Questionable Dentistry [FM]

My head was so fuzzy, I wasn't sure I could believe my eyes. As I came to, I realized I couldn't move my arms, and I couldn't seem to speak. I forgot it must be the gauze filling my mouth. That concept made too much sense, when everything else going on was completely out of the ordinary. Reality was easily in question.

As I came out of the deep sleep of surgery, the oral surgeon was leaning over me, her eyes were filled with fire. She was staring right into my eyes, staring up from my legs as she gripped the arms of my dental chair. I was transfixed on her face, watching her bite her crimson lips. It seemed my eyes were all I could move. I scanned them down to her hands. I could see that she was digging her nails into the vinyl of the chair. I looked back to her face, which was exhaling much harder than before. Her lips were parted now, but she was staring at me so hard.