Storm Nymph [mf] [Kinky]

The rolling thunder seemed to vibrate all over her skin as Nela danced in the summer rain. The night that seemed to hang all around her like some sheer piece of lingerie only made her feel hotter, made the rain that was even now pouring between her breasts and down over the curve of her ass feel like a lovers slow caress. No one could hear the music but her, and that was all she thought she wanted that night, the sensual feel of the storm and its power exciting her. When the lightning broke the sky above and the rain poured even harder Nela thought it could not get any better, until a pair of strong arms curled around her body. One instantly grabbed her bare breast and squeezed tight, the other pressing a firm hand to her lips as a body as nude as her own pressed against her rain-slick buttocks.

"Worshipping the storm slut?" the man's voice whispered against her ear, and he was most definitely male. Nela could feel ever inch of him solid and hot slipping between her buttocks, grinding against her over stimulated body roughly and full of lust. Stunned into silence by the sudden attack Nela could only nod, unable to think of anything worth saying or of any way to respond to him but offering the truth. "Then i will join you." he said. One hand held to her lips, keeping her silent, but the other followed the steady stream of rainwater down her body and came to rest between her thighs. Nela, shivering in the strong arms of the stranger, spread her thighs slightly and moaned as he began to stroke her silken petals. As her body shook in his arms and his fingers explored her sex Nela heard the thoughts screaming at her to fight, to run from this moment and never again dance in the rain slowly quieting as another voice took hold. "Yes" she wanted to scream, her hips pushing forward to say with her body what her lips still could not, the feel of his fingers playing against her pussy reminding her of the lightning that once more danced across the darkened sky. For a few moments she simply stood there in his arms, rubbing against his invading fingers as they first teased and tormented her clitoris then drifted lower and plunged inside her sex. With her whole body tingling and her legs growing weak from the stimulation the stranger provided it took him but a shove to have her falling to her knees and a simple pull of her hair to Nela tipping her head back and opening her mouth to the cock she knew was waiting for her.

His shaft slid between her lips and over her tongue so easily, her mouth sucking him deeper as he began to roughly fuck her face. When her eyes finally drifted upwards from the sight of his pelvis to the rest of his body she found the handsome tanned figure thrusting his cock so casually into her mouth to be everything she could dream of wanting. And just as quickly she forgot his face, forgot him, and focused all of herself on his cock and the way it felt in her mouth. The rain continued to pour down on her, slickening his skin and hers as he used her lips for his gratification. A crack of lightning, the roll of thunder, the sound of him growling his pleasure had her pussy quivering to be stuffed and used. So Nela encouraged him to do just that with her tongue alone, promising so much with the way her lips slid back and forth over his shaft and the way her teeth grazed the hard flesh lightly. Her hands stroked up his thighs, curved over his hips and cupped his buttocks to help stuff even more of that dick down her throat. "God you suck cock so good bitch." he growled, his hand stroking her cheek lightly before grasping her wet hair and yanking back until only the head of him was still held between her lips.

"Thank you" she moaned as he pulled himself free, her eyes once more staring up at the man's wet skin and grinning face. Her arms stretched up in offering, though whether it was to him or the storm she could not say, Nela only knew that he fell down to his knees first and into her arms, pushing her body back with his and sliding between her parted thighs. His cock drove into her easily, her pussy slick and wanting all he had to offer, her legs thrown around his waist and gripping tight as they pressed their bodies together and he began thrusting deep inside her core. With his head buried in her neck, teeth nipping and biting hard at the delicate skin he found there, Nela curled her fingers in his wet hair and held him tight, her eyes unfocused as they gazed up at the sky above and watched the rain falling, each drop catching the light and sparkling like diamond as they fell to earth and covered their skin. Each thrust of his hips was like a hammer slamming against her body, his hot shaft sliding into her deeper and faster, making each nerve in her body dance as if lightning itself had touched down between her thighs and snaked inside her sex.

His growls against her ear were intoxicating, the crack of lightning seeming to ignite in the sky each time he whispered "Slut" and "Whore" in her ear, degrading her even as he worshipped her body beneath the storm with every inch of his own. Wanting to please him, wanting to please the storm itself, she begged for it with the call of her voice, screaming out "Yes Please" and "Fuck me harder Sir" as he shoved into her again and again. As their bodies writhed and slid against each others she felt one orgasm after another burst inside her, her full breasts shaking as he lifted himself up and stared down into her eyes, the desire she found there as electric as the sky itself.

When he pulled back Nela knew her place, knew what she wanted as much as he did. Rolling in the wet grass and pushing her ass into the air she waited with held breath as he shifted behind her and shoved inside again, the fell of his strong hands grabbing her hips and pulling her back against his body making her scream out in pleasure. Her wet hair hung around her eyes, framing the scene of the storm before her as the strangers cock slammed even deeper into her sex. "God its so good!" she moaned out, loving the way he just took her flesh as he pleased, wanting him to use her until that final blissful moment. His chest fell across her back, his lips whispering such dark and degrading things into her ear as his hands grabbed her breasts and crushed them in his fingers. The pain, though not intense, was enough to spark another long climax that had her hips bucking back to shove his cock further and faster inside her cunt.

Feeling him begin to throb in rhythm to her hammering heart had Nela on edge, expecting that final burst of heat and the wave of ecstasy that would follow. A moment that seemed to go on for longer then she could imagine, his cock pushing into her again and again, his fingers working her nipples, tugging and pinching them painfully while the rain fell over their locked bodies. Then, as another burst of lightning lit the sky and thunder poured its power over her skin, she felt him explode and lost herself in the moment. All before her eyes was rain and light, the twinkling of a thousand thousand stars falling to earth as his seed poured into her depths and heated her very core. Her body shaking with pleasure, she felt him guide her quivering form to the grass and pull free, watched his bare feet pad through the wet grass and throw up a shower of sparkling drops, and then he was gone.

It took a few minutes for her to find the strength to move, to rise shaking to her feet and stumble back towards the pile of discarded clothes she had shed when the storm had begun. There, laying on the top of clothes was her cell phone and a number that the stranger must have programmed into it. The only thing Nela had left to wonder is whether she could wait for the next storm before calling him again and begging to be his slut one more time.
