Orbital Academy XV

Howdy folks! This will be the last chapter of Orbital Academy posted in pieces; from here on out I'll be switching from a "every week" to "once every three weeks" release schedule, so that every chapter can be posted on its own. Enjoy!

New to Orbital Academy? You're gonna be confused if you start here! Check out the spacey sexiness from the beginning.

Are you a lover not a reader? Jump right to the sex.

General Hunter wanted to heave his personal screen across the room, but instead he simply heaved a sigh. Newcomers to the station would often compliment him on how organized and easy it was to request resources from Orbital Pivot; few considered just how difficult it was to organize. As if in response to his frustration, his screen pinged with an incoming message.
Orbital Minera proposing higher quantity trade, more crysium for more mining drones. ~Sara
"Pull up import-export graph between Pivot and Minera," Hunter sighed, leaning back as the screens at his desk followed his command. He flicked to the next message.
Guy came in with over three thousand luxury chips, won't say where he got them, permission to do a background check? ~Timothy
"Response: Yes."
What's Pivot's policy on age of employment? The tests normally weed out youngin's, but we've got a promising thirteen year old who just rebuilt a Tanning-Spanly and wants to enlist… ~MkRathly
Hunter stared at the message for a moment, reading it several times without registering what it said.

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Questionable Dentistry [FM]

My head was so fuzzy, I wasn't sure I could believe my eyes. As I came to, I realized I couldn't move my arms, and I couldn't seem to speak. I forgot it must be the gauze filling my mouth. That concept made too much sense, when everything else going on was completely out of the ordinary. Reality was easily in question.

As I came out of the deep sleep of surgery, the oral surgeon was leaning over me, her eyes were filled with fire. She was staring right into my eyes, staring up from my legs as she gripped the arms of my dental chair. I was transfixed on her face, watching her bite her crimson lips. It seemed my eyes were all I could move. I scanned them down to her hands. I could see that she was digging her nails into the vinyl of the chair. I looked back to her face, which was exhaling much harder than before. Her lips were parted now, but she was staring at me so hard.

The Taming of Kate [WIP – really just the beginning, MF]

So I was talking with a writer friend — Mary Cyn — about a story that she’s publishing. Her narrator’s name is Kat, short for Katherine. As in The Taming of the Shrew. That got me thinking about Kate and Petruchio. And (for reasons that are too boring to go into) 50 Shades of Grey.

And I had what was, for me, at least, a very peculiar brainstorm. Shakespeare’s comedy is most often framed these days as a misogynistic story of spousal abuse, which I think kind of misses the point of the play. (I wrote a paper in a graduate seminar about the ways in which Shrew has been a barometer for the sexual mores and gender politics of succeeding centuries.)

But… What if it’s not that Petruchio bullies Kate into subservience, but that they both discover that in addition to being a strong (if inflexible) woman, she is a heavy-duty submissive — someone who gets a sexual charge out of being dominated. She doesn’t know this about herself. She doesn’t even like this about herself. But it is so.

Miss Mary said that she thought that was a really interesting idea.

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Beta Readers Wanted

If you like a little bit of funny in your erotica, this might get your gears turning. I've completed the first two vignettes of my 40 part series about a woman traveling through time to bang the presidents. Hijinks (sexy hijinks, surely) ensue.

If you PM me your email address, I'll send a copy of the completed stories this weekend.

Here's a (non-sexy) taste:

It started as a joke.

We were eating lunch at a posh spot with white cloth napkins folded into swans. Fifteen dollars a glass for house Cabernet, fifty dollar prix fixe lunch menu, you get the gist. I hadn’t seen my bestie Sandra in a long time, and she was dead set on me getting a taste of the finer things in life.

“Hey Al, what would you do if you could go back in time?” she asked. It was an innocuous question, plucked from the ether and just as quick to return to it.

“I’d probably go back and fuck every president, in succession,” I deadpanned.

“Even Taft?”

“Especially that fat bastard. And don’t ask me if Grover Cleveland would get it twice, because you know he would.”

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The adventures of Luke – Part 1.

Luke stared at himself in the mirror, searching for any misplaced hairs that might have tried to make a bid for freedom during the evening. The wax he bought had obviously been worth paying the extra few dollars for, it looked perfect. He lifted his wrist to his mouth and gave it a quick lick, before smelling it to inspect the smell of his breath. He had learnt the technique from a Cosmopolitan magazine dating back to 2008 that he had found in the waiting room of a doctor's surgery. Perhaps they've discovered a new, more innovative technique since then, he mused. Unsatisfied, he reached for the tube of toothpaste and squirted a globule onto his finger, before plunging it into his mouth and gargling with water from the tap. He looked back into the mirror. "Why do you even bother?" he thought. "She'll fuck you anyway". He laughed to himself, and shaped his hair into the most ridiculous style he could fathom – a horn-like spike sticking out at a perpendicular angle to his forehead. He looked like a middle aged, slightly overweight unicorn. Only perhaps more mythical.

