[MF] | “Cool Down” | Part 2

Part 1 Again, sorry about the lack of formatting.

I stood up from the bed and rummaged once again through my suitcase. I needed my pyjamas and toiletries, I was going to have a shower after that session. I changed back into my clothes and made my way to the girl’s bathroom the receptionist pointed out on the map. Down the stairs, down the hallway, up some stairs and to the left. It wasn’t that far of a walk, but I could see how this might be a bit of an inconvenience. I opened the bathroom door and heard the showers running. Looked to be three shower stalls, and all of them were in use. Perfect. I stood for a moment, wondering if I could pull off being covered in my own wet for the rest of the day, and decided that just was not going to happen. If I met up with the handsome stranger again, I’d at east want to smell nice. So I made my way out of the bathroom and did something I was not sure I’d ever do. I walk to the boy’s bathroom. Low and behold only one shower was running. I made my way to the stall at the end and placed my clothes and towels on the nearest bench. It wasn’t so bad in here, at least it was clean. I looked over to the used stall and could just make out a male figure through the silhouette.

“Um, hi. Hope you don’t mind, I’m just going to steal this stall for a bit” I called out, stammering near the end. It was quiet for a moment and then the man in the shower turned the water off and opened the curtain. “No problem.” He stood there, everything was on show and he didn’t look at all embarrassed. I quickly darted my eyes up from his member to his face. It was the handsome stranger, my heart fluttered as I stammered to explain why I was in here. “Shh, it’s fine, no guy is going to seriously want you out of here.” He gave my body a once over. “You’re not going to shower in your clothes are you?” “Oh, I…” I looked down, “no, I was just…” He took a couple steps closer to me. “is it just me or are you feeling a connection?” He gave a smile as he brushed his damp hand over my cheek. I must have been blushing once more, I looked up and met his eyes, they were focused on mine. “Well…?” He asked. My heart was racing, there he was, naked in front of me, how can I respond though? Of course I want him, but… He grabbed my cheek and planted a passionate kiss on my trembling mouth. He gently pushed me against the nearest wall and placed his body close to mine. I felt his cock growing harder as he kissed me once more. “Please say something” he pleaded. My mind was racing, “yes,” my mouth spoke for me, this was not the right chose, I don’t even know his name. “I feel something” and with all the courage I had I place my shaking hand onto his now rock hard member, stroking slowly and looking up at his face. He was smiling, with his mouth just slightly open. “I think you should take your clothes off…” he said, grabbing onto my waist, “And I think we should get into this shower.” I hesitantly let go of him and brisked my shirt off, as he grabbed onto the back of my bra and undid it. He reached down and unbuttoned my jeans and lightly pulled down, loosening them from my hips. All that stood between him and I was my lace thong. He pushed me against the wall once more and with one hand guided the thong down to my legs. He kissed my cheek and then my mouth and lifted me into the shower.

“Is this really happening?” I asked, panting from excitement. “If you want it to” he grinned, as he stroked his cock. With his other hand he turned on the shower and a hot stream of water ran over my body. I kneeled down and took his cock from his hand and guided it into my mouth, it was big and hard and filled my mouth with more inches left. He let out a soft moan and placed his hands on my head, moving it carefully forward. I sucked and licked and moved my head while he guided his member in and out of my wanting mouth. He let out moans of delight as I tried to fit him all in. It seemed like no time at all until he slid out and pulled me up. “I want to have you,” he said, “do you want me?” “Yes,” I replied quickly, “please.” He slightly lifted my and pressed me against the cold shower wall, I could feel his hand touching my swollen, wet lips. He slid his finger in and out and brought his hand up to his mouth and put his finger in, “You taste amazing” he said, “I’ll have to remember to taste you again.” His eyes were level with mine and were even more beautiful up close. I felt his hand go down once more, but this time he was guiding his member up into me. I let out a quiet moan as I felt the head push in. He was easily the largest I’ve ever been with. As he entered more inside he kissed my mouth, pushing his tongue onto mine. He was fully inside me now, filling me up. Slowly he began to thrust, holding me up with one arm, fondling my breast with his other. He was careful and soft, yet took control, I moaned and gasped for air.

I felt his grasp of me grow tighter as his thrusts became more powerful. I was shaking, I couldn’t help it, I moaned some more, “don’t stop” I pleaded. And he didn’t. He thrusted more and more until I was just about screaming with joy. By now he was holding on to both of my legs, and had me pressed tightly against the wall of the shower. He looked into my eyes and kissed me again. Oh, how those kisses tasted wonderful. The water was getting cold, but instead of stopping, he just humped harder, faster. Filling me up with his hard cock, I couldn’t care about the water now, he was hitting all the right spots. He moaned in pleasure and I couldn’t help but join him. He slowed his pace and gently removed his member from me. “Lay down” he said, “on your back”. I promptly did as I was told. I laid down as the cold water slapped against my body. He kneeled in front of my and grabbed my legs once more. Holding them up near his head, he plunged his member back into me. There was no hesitation in him. He pushed in and out, increasingly harder with each thrust. I moaned and clenched onto his arms. I could feel my orgasm building up, two times in one day, I’m a lucky girl. With a few more thrusts I moaned in delight, clenching harder, and thrusting my hips hard onto him. He slowly removed his cock from my swollen lips, just to push it in again hard, I let out a cry of pleasure. “Do you like that?” he said as he thrusted once more. Another moan, “yes,” I screamed, “yes!” He did it a couple more times, and by the end of it I was shaking, trembling. He removed it from me and hurriedly shoved it into my open mouth. “Now, it’s your turn to finish me off” he smiled and once again grabbed a hold of my head. This time I would control it. I wanted to do to him what he had just done to me. I took him in my mouth and massaged his wet cock with my tongue, making sure to get every last bit of my wet from it. He let out a moan. I licked up and down and back up until the head of his cock was just at my lips. I pursed my lips tightly as I pushed his member through them, opening up to my welcoming tongue and throat. I took him all in. Sucking in and out until I felt his cock pulsate inside me. I kept sucking until I tasted his warm juices flow out into my mouth.

He stood up and rinsed himself in the water, then held out his hand to help me stand up. The handsome stranger looked at me for a while and then held me by my waist. “So…” I said, nervously, “was that alright?” “Was that alright?” He laughed. “It was amazing! I definitely didn’t think a small girl like you would have been able to take all of me. I guess you’re full of surprises, huh?” I smiled as he gave me one more passionate kiss. “Well I’m glad I could surprise you …” I looked up at him with a quizzical face, “I never got your name?” He stepped out of the shower and handed me my body wash and shampoo, “It’s Pat.” With one last smile he turned around and called out behind him, “I think we should meet up tomorrow.”

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/1um60b/mf_cool_down_part_2