Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.04: What Are Words For (Part 1)

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< Chapter 3, Part 28

This is a story of an alternate reality where there is a branch of Christianity that has rejected the dogma normally associated with sex.

Chapter 4: What Are Words For

"That was quite an experience last night, wasn't it?" asked Laura.

Marcia had just woken up, and looked over at Laura. Laura was sitting at the vanity in her French maid uniform, and asked that question looking at Marcia in the mirror. She seemed to be preparing herself to leave.

"I'll say!" replied Marcia. So much happened yesterday that it almost felt like an entire week was crammed into it. She was thinking particularly about how it ended. Marcia was the last girl to give Laura her 'face time,' so she requested that she do so with Laura back in their room. As it was already after midnight, Lady Jennifer readily agreed.

Back at their room, Marcia did not do what she did out of some obligation to return what Laura had given her earlier that day in this very room. She felt challenged and inspired to exceed what the other girls had just performed on her. Those other girls may have seen what they did as a duty commanded by their mistress, but not Marcia. She was beginning to see that the sex she was required to perform as the blessing that any sex act should be.

Now laying in bed, staring at the beauty that is Laura as she prepared herself for the day, she began to contemplate more about what Lady Jennifer said last night about all of these rules and obligations. It was becoming clearer to her now how they really are a framework, and not a jail. They weren't restraining her at all. They were indeed liberating her.

She was now more determined than ever to explore these rules instead of fighting them. It was then she realized that she and Laura were talking to each other, yet they were not engaged in the embrace they were suppose to be in. She propped herself up on her elbow and asked, "Shouldn't we be doing that embrace thing since we are now talking to each other?"

Laura spun around on her chair with a happy smile on her face, and enthusiastically replied, "With you? Anytime! Talking or not." She then flipped her hair over her right shoulder like she did yesterday, yet it was done more in jest than in the serious way as before.

Laura then continued, "Something you will eventually learn around here is that while all rules are strictly enforced, few are taken very seriously. Particularly in the privacy of our rooms." She then spun back around, and continued to work on the impossibility of taking her beauty to a higher level.

Marcia continued to ponder the many things she remembered yesterday, and the possibilities they presented to her. The more she thought, the more she saw new and interesting situations to explore. That was until she remembered the part about where she would be expected to have sex with her mother, and everything she was thinking up 'til then came crashing down. It was like a bucket of icy cold water hitting her square in the face, and made her literally lose her breath for a second.

This was definitely going to take more than anything she knew was inside of her to deal with. Then she thought of Laura. Her parents are in the kingdom. Lord Jacob said most girls go back to living with their parents once they got used to having sex with them, yet Laura hasn't. Was she here because she couldn't deal with it?

"Laura?" she asked. "Why are you still living here instead of with your parents? Are you having a hard time dealing with incest?"

Laura was now done with her hair and makeup, and stood up to smooth out her uniform in front of the full length mirror on the back of the bathroom door. She turned to look at Marcia as she replied "Me? Having a hard time with incest? I'm the envy of almost every maiden around here, because I have three older brothers who are required to wear condoms when they fuck me. Between them, my father and Lord Jacob — all who are required to wear condoms — I get a good solid pounding almost every day! The only thing most maidens have to look forward to are the tentative penetrations they experience from their dates who are forbidden to wear condoms. So no, I have no problems with incest.

"I will admit it that it was weird when I started having sex with my mother. Sex with my father and brothers really didn't result in a major change in my relationships with them, but sex with my mother certainly did. We had to seriously re-evaluate ourselves to get past a lot of emotional hang-ups.

"I think a very important aspect of the this kingdom is how we are required to force ourselves outside of what we are comfortable with. My mother and I would never have considered having sex on our own. Yet for no other reason than it turns men on to watch us do it, we have a much better relationship than we would have without it."

Marcia replied, "I honestly don't know how I am going to deal with it myself."

"I'll tell you what Lady Jennifer told me before the first time with my mother," Laura continued. "Unless you have a solid reason why you shouldn't have sex with your mother, then a reluctance to have sex with her points to a serious problem with your relationship with her.

"There is a very big gap between what you want to do, and what you don't want to do. In other words, there is nothing wrong with not wanting to have sex with your mother, but there is something wrong if you just can't to do it.

"Many a girl has tried to find a valid reason to not have sex with their mothers, but none have. This kingdom will force you to eventually see that your reasons boil down to the fact that it just doesn't feel right, nothing more, and that excuse will never be good enough here."

"So then," continued Marcia. "Why are you not living with your parents?"

"Because of my three younger sisters," replied Laura. "When I am at home, I have to act all prim and proper in front of them, instead of the tart that I want to be." She then struck a pose in the mirror to herself that just dripped sexuality.

After a few moments she turned back towards Marcia, and with a more serious tone than before said, "My next youngest sister turns eighteen next week, and will be initiating into the kingdom soon after that. I imagine within the month we'll be having sex with each other a lot.

"What Lady Jennifer said last night was very true. Sisters are required to have sex more often than other women do. I don't know whether it is because of my acceptance of that fact, or just my own sexuality coming out, but I have already started to look at my sister in a different light.

"I think my biggest problem comes from the fact I have always been the submissive with my other family members so far. With my sister, I am going to have to be the dominant, and I'm just not good with that. I admit this troubles me, but I have already learned that facing the things that trouble me have brought me a lot more benefit than harm, so I am sure this will work out also."

She then took a deep breath, smoothed out her uniform one last time, and said to Marcia on her way out the door, "I'm off to serve my Master. I'll see you at lunch time." She then stuck her head back in the room and said, "I forgot to tell you. Mistress Jennifer wants you downstairs in the their personal dinning room for breakfast in twenty minutes. So hurry."

Luckily she and Laura had showered together before they went to bed last night, so she had no trouble getting ready. She quickly got dressed in what she now saw as the uniform of maidens — a knee length white dress that is tight at the waist, but flares out the hips; very 50's looking. Underneath she wore conservative styled white panties and bra, and she finished off her appearance with ankle socks and white slide-on canvas shoes. After fixing herself up a little in front of the vanity, she hurried on down to the dinning room she had dinner at last night.

On her way down, she contemplated what Laura had said the kingdom was going to expect of her and her sister. Marcia's biggest concern on this subject was the fact she had five younger brothers. Would she be expected to have sex with them? This was just too much to process. She finally had to just say to herself that her oldest brother was only sixteen, so she had at least two years before she had to worry about that.

Her real concern that was coming up right away was her mother. How was she going to deal with that? As she was thinking of this, she then thought of her father and realized that she wasn't as concerned about having sex with him. Why would that be, she wondered? Shouldn't she be more concerned about him?

When she arrived at the dinning room, she found the same girls as last night, plus a few others, already eating breakfast. Lady Jennifer and Lord Jacob were nowhere to be seen. She found the scene very bizarre because no one was talking.

A buffet of a Continental breakfast was spread out along a narrow table next to the wall. By the time she filled her plate, two of the girls she didn't know had gotten up already, so she sat in one of the vacated spots.

After those girls placed their plates on a cart, they embraced as two maidens should when they wanted talk. After what seemed like 20 seconds in their embrace, they began talking about what was planned for them today. It sounded like each of them was heading off to different homes to help out the mothers who lived there. They continued talking for a few more minutes, then separated and departed.

Part 2 >