No One Else Part III (mm)

Part I Part II

And just like that, everything which happened after was a blur. His memory could hardly put two pieces of the passion and primal need together, let alone the entire puzzle. All he knew was when he rolled over, there lay the only person he wanted. The only person he would ever want.

Lying there looking at the most beautiful man in the world, Sowen found himself absent-mindedly stroking Kyne's cheek, smiling all the while. When he realized he was doing it, he scooted closer, lowering that arm to wrap it around Kyne's waist. Bare skin on bare skin only made him want Kyne nearer, right up against him. Delicately, he pressed his lips to the other man's forehead. Pulling away enough to get a good look at that perfect man, Sowen smiled again. "I really do love you, you know," he said, sure the words were not necessary.

Kyne snuggled closer. Placing his head on Sowen's chest he replied, "I know," earning himself another light kiss on the cheek.

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No One Else Part II (mm)

Part I Part III

Having Kyne's lips pressed to his own was not new. What was new was Kyne initiating it. As close as the two men were, Kyne had always made it abundantly clear they were no more than friends. Really good friends, but friends nonetheless. More times than he could count, Sowen had made his feelings and intentions known to his friend. It simply was not possible to spend an extended amount of time with Kyne and not fall in love with him. Anyone who could manage it was a far stronger person than Sowen, but he regretted none of it. He had loved the man almost from the beginning. And as long as he could remember, Kyne had spent just as much time rejecting him.

His curiosity got the better of him. Reluctantly he pushed Kyne away, sitting up straighter and damning himself as he did so. Again he asked, "What are you doing?"

In response Sowen received short chuckle. "I believe I'm attempting to shove my tongue down your throat."

Categorized as Erotica

Orbital Academy XIV [scifi][mf][Fdom][facial]

In space no one can hear you scream…in ecstasy.

New to Orbital Academy? You're gonna be confused if you start here! Check out the spacey sexiness from the beginning.

Are you a lover not a reader? Jump right to the sex.

Are you a fan of Orbital Academy? Why not vote for it on Topwebfiction.com!

"Jackson, why'd you bring us to Pivot? What about Orbital Academy?" Preston reached across Missy and flicked the cruiser's autopilot off, beginning to manually pilot their cruiser in line with the other squadmates'.
"Rookie Preston, please cut the comm chatter, we wouldn't want to crowd Orbital Pivot's comm channels," Jackson's voice crackled into the small space. The message was clear; We're being listened to. I can either trust Jackson or come up with my own plan. Preston and Missy exchanged looks, and she nodded, her brown ringlets bouncing with the motion. Preston shrugged. He probably would've trusted Jackson on his own, but he trusted Missy at his core. Pulling up the fine-navigation controls, he prepared to land the craft.

No One Else (mm)

Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.

A light flashed from the phone sitting on the kitchen counter as it alerted its owner of an incoming text message. Puffing out one last cloud of smoke, Sowen squashed out the remainder of his cigarette on the balcony railing before flicking it into the street below. Bits of ash stuck around, greying up the railing. Not that it could be greyed up too much more than it already was. Years of extreme sun-exposure had dyed the once black iron. Maybe one day he would tire of seeing the dim color and have it replaced with concrete.

Any shade of orange or red which had painted the sky just a moment earlier had been blotted out as the velvet night returned. Even in the city it was impossible to run from the unnerving darkness of the western desert. The blistering sun would always give way to the luminescent moon, the shimmering stars who threatened to blink out of existence at the slightest breath. Night would always come. Something so inevitable offered only two possibilities: hide from the night, or embrace it.

Lonely man in a new city (MF)

Lexington, or Lex, didn’t know where his life was going, all he knew was he needed to get back to California one day. Life hasn’t been easy for him this past year with his fiancé of 8 years leaving him for one of his interns, his dad dying from a stroke at such a young age and moving away from his family to follow his dream job. But even the job wasn’t panning out the way he had hoped. From day one it was obvious that his boss had it out for him so to make a friend in the office was a huge help to take away from the stress of having his every move picked apart and analyzed. Hannah was a bright young face, always able to see the humor in every situation and it didn’t hurt when she joked about his sexual prowess and gave him that look that would even make a baker lose his cream filling. So, being miles from home and having only one real friend, it was obvious why he started to develop feelings for her.

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