Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.04: What Are Words For (Part 2)

Table of Contents

< Part 1

By the time Marcia had finished her breakfast, so had the other girls. The last maiden she did not know had just departed, so everyone that was left just stared at each other, waiting for Lady Jennifer to show up.

It seemed that Alyson Frazier got the most frustrated by the situation, and with a great deal of exasperation, got up, walked around the table to where Marcia was sitting, then lifted the hem of her skirt with her right hand just high enough to show her panties to Marcia.

Marcia was actually a little amused by this, and decided to play along. She stood up and showed her panties to Alyson. They each reached with their left hands between the thighs of the other and cupped each other's vagina. They then brought their right hands around to the small of the other girl's back, and embraced each other tightly. As the dominant, Marcia didn't take advantage of this situation like she did last night. She only kissed Alyson for about a half a minute before pulling back. "Yes Ally?" she asked.

"As you are the only girl in this room who was raised within this kingdom, I have a few questions that I imagine everyone here would like to hear answered," stated Alyson.

"Go ahead," replied Marcia.

"I would say we are all in agreement that we find it just not credible that you did not know what was going on here. Did you really not know about all of this sex and spankings and such?"

"I swear I did not know," Marcia replied. "Sure, there were rumors among us kids. The fact that our parents were clearly not talking about some things does lead to suspicions, but nothing solid. When you have wonderful parents who appear to love each other greatly, why would we believe something about them that we thought were bad at the time?"

Before Alyson could ask her next question Lady Jennifer flew into the room. She was wearing a light blue satin sleeveless dress that fit tightly to her form, and whose hem only came down to mid-thigh. In her hand was a digital SLR camera. "I'm glad to see you girls are embracing as you should when you're talking. Now everybody up, and follow me into the parlor." She never broke her stride as she said this, and went around the table and into the room they were in last night.

Marcia shrugged to Alyson as if saying 'Oh well' then broke off from her and followed Lady Jennifer out of the dining room. The other girls got up, and followed her as well.

As the girls came in, Lady Jennifer stood in front of the love seat and said, "Please take a seat on one of the couches."

The girls filed in and sat down. Marcia took the same spot she had last night on the left couch close by Lady Jennifer. Alyson Frazier, the blond surfer, sat next to her. The last person on the couch was Allison Lilly – the prim librarian-looking girl with tight auburn curls.

On the next couch, to the right of Lady Jennifer, beginning deep in the V formed by the two couches sat Sandra Nelson, the blond Rubanesque girl with the deep Southern accent. Continuing to the right of her was Evellyn Robinson, the regal Nubian princess. She was followed by Becky Phadt, the middle-eastern girl, and lastly, the shy Lisa Green with the long black hair.

"Before we began today's lesson," said Lady Jennifer, "I need to take a few pictures of each of you. These will be the 'before' pictures of you as you are before you are initiated. Once you have been initiated these pictures will appear on your web sites.

"These web sites are only available on our kingdom's intranet, and not accessible on the Internet for the general public. You see girls, our intranet is very tightly controlled to prevent viruses and other intrusions from accessing our system. As such, all Internet usage is strictly monitored. This means we know exactly who accessed any Internet web site. We don't do this to prevent anyone from seeing what he or she wants, just to keep track of it.

"Men are very visual creatures, which means they are always looking for pictures that excite them. We women of this kingdom take it as a great source of pride that our men would rather look at the pictures we provide them on our personal websites, than what they would find on the Internet.

"This is an important theme to remember about our kingdom. We don't just go along with what men want sexually. We enthusiastically support it in every way we can.

"Of the many things you will learn to do in the very near future is how to build websites. It's actually quite easy with the latest software for such purposes. As a maiden, you will be expected to update your web site once a month with a minimum of thirty pictures. The purpose of which is to attract the attention of the men of this kingdom. This is going to be a very important thing if you are looking for men to take you on dates.

