Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.04: What Are Words For (Part 6)

Table of Contents

< Part 5

Lady Jennifer paused again. "How are we doing so far? Still hanging in there?" She was getting some nods of encouragement. "Good.

"When I started this line about context, I said there are two serious problems associated wit it. We covered the first one, which is believing that you understand the words of people who live in different worlds, and the disadvantage liberals have in this case. The other problem is far more insidious.

"Just as the meaning of words cannot be fully understood unless the context they are being used is known, the flips side can also be true. That is, sometimes words come with a context already associated with them. This already established context makes them susceptible to something we call context hijacking.

"In context hijacking you take the context of one word in order to replace the context of another. A couple of benign examples that are easy to understand are the evolution of stewardess to flight attendant, and secretary to administrative assistant. In both of these cases, neither job actually changed, just the names.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.04: What Are Words For (Part 5)

Table of Contents

< Part 4

She looked around again but didn't see questioning looks, so she proceeded on. "The next topic of discussion is context. Words rarely have absolute meanings. In other words, most words cannot be understood by themselves. They're just words without any ability to convey ideas on their own. Context is required in order to give them meaning.

"I'm sure you have seen plenty of examples where selected words from someone's speech are pulled out and presented on their own so that they can convey a different meaning than the one the speaker intended. As common as this may be, it does not reflect a serious problem. This is just another form of lying, and can be dealt with by carefully considering the source of the information.

"What I want to spend my time on are two serious problems associated with context that are not apparent. The most prevalent is actually a type of self-deception. This is the kind where you do hear everything said, but because you don't live in the world of the speaker, you get a different meaning.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.04: What Are Words For (Part 4)

Table of Contents

< Part 3

After a pause to collect her thoughts, she continued, "OK girls. This morning we are going to analyze some poorly understood concepts of communication. Specifically, we'll look at what are words for. The purpose of this analysis is to help you progress towards enlightenment. We consider ourselves to be a very enlightened people, and we demand the same of all those who wish to enter our kingdom. I don't care how deeply you believe that we are doing the right thing here, if you do not understand us, you will never be able to benefit us, and I will even go so far as to say that you will be a danger to us.

"Enlightenment is not something I can explain to you. Like much in life, you will not understand it until you achieve it, and then it will need no explanation. Enlightenment is not some sort of body of knowledge that you learn. It is more of a 'how' than it is a 'what.'

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.04: What Are Words For (Part 3)

Table of Contents

< Part 2

The last girl to go was Lisa Green. Marcia thought she was quite shy to begin with. Now it appeared she could hardly breathe. Lady Jennifer had to do a considerable amount of coaxing to spread her legs with no panties on. Finally she said, "Lisa, I am not going to take any pictures of you with your deer-in-the-headlights look. You need to calm down and smile."

It was obvious to Marcia that Lisa was trying, but the best she could pull off was a grimace. At about the time Marcia was wondering what she could do to help Lisa out, Lady Jennifer seemed to have again read her mind and said, "Lisa, I want you to lie back against the back of the couch. Marcia, go down on Lisa. Maybe if you can sex her up a bit she can loosen up enough to get these pictures taken." This was definitely not what Marcia had in mind when she was thinking about how to help Lisa out, yet at the same time, she had no problems with Lady Jennifer's command. As she came over to Lisa, she could tell that Lisa was horribly mortified by what was about to happen. Even though Marcia was the one having to spend time between her thighs, she actually felt sorry for Lisa, and was even feeling a little maternal towards her.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.04: What Are Words For (Part 2)

Table of Contents

< Part 1

By the time Marcia had finished her breakfast, so had the other girls. The last maiden she did not know had just departed, so everyone that was left just stared at each other, waiting for Lady Jennifer to show up.

It seemed that Alyson Frazier got the most frustrated by the situation, and with a great deal of exasperation, got up, walked around the table to where Marcia was sitting, then lifted the hem of her skirt with her right hand just high enough to show her panties to Marcia.

Marcia was actually a little amused by this, and decided to play along. She stood up and showed her panties to Alyson. They each reached with their left hands between the thighs of the other and cupped each other's vagina. They then brought their right hands around to the small of the other girl's back, and embraced each other tightly. As the dominant, Marcia didn't take advantage of this situation like she did last night. She only kissed Alyson for about a half a minute before pulling back. "Yes Ally?" she asked.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.04: What Are Words For (Part 1)

Table of Contents

< Chapter 3, Part 28

This is a story of an alternate reality where there is a branch of Christianity that has rejected the dogma normally associated with sex.

