ago that to attempt a charged name without charging it was akin to an insult.
"Though it has been but a day, I find I have missed you. Is that strange?" Ashahosta asked earnestly. This time Alex's smile was genuine. She wasn't quite used to the Prince yet, but his boyish naivette amused her. When she and her squaddies had first been brought to their prison, heads in bags to prevent them from identifying their surroundings, Alex had spent the time thinking hard about what her best course of action should be. She knew that rescue was out of the question; once the satflyer had crashed she harbored no illusions that the orbital would allow a rescue mission. Even if they did, Alex also doubted the Academy had the firepower to mount a decent rescue attempt. Her thoughts had focused mainly on the squadmates there with her in the compound, and to that end she began thinking about what she could do to improve their lot. Perhaps even save their lives.

"Come, ALE," Alexandria, special one, exotic exile "I've just had some fruits brought in, you must try one." The Prince gestured across the wide luxurious room to indicate a bowl of small purple fruits. He moved fluidly despite his size; not fat but large and muscular and tall. Loose robes trimmed in furs made him look even bigger than he was, and his long locks of thick purple hair contributed to the effect of size, as if he had a mane around his head. Yet, even for all his size, the Prince struck Alex as small somehow. Young. Unsure of himself, with a lack of confidence and a nervous disposition. She watched him in silence as he brought her the fruit, trying to reconcile Ashahosta's huge stature with the impression she had of him. It seemed like so long ago now that she'd decided to seduce her captor, not the mere handful of days in had actually been. She had been expecting to do whatever depraved and degrading things that were required to gain his attention, prepared for the risk that he would simply take what she had to offer and more. It was a risk she had taken willing for her teammates, and when she had been taken to her captor Alex thought she was ready for anything he might be.

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Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/1wcld7/orbital_academy_xii