Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.03: Marcia Learns Why (Part 4)

Table of Contents

< Part 3

While everyone was eating, Lord Jacob continued. "I would like to get back to talking more about expectations, and the political implications of them. This is important to understand because it goes a long way to justifying the existence of this kingdom. We have to be more than just a support group, or, like the liberals would want us to do, we may as well just rely on the government when we need help.

"When you look at most of the social programs liberals want, you always end up with some variation on giving a street beggar the change in your pockets. This action allows the liberals to feel good when they do it, but there are no expectations placed on the beggar to improve his life. Whether liberals want to believe it or not, they are in fact paying the beggar to stay on the street and beg.

"And it gets worse. Liberals hate expectations so much; they even refuse to place any on themselves. They don't care whether their actions actually accomplish anything. They only care about whether people see that they care. In fact, the more they sacrifice and force sacrifice from others, the better they feel because it shows how much they care.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.03: Marcia Learns Why (Part 3)

Table of Contents

< Part 2

There was a lull in the conversation, and Laura took that opportunity to speak her mind. "Master Jacob is right. Before I went off to college I thought that 'targets of indoctrination' was a bit harsh, but that is what I found there. If you mouth liberal orthodoxy you are considered enlightened, but if you said anything against it you were seen, at best, as a fool who needed to learn better.

"The proof is in how anyone who strays from the liberal dogma is treated. They are shouted down by the 'shock troops' that are the core student body. No attempt is made to moderate them by the faculty. In this twisted world it is those who dissent from the liberal ideology that are treated as the ones who are attacking the free speech. I certainly did not feel like I could speak my mind there."

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.03: Marcia Learns Why (Part 2)

Table of Contents

< Part 1

Marcia began to wonder if that was the reason why Laura stopped going to college when Laura said, "They have probably already started serving. We better get going. Mistress Jennifer is having an introduction dinner for the girls she has just now taken on for initiation. I'm already a maiden, but I've been gone for nine months, so she wanted me to attend also."

They quickly threw on their dresses, and hurried down the hallway and a few flight of stairs. While Laura led the way, she asked, "I'm sure you have had a few dinners at the Lord and Lady's manor?"

"Yes. My family has had many dinners here." As Marcia replied, she recalled the large dining hall that her family always ate in. It was often filled with up to a hundred people or more. The meals were always fantastic, and there was always a constant roar from all of the conversations going on at the same time.

Laura then led her into a room of the manor she had never been in before. It was a much smaller dining room that could probably only seat about ten people. "This is their casual dining room where they eat when they are not entertaining."

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.03: Marcia Learns Why (Part 1)

Table of Contents

< Chapter 2, Part 8

This is a story of an alternate reality where there is a branch of Christianity that has rejected the dogma normally associated with sex.

Chapter 3: Marcia Learns Why

Something went off inside of Marcia as nothing had ever before. Like waving a red flag in front of a bull, or throwing raw meat in front of a junkyard dog, when Laura flipped her hair over her shoulder at Marcia, something screamed inside, 'I MUST HAVE HER!'

Lady Jennifer sensed what was going on, but decided that it was best to act as if she didn't notice anything. "Well… you girls get acquainted, and be down for dinner in one hour." She then quickly left, and closed the door behind her.

When Marcia heard the door close, she took three steps to close the distance between her and Laura. Even with Laura's three-inch heels, Marcia still towered over her.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.02: Marcia Learns Submission (Part 8)

Table of Contents

< Part 7

It was clear to her that Lady Jennifer was not trying to end this. Marcia could tell that she was expecting something, but what? Maybe, she thought, this was some sort of test to see if Lady Jennifer could trust her. Eventually this was the thought that won out, so she just let go, and stepped back.

Lady Jennifer stood there for a few moments looking at Marcia, then said, "I'm very disappointed in you right now. You probably did what you thought I wanted you to do, and if so, you're wrong. You may have a hard time believing this, but if you truly wanted to respect me, and respect what I have taught you today, you would have done something…anything.

"Do you think you're the only one who likes to have a hand up her skirt? …What would have made me the most proud of you is if you had spanked me.

"The important thing to remember here is what I just told you earlier. I want you to be a strong and powerful woman. The kind of woman that has the self-confidence to demand another woman's submission….Even mine."

