Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.02: Marcia Learns Submission (Part 3)

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< Part 2

Laura then arrived with an ornate tray and tea set. She placed them down between Marcia and Lady Jennifer and asked, "Will you be needing anything else Mistress Jennifer?"

"That will be all Laura. You may continue with your duties," replied Lady Jennifer. She then poured both of them some of the tea. "Sugar?"

"Two please, Mistress Jennifer," replied Marcia.

Lady Jennifer preferred hers without any, and took a sip as is. While Marcia started sipping hers, Lady Jennifer continued. "When it comes to sex in our kingdom, there are two hard rules. As you may have guessed already, women of this kingdom are required to engage in any sexual act commanded of them by any man of this kingdom. This is rule #1. Rule #2 tempers rule #1 by saying that no one is permitted to harm you. So if you believe that what a man tells you to do is going to harm you (or him, such as if you are having a herpes outbreak), you are entitled to say no without offering him any explanation. In this kingdom 'No' really does mean no – no exceptions.

"Just keep in mind that while you may not have to explain anything to the man you just said no to, you will end up in front of me explaining yourself, and it better not be because you were not in the mood. If you really are not in the mood, my advice to you is to get in the mood. In spite of what you might think, you can control that sort of thing.

"What we are trying to do is eliminate any tendency in you to be a prostitute. We of this kingdom consider most women within our society at large to be whores. They use sex to extract behaviors and favors of men, if not actual money. This is incredibly destructive on many levels, but I'll wait 'til later to explain that. Right now, I want you to know that a key role that I play as a Lady in this kingdom is to make sure that men can trust women when they say no, and that it is not just part of some ploy to avoid him, or to extract some favor from him.

"Whether you believe it or not, you are to act as if all men are worthy of you, and that none of them are beneath you. I'm sure it will take you some time to understand, but the best way to get from men the behaviors and favors that you want, is to treat them with the respect that says they are worthy of you.

"Something else to keep in mind about when you can say no, is that pain does not equal harm in our kingdom, which is why something like the spanking you got earlier today is OK. Quite frankly, I don't want any woman in this kingdom that believes pain is bad. Pain is pain, nothing more, and we want you focused on what is actual harm to you. So pain is no excuse to avoid something that is expected of you.

"Now, from a woman's perspective, any man is entitled to have sex with her, but that doesn't mean any man is allowed to. The king has placed rules upon the men of the kingdom that prevent them from having sex with just any woman. What this means is that it is not your role, or responsibility, to determine if the man demanding sex from you is allowed to do so. He requests it, and then you give it. If he wasn't allowed to, then it is up to the men in his chain of command to correct him. You should never say to a man that he is not allowed to, regardless of what your understanding of the law set down by the king is.

"Now, the rules placed on men are rather complex, so it's kind of hard to follow. Let's start with the rules pertaining to sex with a married woman. As a married woman there are three different ways that a man could be allowed to have sex with you. The first is through your husband. Notice I said through, not with. Not only is your husband allowed to have sex with you, but so is any man up his chain of command. His squad leader, his Lord, his Duke and his King, are allowed to have sex with you whenever they want. Not only that, but your husband can grant an allowance to any other married man for whatever reason he may want. So in effect, your husband can pimp you out."

Marcia interrupted, "Mistress Jennifer. I don't get it. It's wrong for a woman to be a whore, but it is OK for a man to be a pimp?"

As if replying to child, Lady Jennifer said, "Like most people stuck in an immature mode of thinking, you are more focused on the perceived advantages of others than on what it takes to make your life better. This kingdom's efforts to keep our women from becoming prostitutes is based on what is best for them, and how it gets them the things they want better than using sex to get them.

"As for why it's best for our kingdom to have men pimp out their wives…, let's just say for now that men need to learn to share, OK?"

"Yes Mistress Jennifer," replied Marcia.

Lady Jennifer continued, "Sex with unmarried men is not within your husband's control. That is actually my prerogative. One of my many duties is to assign married women as chaperones to unmarried women who want to go on dates. The purpose of the chaperone is the same as has been known through the ages, but the means are very different. We don't use chaperones to block unmarried men from having sex with their unmarried dates, we use them as alternatives to whom they are dating.

"Instead of accompanying the couple on the date, the chaperone simply makes herself available to the couple at the beginning and the end of the date. This makes sure the man has a viable, and desirable, alternative to having sex with the woman he is dating.

"In this kingdom we make sure that unmarried men have the guidance and experience to learn proper sexual behavior, and the best source for that is not from other men, but from married women.

"The final way that a man is allowed to have sex with a woman is a rather peculiar way, which can be viewed on many different levels. As you may have noticed, women of this kingdom are required to wear dresses, unless they are engaged in an activity that makes wearing pants, or shorts, more practical. The specific reason for this is to create opportunities where men can see their panties. If a man does see them, then he is obligated to spank the woman for allowing it, and afterwards, he is allowed sexual satisfaction from her. This applies to both married and unmarried men, but if you're an unmarried woman, the satisfaction should not include intercourse.

"Like I said, this last one can be viewed on many different levels. I personally like to use it as a way to have sex with a man whom I am be attracted to. If I flash him my panties, he is obligated to at least spank me. But whether he demands sexual satisfaction afterwards is up to him. It's a gamble for sure, but one that rarely does not pay off.

"Another point about this is that just as any man you tell no to his sexual advances must accept that no without question; any man can punish you for showing him your panties, even though you believe you didn't. You must accept his word that he saw them. No questions asked."

By now Marcia's head was just spinning with all of the things she was expected to comprehend. "Mistress Jennifer. Do you have some sort of manual I could read to help me keep track of all of this?"

"As a matter of fact, no. There is no manual, more to the point, anything that defines this kingdom cannot be written down, or recorded in anyway."

"What?! … Why?" Marcia was definitely caught off guard by that one. She quickly caught herself and tacked on "…Mistress Jennifer."

"As I stated before, this is a kingdom of relationships, and only by means of relationships is this kingdom defined and conducted. The king creates the laws, then passes them down verbally to his Dukes, which gets passed to the Lords, then the squad leaders, then onto the men of the squad, then finally to the wives of the men."

Part 4 >
