Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.03: Marcia Learns Why (Part 1)

Table of Contents

< Chapter 2, Part 8

This is a story of an alternate reality where there is a branch of Christianity that has rejected the dogma normally associated with sex.

Chapter 3: Marcia Learns Why

Something went off inside of Marcia as nothing had ever before. Like waving a red flag in front of a bull, or throwing raw meat in front of a junkyard dog, when Laura flipped her hair over her shoulder at Marcia, something screamed inside, 'I MUST HAVE HER!'

Lady Jennifer sensed what was going on, but decided that it was best to act as if she didn't notice anything. "Well… you girls get acquainted, and be down for dinner in one hour." She then quickly left, and closed the door behind her.

When Marcia heard the door close, she took three steps to close the distance between her and Laura. Even with Laura's three-inch heels, Marcia still towered over her.

For Laura's part, she didn't exactly know why she gave Marcia the sign of her willing submission. While she had been in the kingdom for over a year, she spent most of that time away at college, so she wasn't that experienced in what she was doing. Even though she would have liked to submit to the tall, athletic, beauty that was Marcia, she mainly did it as a way to break the ice between them.

Yet when she looked up into Marcia's eyes, she saw someone that clearly wanted her very much. Whatever her original intention, she was now just as consumed by desire as Marcia was. With Marcia's look of 'I Must Have You,' came Laura's corresponding look of 'Please Take Me.'

And so Marcia did. As she brought her left hand up, Laura dipped her right shoulder, and slightly turned her face away to give Marcia easy access to the back of her head. Laura also reached behind herself and grabbed her elbows to complete the proscribed act of submission.

Once Marcia had a good grip on her hair, she used it as a handle to turn Laura's head to face her. Many emotions were going through Marcia now, but chief among them was a desire to redeem herself from when she let Lady Jennifer go earlier today.

With Laura's arms behind her back, her bosom was thrust out to Marcia as if demanding to be assaulted. This was too much of a temptation for Marcia, so she reached out and grabbed Laura's left breast. She did so with a hunger that bordered on desperation. There was nothing gentle about what she did, and it brought a painful gasp out of Laura.

Yes, Laura found what Marcia was doing very painful, but instead of wanting her to stop, the only thing she could think of was how much she wanted the same thing to happen to her other breast. Marcia seemed to be reading her mind, and solved the dilemma of only having one free hand by using it to unclasp Laura's demi-bra from the front, exposing both her breasts. She was now able to maul one breast with her hand, and the other with her mouth.

Marcia alternated between taking big, passionate, mouthful bites of her breast, and playful nips of her nipple. After a while she moved her mouth to the other breast, which freed her hand to move lower down. What she found down below were soaking wet panties that thrilled her to no end. The idea she could have this kind of effect with a woman was very intoxicating, and only drove her to a higher passion.

With one smooth stroke she slid her hand inside Laura's panties, followed by her middle finger into Laura's vagina. She then began a slow pumping action of sliding her hand up and down along the outside of her vagina, while her finger was plunging in and out. It took a few moments to register in her mind that something was strange about what her hand was feeling, and then she realized that Laura's pubic mound was shaved smooth. Marcia had no idea why this would be so erotic to her, but it definitely was.

Marcia marveled in how holding on to Laura's hair gave her complete control over her. She then moved her mouth from Laura's breasts up to her shoulder, followed by her neck. Another very intoxicating feeling was how she had to balance a desire to want to actually eat her, with that of not wanting to leave any physical evidence of her passion on her skin.

After a few more minutes of stimulating her, Marcia decided it was her turn to receive some pleasure. Just as Lady Jennifer dropped her down to her knees, Marcia pulled on Laura's hair, and pressed her forearm on Laura's shoulder, forcing Laura to her knees. Marcia then pulled her dress up, and pressed Laura's face into her sex.

Unlike Marcia earlier with Lady Jennifer, Laura knew exactly what to do, and she did it with relish. She started with licking the outer lips of Marcia's vagina, but quickly moved to plunging her tongue deep inside. Soon Marcia was grinding her pubic mound onto Laura's nose, so Laura took that as a sign that she should move her attention to her clitoris. She sucked and nipped it with gusto until Marcia violently came on her face.

Once Marcia began to catch her breath, she pulled up on Laura, and embraced her in a passionate kiss. They stayed locked like that for a while, and then Marcia pulled back and said, "That was great. You were absolutely fantastic. Up until today I have never really had an orgasm, and now I have had three. It's going to be mighty hard for any day following to live up to this one."

"Oh, don't you worry about that," replied Laura. "You are obviously a natural dominant, so you're going to be very popular with the other maidens under Mistress Jennifer's direction. The others are like me, submissive to the core. Because we want to please each other sexually, we can pretend to be the dominant, but still…"

After thinking for a few moments, Laura continued, "it's kind of bizarre when you think about it. Our submissive nature to please drives us to pretend to be dominant. Yet as you just showed me, nothing beats the real thing. It's going to be nice having someone around here who so clearly enjoys it."

Marcia looked over at the clock and realized that they only had thirty minutes before dinner. "We're running out of time. Let's get cleaned up."

"Sure thing. Luckily our shower fits two," replied Laura.

While taking their shower, Marcia and Laura talked about their times together while growing up. They weren't close friends or anything. In fact, they often found each other on opposing teams while playing volleyball, softball, or soccer.

It was nice reminiscing, but she avoided two topics. The big one was asking Laura why she stopped going to college, or actually, why she wanted to go in the first place. Did she find the experience as horrible as she heard it would be?

The other topic she was avoiding was kind of trivial, which was 'what was with that ridiculous French maid outfit she was wearing today?'

After the shower they were sitting side by side in their underwear at a desk made for two that also served as a vanity. They were preparing themselves to get their dresses on. Marcia looked around the room and noticed only one bed, and it was a single. "Laura, is there another bed that pulls down somewhere?"

"Nope," replied Laura. "Mistress Jennifer expects us to get comfortable with constant physical contact, and with a bed like that, there is no avoiding it. I spent all last summer with another girl who was constantly in motion. At first it was a pain, but eventually I got used to it. I even got to the point where I needed someone in bed with me like a child needs a teddy bear.

"When I went off to college I was looking forward to having my own bed, but the truth was, I felt very alone. I would have liked another girl to snuggle with in the dorm, but I would not have been interested in having sex with any girl there, so how do you ask someone to just sleep with them?

"I know that initially you're not going to like having to share such an intimate space with someone else, but I'm sure your opinion will change. I know it did for me."

Part 2 >
