Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.02: Marcia Learns Submission (Part 6)

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< Part 5

She then turned towards Marcia and asked, "But before I do, tell me how are you dealing with what I have said so far? This next phase of explanation is pretty intense, intellectually wise, so it's important that there isn't any major issues causing road blocks."

Marcia thought for few moments and replied, "Mistress Jennifer, it's hard to say how this is affecting me. Nothing you're telling me is matching up with how I was raised. I just keep telling myself that I trust my mother, and since she trusts you, I am willing to trust you also."

"I'm glad to hear that. The ability to trust is very important for all of us. People who are incapable of trusting others are always miserable people. Trust is something that we in this kingdom rely on, and seek to develop."

After pausing for a few moments, Lady Jennifer continued, "When I told you that we are a kingdom of relationships, I was describing the 'how' of this kingdom. The 'why' of our kingdom is more like a guiding principle. Of course an important guiding principle is our Christian faith, but we'll get into that later. There are a lot of Christian communities in this world, but that does not lead them to living the kind of lives that we live.

"Our kingdom was formed to celebrate the masculine and the feminine in mankind. We believe that all people will live better lives if men are expected to be the best men they can be, and women are expected to be the best women they can be.

"In contrast, modern liberal thinking says there are no true gender differences beyond biology. Men and women act the way they do because that is the way they were taught. Also, they believe that there is nothing in this world that men and women cannot do equally as well.

"Most people in our society know that this is not entirely true. They inherently know things like, sure, you could train a woman to be a good soldier; one that would even be effective in combat. Yet they also know that men can be trained to be much better soldiers.

"Most people know these things, but they have poor models to draw from on how to put any of this into action. When you couple this with the threats of gender discrimination lawsuits, you then have a real disincentive to do so.

"So how did we end up in the cultural mess that we are in? Feminists will tell you men are to blame, but that actually denies the power we women naturally have over men. We need to see how women play a crucial role in the gender conflicts we are in right now, if we are ever going to straighten things out.

"Let's go back to the beginning of the modern feminist movement. The state of affairs for women was not good. Far too many men were walking around with the presumption of superiority over women. It important to know that in order to believe you are superior to someone else, you must disrespect that person. They go hand in hand. It was clear, then, that our society at the time respected the things men did, and not respect the things women did.

"The first mistake that the feminists made was getting sucked into debating whether there are things men are better at than women. This makes it appear that there are valid reasons for feeling superior to others. There, of course, isn't any valid reasons for this. Just because you are better at something than someone else, doesn't make you a better person than him or her. Anyone who has a need to feel superior to others has serious self-esteem issues.

"The next mistake they made was proving that it was what males had to offer our society that should be valued, and not what women had to offer. Their actions only perpetuated and enhanced the myth of male superiority; it did nothing to diminish it. The feminists won't use these words, but they are in effect telling women they need to be more like men, yet you will never really convince anyone that women make better men.

"The worse thing they did was to convince a great majority of women that they had to put off having children in order to pursue a career. This is actually the worse thing about being a man. There is a great deal of pressure put on men to sacrifice their time with their family in order to climb the corporate ladder, yet feminists say that women must do the same.

"This has two very major negative impacts. The first is obvious. Women are told that they should develop transitory relationships with people at work, rather than the permanent relationships that will nourish them spiritually the rest of their, lives like the ones they will get with a family.

"But the most damaging aspect of insisting that women pursue a career is the message that women absolutely cannot trust men. The message feminists have for women is 'If you are a woman who allows herself to be put in a position where she depends on a man for anything, you are not only fool, but a traitor to all of womankind'."

Lady Jennifer paused here for dramatic effect, then continued. "The world that feminists have for women is one that I want no part of. I want to trust men. Quite frankly, I see no point to living if I can't trust men.

"The fact of the matter is, what all women actually want is respect. No matter how arduous or dirty a job is, if it gets enough respect, we'll do it. And this applies to both men and women. Money only plays a secondary role, because we only really complain about low pay because we see it as a lack of respect. That's where this 'equal pay for equal work' nonsense comes from.

"Take for example when you went across my lap earlier today. You did so because you wanted my respect, and you knew that was how you were going to get it. There may have been other reasons involved, but that was the primary one.

"So the question is, how do we as women get the respect we deserve? Do we take the easy route and start behaving in the ways men respect each other, or do we take the harder path of changing society to start respecting the things women have to offer?"

Again, another pause for dramatic effect. Marcia took that pause to reply, "Mistress Jennifer, my heart tells me that what you say is right, but my head can't get around the idea that to allow myself to be spanked is very demeaning. How does doing something demeaning gain me respect?"

"Your heart may know the truth, but your brain will continue to operate on what it was taught. All you really need to know is that someone you admire wanted something of you, and you provided it. In turn, I knew it was something you would not give to just anyone, so I knew it had great value. The fact that I demonstrated that I knew it had great value is the source of the respect you wanted.

"If I had just done what I did, then dumped you on the floor and walked away, you would have been devastated. The fact that I caressed you, and kissed you, and showed you how much respect I had for you changed everything thing about it. Like I said, we human beings will do anything, and I mean absolutely anything if there is enough respect involved. Just ask any would-be Muslim suicide bomber."

"That actually makes a lot of sense, Mistress Jennifer," replied Marcia.

"You should now also start to understand why it was so important that I spanked you when I did. If I hadn't, you would not have had the experience to grasp what I just told you. But there is more to learn, and that's the next step. Now stand up," Lady Jennifer commanded.

Marcia was quick to comply.

"Raise your dress, and show me your panties," she continued to command.

Marcia hesitantly did so, but only just enough so that the lower part of them could be seen.

"Higher, and spread your legs apart some." and when she complied, Lady Jennifer continued. "That's good. For the remainder of what I will explain to you, I want you to experience the emotions that are going through you right now. I also want easy access to reach between your thighs whenever I choose to. Is that understood?"

"Yes Mistress Jennifer."

"Good. I cannot stress enough how this kingdom is a kingdom of relationships. We do everything in our power to strengthen them, and to turn them into something that benefits all of us. An important aspect to making any relationship strong is to deal with them in a realistic manner. We need to be open and honest about them, or they will whither and die.

"Now think about what you know of sexual relationships. How do they differ from any other kind of relationship?"

Marcia was puzzled by this. "I'm not sure what you're asking, Mistress Jennifer. Isn't it obvious?"

"Is it really?" Lady Jennifer took one step towards Marcia, which put her mere inches from her. She then quietly said in Marcia's ear, "By the state of your breathing, and how hard your heart is pounding, your body knows we are engaged in a sexual relationship right now, yet I am not touching you, or doing anything that is obviously sexual in nature."

Marcia was once again beside herself in anticipation. She was initially mortified to expose herself like she was ordered to, but now she was more concerned that her mistress would not reach between her legs and touch her.

Part 7 >
