Bigfoot [m/f][bf/f]

I quietly slid my hand across the seat towards Frankie’s lap. Howard was busy driving and his girlfriend, Mandy was fast asleep in the passenger seat. Frankie looked over at me and I put my finger to my lips, motioning him to be quiet.

Frankie looked over at Howard, making sure that he wasn’t watching. I carefully moved my hand across his lap and onto his crotch, feeling his big cock through his pants. I began to rub gently. Frankie looked up at me again, and I smiled.

“We’re entering Bigfoot territory now,” Howard said quietly, not taking his eyes off of the road and making sure to not wake up his girlfriend.

I continued to rub my boyfriend’s dick, feeling it getting long and hard in my hand.

“Yeah?” Frankie forced himself to ask as my fingers massaged his throbbing member.

“Yeah, we should be there in about fifteen minutes, I’d say,” Howard said.

Frankie put his hand on top of mine and applied some extra pressure to his pleasure.

“Just over there is where the famous Patterson photo was taken,” Howard said, “About a mile through those trees is that big clearing from the photos.”

“Why don’t we just camp there?” I asked, grasping Frankie’s hard cock firmly through his pants.

“There hasn’t been a sighting near here for thirty years. All the tourists probably scared him north, about fifty miles.”

Howard and Frankie were long time best friends. A few years back, they both started having some weird mid-life crisis when Frankie found a “bucket-list” they wrote when they were twelve. While I didn’t care much for “finding Bigfoot”, I wanted to support my boyfriend. Plus, I thought it was pretty cute.

“Yeah, more sightings in these woods than any other place in the world. He’s out there all right,” Howard continued, his gaze remaining fixed on the road.

I moved my hand gently up his crotch to the waistline of his pants. I slipped my hand carefully under his pants and grabbed his throbbing hard cock in my hand. I started to slowly stroke him off, creating all my movement with my wrist, so to not tip off Howard. I ran my soft fingers along the tip off his cock, causing him to take a deep breath inwards. He bit his lip.

Frankie reached over and placed his hand on my exposed thigh, just below the cut-off of my short jean shorts. He squeezed his hand hard and I tightened my grip on his slick penis.

“Shit,” Frankie said in a moment of uncontrollable pleasure.

“What’s that?” Howard asked.

Frankie’s eyes widened and his face became red. I kept stroking him off.

“Uh, nothing. Just really hot out today,” he said.

I smiled at him and bit my lip flirtingly.

“Oh yeah. Great day for camping,” Howard said.

Frankie’s cock let out a little spurt of pre-cum, which I rubbed all over the tip of his penis with my thumb as I stroked him hard. I could feel every throb of his cock’s thick veins. I started to feel a tingle in my short shorts. My pussy was starting to get wet.

I looked up at Howard again, assuring he wasn’t aware of what was happening in the back seat, and then I slipped my free hand down the front of my pants and began to massage my little wet clit. Frankie’s hand tightened on my thigh and his knees began to buckle. He closed his eyes and tried to control his breathing. I could feel his cock filling up with his hot cum, getting ready to fire in his pants.

A rush of hot fluid flowed out of my vagina as the tingle in my shorts intensified. I was close to cumming, myself.

“Here we are,” Howard said.

Frankie’s cock exploded, blasting a giant load of cum into his pants. His sticky hot juice poured out all over my hand. I squeezed the last drop out of the tip of his dick with my tight grasp. I gently slid my own finger up into my slit as I began to cum. I closed my eyes and opened my mouth to let out a moan, but Frankie’s hand landed on my mouth, stopping me. Feeling left my body and I entered a momentary state of euphoria. I slowly opened my eyes and looked over at Frankie, who smiled handsomely at me.

“Wake up, Mandy. We’re here,” Howard said, waking up his girlfriend.

I pulled my hand out of Frankie’s pants and wiped the cum from my hand under the seat of the car. I pulled my fingers out of my own pussy and removed my hand from my shorts as we turned off of the road into a big dirt patch.

The four of us emerged from the car. The distant mountain range was colossal and beautiful, untouched by civilization. The mountain air was fresh and cool, balancing out the hot sun.

“Is this where we’re setting up the tents?” Mandy asked.

“No, we’ll hike into those mountains there and set up about six miles from here,” Howard said, pointing up to the distant mountain range.

“Six miles? Christ, Howey. You want us to carry all this crap six miles?” Mandy asked.

“It’s just six miles.”

“I’m with Mandy. I’m not carrying those bags all the way to those mountains,” I said.

“Frankie and me will carry all the stuff,” Howard said, volunteering my boyfriend.

“What?” Frankie said.

“C’mon, Frankie. You’re up for a little workout, aren’t ya?” I joked.

“Why do I gotta do it?”

“Because you owe me,” I said, winking.

“Alright, let’s get a move on. It’ll be dark in a few hours,” Howard said, walking towards the back of the car and popping the trunk.

Thank you for reading. If you liked it, the book can be bought here
