While everyone was eating, Lord Jacob continued. "I would like to get back to talking more about expectations, and the political implications of them. This is important to understand because it goes a long way to justifying the existence of this kingdom. We have to be more than just a support group, or, like the liberals would want us to do, we may as well just rely on the government when we need help.
"When you look at most of the social programs liberals want, you always end up with some variation on giving a street beggar the change in your pockets. This action allows the liberals to feel good when they do it, but there are no expectations placed on the beggar to improve his life. Whether liberals want to believe it or not, they are in fact paying the beggar to stay on the street and beg.
"And it gets worse. Liberals hate expectations so much; they even refuse to place any on themselves. They don't care whether their actions actually accomplish anything. They only care about whether people see that they care. In fact, the more they sacrifice and force sacrifice from others, the better they feel because it shows how much they care.