Nicole’s Bet, part 2. [Ff][huml][blkmail][reluc]

—–> Be sure to read part 1 first =)

After just a few minutes of rest, Nicole came back in the room. Grabbing me by my still bound arms, she lifted me up off the bed onto my feet. Then she finally untied the belt and let me free. I instinctively went to wipe off my face when Nicole grabbed my arm.

“Oh no, you don’t get to clean yourself off. I want you to wear your masters cum proudly so everyone knows what an obedient little slut you are. Now wait right here while I go grab some cloths for you to wear.”

She went into her closet for a few minutes, then came out and handed me what looked like an eight year old’s t-shirt.

“I actually forgot I even saved my gym shirt from middle school. Well I am glad I finally have a use for it at least.”

I took the shirt and pulled it over my head. It barely fit over my chest and wasn't even long enough to cover my belly button. It was also very noticeable that I was not wearing a bra.

Nicole then came back with a skimpy little white skirt and handed it to me. It covered me up just enough if I was standing perfectly strait, but if I so much as thought about leaning forward someone was bound to get a great look at my ass.

She then handed me a pair of yellow panties for me to put on. I thought for sure she would make me go commando so I was very thankful for this small amount of self-respect I was able to keep.

So there I stood in a tight little grey gym t-shirt with my midriff completely exposed and a tiny little skirt that left little to the imagination. And of course I could still feel Nicole’s fluids that at this point were caked on my face. Nicole looked me up and down a few times.

“Perfect. Alright, let’s go have some fun.”

She led me out to her car and we drove off.

Nicole was surprisingly quiet for most of the car ride. I was thankful to have some cloths on at this point and I was fine just sitting there trying to forget what I had gotten myself into. We then came to a red light and I could not help but notice that there was a car full of what looked like frat boys right next to us and it was very clear that they couldn't help but stare at me. I was then not feeling so comfortable in these cloths anymore; I was just praying the light would turn green. Nicole of course noticed them right away and saw me slinking down in my seat. I saw a little grin come across her face as she went digging in her purse and pulled out a medium sized green vibrator.

"What are you doing?" I asked, knowing full well nothing good was about to happen.

"I think you ought to give those boys in the car next to us a little show. Why don’t you suck on this like you would suck one of them off?"

"Please not here! What if someone I know is in another car who can see me? I’ll do whatever you want when we get back to your house, just please let me keep a little bit of dignity while we are out in public."

She looked my strait in the eyes with that passion I was starting to crave and said, “Open your fucking mouth.”

I knew arguing was not going to change what was about to happen. I looked forward, closed my eyes and did as I was told. Nicole slowly pushed her vibrator across my tongue into my mouth. I could tell from the taste that she had used it recently and did not bother to clean it. I took it from her and began to lick it up and down, slowly letting it push against the back of my throat. I didn't dare look over to see if the guys were watching; I was just hoping they had maybe not noticed. After the longest minute of my life, Nicole grabbed her vibrator and pulled it out of my mouth. She then reached down under my skirt, pulled my borrowed panties to the side and slid the now spit covered vibrator slowly inside of me. I couldn't help but let out a moan of pleasure since that was the first bit of stimulation I had been allowed to have since this all began. She then pulled my panties back over the end of the vibrator.

"It looked like you started to really enjoy yourself with my toy so I thought I would be nice and let you have a little more fun; however, you are not allowed to touch it unless I give you permission. Do you understand my little pet?”

“Yes master.”

At this point, having something inside of me that was just stationary was torture. I wanted her to fuck me with it. I wanted to get off so bad, but now it was just teasing me the whole time.

“You were actually starting to make me a little jealous with how expertly you handled that thing. Your audience sure seemed to enjoy it. We may have to find a way to put those talents to good use.”

We finally made it to the store. I got out of the car and followed Nicole in. As soon I stepped inside, I felt that everyone’s eyes were on me. My face instantly turned beat red and I just hung my head and followed my master.

We were there shopping for a few minutes when Nicole stopped and turned to me.

“Do you see that handsome young gentlemen over there that has been checking you out since we got down this aisle?”

I looked behind me to see a twenty something year old guy with dirty brown hair quickly turn his head away trying to pretend he wasn't just staring at my ass.

“I want you to take off your panties and give them to him. I’m sure it would make his day don’t you think?”

“What!? We don’t even know who he is!”

“You’re right, why don’t we find out.”

I watched as Nicole went over to the brown haired mystery man and brought him back to me.