"Another aspect of this to pay attention to, is that we are actively involved in shaping the sexuality of our men. By monitoring who is attracting more attention than others, and how well we attract our men over what they can find on the Internet, why can keep abreast of what they want, and where their sexuality is heading.

"I know this is going to be hard for you to understand, because it is directly related to power of the submissive, but by staying out in front of our men's sexual desires, we can lead them where we want them, which will give us the satisfaction we need in our lives. This is a far more effective means to get what you want than by using guilt or nagging your men.

"Always remember, sexually satisfied men are incredibly malleable to what ever you want. Focus intently on what they want, not what you think they should want, and you will be guaranteed to get what you really need in your life from them.

Lady Jennifer paused to look around at the girls. "So we need to start right away to get some pictures, because many of you will begin your bikini-line electrolysis this afternoon. Trust me. When you begin shaving your vagina, your life will be so much better if you don't have to deal with that area.

"Marcia, let's begin with you. Come over and sit in the center of this seat." Lady Jennifer was pointing to her love seat. As Marcia sat down where she was instructed, Lady Jennifer took a few steps back into the V of the two couches, and crouched down. Considering the tightness of her dress, she had to do a bit of balancing to get into a comfortable position. Marcia noticed that this position even exposed her panties to her.

She then continued, "I want you to sit with your bottom on the very edge of seat. Now bring your knees together, and swing them to your right, so I get a good side view of your legs. That's nice, now smooth out your dress and place both of hour hands on your left thigh, and smile pretty for me."

Lady Jennifer snapped off a few pictures. Marcia was a little more than just self-conscience. She didn't know pictures would be taken today, or she would have put more effort into her appearance.

Again, as Lady Jennifer seemed to have a habit of reading Marcia's mind, she said, "I know many of you're are going to be very nervous about this. I also know each of you believe that you should have been told that I was going to take pictures of you, but I wanted pictures of you in your au natural state. Trust me. You all look great, and have nothing to be ashamed of.

"The most important thing to remember for these pictures is to smile. You must always look as if you are enjoying yourself. That is the only thing about your appearance that is important.

"Marcia, I now want you to pull back your hem until the side of your panties are visible. I want to see all of your legs. Good, now hold that." Lady Jennifer took a few more.

"Keeping your right knee where it is, swing your left knee as wide as it will reach. Alright, now pull back your dress so that I can just see your panties." She took some more, and by the why she adjusted the focus, Marcia could tell she was also taking close-ups of her panties.

"Now raise your dress higher so I get a full view of your panties. Excellent." It then dawned on Marcia that she had pubic hair sticking out from behind her panties, which made her even more self-conscience of her appearance.

After taking a few more pictures Lady Jennifer dropped the camera by her side. "I want you to take your panties completely off."

Marcia complied by remaining in a seated position, and slid them off as best she could. Once she was done she resumed the first position she was in with her knees together and swung over to the right.

"Marcia," chastised Lady Jennifer. "Open your legs as they were before." Once she had, and had raised her dress, Lady Jennifer continued, "Slide a little more to the edge of the seat, so I can get a clear shot of your vagina."

Lady Jennifer brought the camera back up, and as she started taking pictures she said, "I just love a nice hairy pubic mound. Some men actually prefer a woman this way, and we know this because of the large amount of activity men show towards Internet sites that cater to women like this."

Once she was done she stood up and said, "OK. Put your panties back on, and sit back down where you were." She then turned towards Alyson. "Ally, you're next."

As Marcia and Alyson exchanged seats, Marcia gave Alyson a quick hug of encouragement, which the blond, surfer girl really appreciated.

Marcia noticed as each girl went up how incredibly shy they were about what they were doing, and yet, with Lady Jennifer's persistent cajoling, they put on the best brave and enjoyable face they could.

This shyness struck Marcia as very odd considering what they went through last night. Then she recalled that the focus of everyone's attention was on what Lady Jennifer was going through. This morning would then be the first time that each girl's vagina was the center of everyone's attention.

Part 3 >
