Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.03: Marcia Learns Why (Part 4)

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< Part 3

While everyone was eating, Lord Jacob continued. "I would like to get back to talking more about expectations, and the political implications of them. This is important to understand because it goes a long way to justifying the existence of this kingdom. We have to be more than just a support group, or, like the liberals would want us to do, we may as well just rely on the government when we need help.

"When you look at most of the social programs liberals want, you always end up with some variation on giving a street beggar the change in your pockets. This action allows the liberals to feel good when they do it, but there are no expectations placed on the beggar to improve his life. Whether liberals want to believe it or not, they are in fact paying the beggar to stay on the street and beg.

"And it gets worse. Liberals hate expectations so much; they even refuse to place any on themselves. They don't care whether their actions actually accomplish anything. They only care about whether people see that they care. In fact, the more they sacrifice and force sacrifice from others, the better they feel because it shows how much they care.

"And when you point out to them that they are only perpetuating misery, the liberal says 'Judge me not by my lack of accomplishments; judge me only by my intentions.' The facts are, if you do not place any expectation on getting results, then intentions are all you care about."

In order to give her husband a chance to eat, Lady Jennifer continued from there. "It is not possible to help someone who is making destructive decisions about themselves, unless you place expectations on them. Yet liberals will never consider doing it on those they claim to help. The only people they place expectations on are rich, white, conservative males. They place all kinds of expectations on them, but they do that because they want to cause them harm. In the upside down world of the liberals, expectations are only for the people you see as evil, and never for those you claim you are trying to help.

"Why this is so is probably based on some misguided notion that you are disrespecting people when you place expectations on them. But which is more disrespectful, expecting a poor, black child to succeed in school, or believing he or she will fail without giving them preferential treatment.

"The liberal will probably respond with 'How can a poor and oppressed person ever be expected to succeed in our society?' Yet, you must assume that this is a valid question before continuing, but it is not.

"Let's first debunk the oppressed part of the question, as this is a complete and total lie that is sewn out of whole cloth. Never before in the history of mankind have people been so free to fail at life. That's right. I said free to fail. Before the 20th century, if you were one of life's failures, you died. Simple as that. You died.

"Not now, though. Today you are free to fail, and never be held accountable. And as long as you're not a white male, you will never even be blamed for your failures either. The notion that people are oppressed in this country would be laughable if it was not causing so much misery."

As if tag teaming, Lord Jacob filled in. "And the proof there is no oppression goes beyond freedom from failure. Never before in mankind's history have people sought out to be victims. Until this society came along, no one in his or her right mind would actually want to be a victim. Yet we now have people from all walks of life clamoring to be included into one victim's group or another, and if they can't get in, then they try to create another class of victim so they can be included.

"As an old saying goes, 'No chain binds so tightly as the ones we put on ourselves.' The only oppression going on in this country is the kind people are doing to themselves. It is absolutely perverted and twisted to believe your life will be made better by being considered a victim, yet there they are."

Lady Jennifer again picked up the conversation. "And as for the poor, what can I say? When you can own a home, two cars, three televisions, and suffer from the complications of obesity, yet still consider yourself to be poor, there is just no sanity involved here. There really are some actual poor people in this country, but our politically driven definition of poverty only causes more damage.

"This then leads to the complete misunderstanding that liberals have with expectations. Expectations are not a one-way street. True expectations cannot be made on someone with corresponding expectations made on you.

"What I mean is that if you fail to achieve what we expect of you, we will always consider how we failed to give you what you need to accomplish what we expected. This is how expectations are really a sign of respect, because there is an established link of responsibilities. So without this link, expectations are really nothing more than demands, which is how liberals view expectations anyway.

"This is where liberals get things wrong, and why this kingdom exists. They know they don't want the government to lay any expectations on them, but they want the government to take care of everyone anyway. Yet you can't really help anyone without placing expectations on them, so then government becomes nothing more than an enabler of its citizens' destruction.

"We avoid this nonsense by stating that the government should do what it does best, which is protecting the rights of the individual, and nothing more. The citizens should then voluntarily organize themselves with people that they share values with in order to take care of each other.

"But these groups should not be just about supporting each other. This is a very weak goal that does not provide any direction. The goal should be about establishing expectations of their members. When you establish expectations you are driving your members to do their best. If you're just supporting them, you wind up rewarding them in their weakness. And with our understanding of how expectations are mutual, the support the members need to meet those expectations will naturally follow."

The conversation went back yet again to Lord Jacob. Marcia at this time was feeling like she was watching a tennis match, with her head swinging back and forth. "So that is why we have a kingdom. We humans need to voluntarily organize in some manner to operate at our best. We were never meant to be on our own. So now the question to answer is how do we define this particular kingdom. What values are we going to share that will help bind us and add meaning and purpose to our lives?"

Mrs. Gonzalez entered again with the other women. The other women's carts were empty to pick up the dinner plates, but her cart was full of bowls of blackberry cobbler a la mode.

Once Lord Jacob's plate was picked up, Mrs. Gonzalez placed his dessert in front of him. He then commented, "What a perfect choice to complement a southern style dinner. It looks like you have outdone yourself."

Mrs. Gonzalez replied, "Why thank you, Lord Jacob. I picked the berries myself in the back woods of the manor, so I know they are delicious."

Marcia had finally hit the tipping point on the uniform Mrs. Gonzalez was wearing, forcing her to comment, "Lord Jacob, I have spent most of my life at this manor, and I never recalled seeing the uniform Mrs. Gonzalez is wearing. The uniforms I have seen around here on other women, including my mom, were not revealing like that at all. Is this something new?"

"I'll take this dear," replied Lady Jennifer. "There is nothing new about this uniform. Women have been wearing it here since before you were born. This just goes to show how well we have kept the sexual side of our lives separate from our children. And for the record, your mother has worn this uniform many times."

Part 5 >