Chapter 4: What Are Words For

"That was quite an experience last night, wasn't it?" asked Laura.

Marcia had just woken up, and looked over at Laura. Laura was sitting at the vanity in her French maid uniform, and asked that question looking at Marcia in the mirror. She seemed to be preparing herself to leave.

"I'll say!" replied Marcia. So much happened yesterday that it almost felt like an entire week was crammed into it. She was thinking particularly about how it ended. Marcia was the last girl to give Laura her 'face time,' so she requested that she do so with Laura back in their room. As it was already after midnight, Lady Jennifer readily agreed.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.03: Marcia Learns Why (Part 28)

Table of Contents

< Part 27

Most of the girls appeared a bit nervous about what might happen, but no one really delayed getting undressed. Eventually they were all standing there in their panties with their clothes behind them on the floor.

"In the cupboard over to your right, there some towels. I want each of you to get one and come back to where you are. Be sure to keep them folded as they came out."

Once they were back in position he said, "I've heard several complaints today that you felt you had been deceived by how we have presented ourselves to you. What follows should be viewed as the most clearest message I know how to send about the extremes of what to expect here."

Lord Jacob then walked over to his wife, and grabbed her hair at the back of her head with his left hand. His right hand still held the strap. As he lifted her out of the seat by her hair, Lady Jennifer crossed her arms behind her back, and grabbed her elbows. He then brought her to him for a passionate kiss, followed quickly by moving his passion down her neck and shoulders.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.03: Marcia Learns Why (Part 27)

Table of Contents

< Part 26

"This brings us to the hardest topic of the evening. As you may recall earlier, we said that condoms are not permitted except for specific circumstances, and those circumstances are when incest is involved. I perform the role of your father, so anytime we have intercourse, I'll be wearing a condom.

"Incest is another of the sexual taboos that we don't just dismiss; we consider to be quite harmful if observed. This is juxtaposed against pedophilia, which is a taboo we seriously enforce. Yet they are related.

"It is very important that children are not looked upon as sexual targets. They are like unripe fruit. It is absolutely clear to us that submission is required for proper sexual gratification, and children cannot in any way consent to it. Like what my wife should have told you before, submission is not passive. It is very active, and maturity is required.

"There is absolutely no consideration in this kingdom about experimenting with sex with children, although we do believe waiting till eighteen is wrong. Sixteen at least, maybe younger, but considering the laws of the land, we stick with eighteen.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.03: Marcia Learns Why (Part 26)

Table of Contents

< Part 25

Lord Jacob was the first to break the silence, which he said in amazement, "Bravo, Marcia. Bravo. What a display by both of you. I don't care how many times I witness something like that; I will never grow tired of it."

"I share my husband's sentiments," replied Lady Jennifer. "My only regret was that it could have been me in Alyson's place earlier today, if only Marcia had found that dominant side of her then."

Both girls were standing there looking pretty proud of themselves. Marcia then leaned over, and gave Alyson another kiss before walking over to Lady Jennifer.

As she approached she raised her dress to expose all of her panties. Lady Jennifer then reached inside, and of course, found a very damp vagina. As she was leaning around to deliver the initial swat confirming she was not shaved properly she said quietly, "Don't worry about your excited state. We'll be taking care of that shortly."

This was followed by the swat. Marcia then raised her dress, and then received her sound spanks while being aggressively stimulated by Lady Jennifer. Marcia wasn't counting, but it had to be a lot more than what the other girls got, and strangely enough, she was glad.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.03: Marcia Learns Why (Part 25)

Table of Contents

< Part 24

"If you come back here without having her touch you to confirm her domination of you, you will be punished. It doesn't matter to me whether you had the opportunity to do so or not. Maybe she didn't make time for it specifically so that you would be punished.

"Keep in mind that this is about confirming your submission, not determining it like with what you are doing with other maidens. Any married woman can do anything she wants to with you, anytime she wants to, and this includes spanking you to whatever degree she my want. She obviously can't do it with her children around, so it may be left to me, or someone else that I decide later on.

"Once submission has been confirmed, anything can happen from there. And I do mean anything. If the married woman flips her hair to you, she really is signally her willing submission to you. Just remember, this makes you the dominant, and as the dominant, you have every right to refuse. You will never be punished for not performing the role of the dominant."