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.02: Marcia Learns Submission (Part 7)

Table of Contents

< Part 6

Lady Jennifer continued, "I'm not surprised by your confusion. Our society has a hard time coming to grips with what is the true nature of our sexuality. In every other positive relationship that we engage in, we seek someone who is our equal, or someone like ourselves, but not in sexual relationships. There we don't want someone who is the same as us, we want someone who complements us, someone that fits us like a missing piece of a puzzle. Sexual intercourse is a physical manifestation of this, but the true nature of it runs much deeper than that."

Lady Jennifer turned away, which caused a great deal of distress from Marcia. She was really hoping for some physical attention. "What I am trying to get at is what I mentioned earlier, and that is the duality of domination and submission. In all sexual relationships there is someone who is in control, and someone who is allowing him or herself to be controlled. The roles may swap back in forth in any sexual encounter, but those roles are there, nonetheless.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.02: Marcia Learns Submission (Part 6)

Table of Contents

< Part 5

She then turned towards Marcia and asked, "But before I do, tell me how are you dealing with what I have said so far? This next phase of explanation is pretty intense, intellectually wise, so it's important that there isn't any major issues causing road blocks."

Marcia thought for few moments and replied, "Mistress Jennifer, it's hard to say how this is affecting me. Nothing you're telling me is matching up with how I was raised. I just keep telling myself that I trust my mother, and since she trusts you, I am willing to trust you also."

"I'm glad to hear that. The ability to trust is very important for all of us. People who are incapable of trusting others are always miserable people. Trust is something that we in this kingdom rely on, and seek to develop."

After pausing for a few moments, Lady Jennifer continued, "When I told you that we are a kingdom of relationships, I was describing the 'how' of this kingdom. The 'why' of our kingdom is more like a guiding principle. Of course an important guiding principle is our Christian faith, but we'll get into that later. There are a lot of Christian communities in this world, but that does not lead them to living the kind of lives that we live.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.02: Marcia Learns Submission (Part 5)

Table of Contents

< Part 4

"You know, it's starting to get a bit chilly. How about we go back inside." Lady Jennifer led Marcia back inside, then over to the lounge were they were earlier. The sight of it made Marcia bring to the front of her mind the pain she still felt from what occurred on it.

Sitting in the same positions as earlier, Lady Jennifer continued, "What I have described so far applies to married women, except the part about what happens when you show your panties, that applies to both. So what will be required of you before then?" she asked rhetorically, "As far as men are concerned, you are off limits. No man can touch you until you say you are ready. Your status right now is as an initiate, and technically, you're still not a member of the kingdom. Your only participation of the kingdom will be through me.

"You will need to move to the next stage to be considered in the kingdom, at which time you will then be called a maiden. As a maiden you will only be permitted to perform the duties assigned to you, otherwise you must remain in your room. The only other reasons that you can be out of your room are to eat, and exercise.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.02: Marcia Learns Submission (Part 4)

Table of Contents

< Part 3

Marcia was now flabbergasted. "Mistress Jennifer. You're kidding me right? One of the games our parents have us kids play is 'telegraph.' A message is passed from kid to kid to see how garbled the end result can be, and you expect me to believe that this is a good way to transmit information?"

"You're right, we do have our children play that game, but not to teach them that verbal communication is bad. We do it to show them the pitfalls of it, so that they will learn to do it better."

Marcia was clearly not convinced. "I'm sorry Mistress Jennifer, but I just don't see the benefits of not writing down what you expect of people."

"Look, the laziest most ineffective thing I could do to get you to learn this kingdom is to throw a book at you and say, 'Here. Read this.' If I am really interested in making sure you understand this kingdom, I am going to sit down with you, and walk you through everything, making sure I get the feedback I need that tells me you're grasping this… Like right now, you clearly are not."

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.02: Marcia Learns Submission (Part 3)

Table of Contents

< Part 2

Laura then arrived with an ornate tray and tea set. She placed them down between Marcia and Lady Jennifer and asked, "Will you be needing anything else Mistress Jennifer?"

"That will be all Laura. You may continue with your duties," replied Lady Jennifer. She then poured both of them some of the tea. "Sugar?"

"Two please, Mistress Jennifer," replied Marcia.

Lady Jennifer preferred hers without any, and took a sip as is. While Marcia started sipping hers, Lady Jennifer continued. "When it comes to sex in our kingdom, there are two hard rules. As you may have guessed already, women of this kingdom are required to engage in any sexual act commanded of them by any man of this kingdom. This is rule #1. Rule #2 tempers rule #1 by saying that no one is permitted to harm you. So if you believe that what a man tells you to do is going to harm you (or him, such as if you are having a herpes outbreak), you are entitled to say no without offering him any explanation. In this kingdom 'No' really does mean no – no exceptions.