Questionable Dentistry [FM]

My head was so fuzzy, I wasn't sure I could believe my eyes. As I came to, I realized I couldn't move my arms, and I couldn't seem to speak. I forgot it must be the gauze filling my mouth. That concept made too much sense, when everything else going on was completely out of the ordinary. Reality was easily in question.

As I came out of the deep sleep of surgery, the oral surgeon was leaning over me, her eyes were filled with fire. She was staring right into my eyes, staring up from my legs as she gripped the arms of my dental chair. I was transfixed on her face, watching her bite her crimson lips. It seemed my eyes were all I could move. I scanned them down to her hands. I could see that she was digging her nails into the vinyl of the chair. I looked back to her face, which was exhaling much harder than before. Her lips were parted now, but she was staring at me so hard.

It was then that I noticed that her white coat was undone, and I could see her breasts heaving, on the verge of spilling out of her black bra. They hovered over me, just below my crotch. My mind started to reel, as I knew this wasn't normal. I tried double hard to bring reality into focus, to bring get the picture of the entire situation. My ears engaged at last and I heard her staccato moans and yelps of pleasure. She was getting fucked from behind by the assistant. Her coat was pulled up to he hips, where he was gripping her, and pulling her onto his dick over and over. The slapping sound of his balls slamming into her was suddenly echoing in my head.

My newly-found ability to sense my surroundings was suddenly working too hard. I felt my heart beating so fast, but still had no control over my body. I was scared. She was watching me so intently, and she was getting louder too. That wasn't in my head. She definitely was. The panic in my face was what she was looking for. Her hands crawled up the arms of the chair to meet my hands. As she moved up, her tits now dangled above my crotch. Watching them sway, I could see my cock was pressing hard into my pants. It wasn't until then I realized how turned on I was. She obviously knew. Her nails dug into my hands, and her body moved up and down over my own even faster. The bra couldn't contain her anymore, her tits struggled their way out the top, one by one. Her nipples were a nice brown color, and her areolas clung close to them to emphasize how hard they were. She started breathing so hard, twice as long and loud as before. She started slamming backwards to meet her assistant's cock, and suddenly she just collapsed into me. Letting out a long squeak with her final exhale. Her cunt pulled away from him immediately, and her ass twitched up into the air a couple times, accompanied by tiny gasps of breath. I felt like I was about to come too.

My consciousness had shifted nearly completely out of my body and was consumed by the sex act. It was only tethered to me through my cock, that was reaching for her as hard as it could. My cock was trying to get to her any way it could, extending to her with it's hardness, transmitting its desire to her through my pants with its wetness. The only other ways into my consciousness were through my eyes and ears. My eyes saw her grin and she looked up at me from her brief rest. My ears heard her dismiss her assistant, who dutifully obeyed. He was still hard and wet. I can only presume that when he leaves, he'll quickly find himself jacking off with her juices. She looked up at me with such a mischievous face. She started to climb up my body on her hands and knees, until she came to straddle my yearning consciousness. It was clear that she could feel its desire, and responded back with heat and wetness of her own.

She reached to my left and grabbed the tray of surgical tools, and placed it on my chest. As my eyes followed her actions, I saw my IV drip still in my arm; I was still being anesthetized! I also noticed the thin nylon straps gently holding my arms to the arms of the chair. The feeling of helplessness, combined with the sudden appearance of surgical tools, got my heart pumping faster. Scary fast, but all the blood it pumped seemed headed straight for my cock. I couldn't see my cock hidden under her grinding crotch with my own eyes, but my mind's eye saw it engorged beyond a measure humanly possible. Rock hard, and ready to ascend her body until she is impaled on it, like a spear shot out of a horror movie monster. I could only hear my heart, as it pumped the drug into me faster. My eyes became heavier and I couldn't maintain them open. She reached for something on the tray as my eyes finally gave in.

I came out of darkness to the sight of blood. My blood coming out of my mouth. I didn't feel any anxiety about this, I was merely observing. She was wearing surgical gloves and was repacking the gauze in my mouth, and I knew that my eyes had only been closed for a moment. She was still right on top of me. Her expression was a mixture of compassion amusement and desire. It certainly endeared her to me. For a moment, I felt like I was in love. She discarded the bloody gauze and the bloody gloves and reached between her legs, where, apparently, I was still longing for her. Her hands ran down my shaft through my pants, and it felt like I had never felt anything until that moment. I was fully awake, but only in sex.

The room faded, but I was still there. I pictured her as an orchid coming into bloom. I could see her pink petals unfolding to take in the completeness and heat of the sun. I felt like an orchid root, pressing into the soft soil reaching deeply for moisture. Then I found it. She had been busy undoing my pants and pulling them down to stroke the length of me. I was drenched in my precome, and her hand was electrifying. She took the invitation of my cock, and guided her warm petals around me. She just sat there for a moment, not moving her body, fingering her clit. I wanted to grind into her, but I couldn't move. I wanted to push more blood into my dick to reach it higher into her. She grinned and moaned and fingered. Her eyes wouldn't move from mine. I was so pent up. I wanted to fuck this woman so hard, so badly. I tried to slam my head I tried to pound my fists, and nothing would work. Her free hand moved up to her breasts and gripped them one by one. she fingered her clit more frantically and was more vocal about it as well. I felt like I was going to explode into her. I wanted to come so bad. Then, her arms suddenly gripped my ribs through my shirt, and I felt her flood over me and grip my shaft with her pulsating pussy. She just sat there, breathing and pulsating. her head was nodded over looking down so I couldn't see her face, just a curtain of hair. She remained so still, but for her heavy deep breaths, the occasional pulse of her cunt.

I was still so hard when she finally drew herself off of me. The movement off of me was infuriatingly pleasurable, for it's brevity. She eased herself down my body, staring at me, wetting her tits on my shaft, and rubbing me into her cleavage. She lingered there, pressing her breast into my dick, and rocking her body to and fro, fucking me with her tits. Each time she moved her body down her mouth got closer to the head of my dick. Each time it got closer her pursed lips opened a little wider, as if to show me that when I get there it would be open for me. When her mouth was finally close enough to take me it, she snatched up my cock with her hands, and stroked it furiously, as her mouth took my head in. There was no letting go. Her lips when over and over the head of my cock, and made an occasional slurping sound as the air seal broke. She stroked me so hard and fast, and her tongue flicked back and forth over the eye of my cock. Finally, she gave my balls a gentle tug. To my surprise that, little tug sent me over the edge, and loads of hot jizz came coursing out of me. She only stroked faster and sucked harder. She tugged my scrotum skin harder now, and lowered her mouth all the way over me, taking me all in, every inch and every drop. Holding herself over me, she kept sucking, and gently scratched my nuts. My forehead went numb, and my eyes rolled gently back in my head, and my eyelids closed.

When I finally came to, I was standing up. My girlfriend was there to collect me. She had some paperwork in her hand and a small bottle of pills. The doctor wasn't in the room. I looked around the room to try and determine if anything I remembered was real. I couldn't tell for sure, as the details of the room itself never stood out against the thrill of my supposed experience. One thing that stood out now though, was the small camera sticking out of the wall, above the chair. It occurred to me that the assistant probably had a good show to jerk off to. If any of it happened at all. My girlfriend was getting tired of waiting; It was time to go. I grabbed an extra business card on the way out the door.
