Elevator Arousal [Mf]



I wake up for a moment, bleary eyed, and glance at my alarm. Ugh. I punch the snooze button. Back to dreamland I go.



This time I bolt upright, a mix of adrenaline and panic coursing through me. Shit. I’ve done it now. I’m going to be late for my interview as an assistant for Lemonier & Smeathe Associates, the big law firm in town. Tripping out of bed over a pile of dirty clothes, I scramble to find something to wear. I throw on a blouse and a pencil skirt, clasping the silver “Alice” necklace from my grandmother onto my neck last year for my 21st birthday. I grab my purse. It’s go time.


Stepping out of the cab and onto the streets of Chicago, I see the skyscraper of my (hopeful) future employment company. Fixing my hair for the thousandth time, I push through the revolving doors, entering into a large marble lobby, adorned with gold chandeliers and a reception desk by the elevators. I approach the receptionist. “Hello, welcome to Lemonier & Smeathe Associates, what can I help you with?” The young blonde asks, giving me a quick head-to-toe glance. “Um, I’m Alice Barnes, I’m here for the assistant job interview…” I reply. “One moment.” She types at something on her computer. … “Okay, they’ll see you right up on floor 56, have a nice day,” the blonde returns sharply. “Thanks” I walk over to the elevator and press the up arrow, and after a few seconds the metal doors open with a ding. Entering the elevator, I rehash my resume over in my head. Fluent in English and French, graduated from UIC with a business degree, can type 80 words per minute. Suddenly, the elevator stops at floor 23, stalling for a second and then opening. I look up just in time to meet eyes with a 6’2” hunk of guy with dark hair, dark eyes, and a dark suit. I try not to stare. He nods formally at me as he reaches for the buttons, stopping as he sees the 56th floor circle lit up. I wonder if he’s going in for an interview as well. Hm, potential competition. The steel box begins to climb farther up the building when all of a sudden I hear a loud bang, followed by the elevator slamming to a stop, as I manage to lose my balance and fall to the floor. The man quickly turns to me, asking if I’m alright. “Oww, I think I sprained my ankle” I moan. “Let me take a look at it.” He kneels down and grasps my ankle in his firm hands. “Definitely a sprain” he gingerly rubs his warm hands across my entire foot, examining me. I begin to feel a pressure building in between my legs. Oh god, I’m getting turned on by this. He glances up at me, seeing the arousal in my eyes. His hands slowly go up my leg, massaging first my calf, then my thigh, working towards my ever-moistening crotch. I let out a moan as he reaches under my waistband and begins fingering myself. Oh fuck this feels good. Suddenly the elevator lights go out, and at the same time he lunges for my lips, kissing me with heated wet passion. As I hear the unbuckling of his pants, he slides my skirt over my heels, tossing it into the darkness. He whispers into my ear, “Let me see if I can help with the pain.” I moan as he inserts his throbbing member into my tight self, moaning loudly as he violates my inner workings. He starts to thrust. I start to scream with ecstasy. He grabs a breast from under my shirt, tweaking a nipple as I moan, the extra sensation driving me close. I hear his breathing grow heavy, matching with the volume of mine. I start to cum, as he does the same, bursting his hot seed into me as I writhe into my orgasm. My breathing begins to slow down, seat dripping off my forehead and onto the floor. My breath hitches as I look up into his eyes, as he stares into mine. I hear the elevator alarm in the distance, a slow but persistent beep into the dark and sweaty confines of the elevator. It grows louder, more piercing this time.

beep beep Beep Beep


I awake in my bed panting, drenched in sweat, a wetness in between my legs.


Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/2q5gqr/elevator_arousal_mf