Jessica this is Adam, Adam this is my slave Jessica. Now I couldn't help but notice you were checking out my little pet over here and she was wondering if you would like to have her panties as a little keep sake. What do you say?

“Uh hell yea, I would love to have your slave’s panties.”

“Good. Well you heard the man, go ahead and take them off.”

I was mortified. I just had to hope at least no one else would come down this aisle. I looked around, and then brought my hands under my skirt and slowly slid my panties down my legs.

“Why don’t you turn around before you bend over to pick them up, I want Adam here to get a good look of where his new panties have been.”

I did as I was told and turned my back toward them. I bent over quickly to pick up my panties and could feel my skirt ride up high enough so almost my entire ass was on display. I knew he would also be able to see the end of the vibrator sticking out of me.

“Wow, she really does have a great ass.”

I turned to face them and handed Adam my panties. He took a quick sniff and stuck them in his pocket. Then Nicole turned to me.

“I have an idea, why don’t you go to restroom and wait in the stall. Someone will be there shortly.”

I knew there was no point in asking why, so I just went off toward the restroom. There is just one unisex bathroom so I went in. It looked like management forgot they even had a restroom back here as it had obviously not been cleaned for a while.

There was one stall so I headed over to it. I opened the door and there was pretty much just piss everywhere. On the floor, the seat, even the walls. I just took some toiled paper and covered the seat as best I could and sat down.

It wasn't long before I heard someone come in. They opened the stall door and I could see it was Adam.

“Umm….Hi Adam.” I stammered.

“Hi Jessica, your master asked me if I could do her a big favor and make one of your fantasies come true. She told me you were secretly dying to be completely degraded and used by a man. Is that really what you want?”

I knew what I was supposed to say here, as much as I wanted to get out of it I could only assume the punishment for bailing would be even worse than what was about to come.

“Yes Adam, I am a slut and want to be treated like one.”

“Well in that case, why don’t you start by getting on your knees like a good girl?”

“Could I just stay here on the seat? The floor is covered in piss; I promise I can still do whatever you want from here.”

Adam quickly slapped me across the face, not too hard but enough to get his point across.

“That was not a fucking request bitch, now get down on your knees or the next slap won’t be so gentle.”

I knew I didn't have a choice. I just gritted my teeth, and stepped off the toilet seat and got down on my knees. I could feel the cold liquid on my legs and had to tell myself it was just water.

“That’s much better.”

He then unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them and his boxers down half way. His already half erect member came tumbling out. His musk was palpable.

“Before we get started I need to pee first, I can’t really enjoy this experience otherwise.”

With that he started to piss into the toilet behind me; his stream going just over my shoulder. I just turned my head away and tried to wrap my head around how I have wound up here being forced to kneel in urine while I am sure I will have to blow some random guy from the grocery store.

I could tell he was finishing up and then he just let his stream peter out letting the last bit fall on my neck and shirt. I just winced when I felt his warm liquid hit my skin and tried not to let it get to me. He then shock it off letting droplets land on my face.

“That’s better.”

He then grabbed me by my hair so he had full control over my head.

“Your mouth is going to be my little fuck hole do you understand?”

“Yes sir.”

“Good, now open wide bitch.”

I did as I was told. He then grabbed the back of my neck with his other hand and pushed himself all the way to the back of my throat. I could even taste some of his piss that he didn't shake off. He was not holding back at all and began to vigorously fuck my face. I could feel saliva running down my chin at this point and was gasping for breath in between thrusts. Finally after one big thrust, he pulled out and I was able to breathe. He then lifted my head up, bent down and spit in my face. I could feel it running down my cheek.

“You aren't done yet sweetie, it’s about time we finish you off right. I want to hear you beg for it first.”

“Please sir, please cum on my pretty little face. Treat me like the dirty whore I am.”

Saying these things was beginning to become a little too easy for me. Either I am just starting to accept my new role, or I really did want it. It was at this time I became very aware of the vibrator that was still inside of me and part of me was secretly hoping Adam wanted something more than just a blow job.

He pushed my head back down forcing his cock past my lips again. He went at it for another minute before I felt him start to tense up. He pulled out and I suddenly felt warm streaks fall across my face. I counted three before he forced himself back in my mouth to finish off his last few pumps.

“Don’t you fucking swallow yet bitch, I want you to really savor the taste of my cum.”

I left my mouth open so he could see. He then bent down toward my face again and spit in my mouth.

“There, now swirl that around for a bit and swallow like a good little slut.”

His cum was thick and extremely salty. I swirled it around a few times trying not to taste it any more than I had to, and finally swallowed. I opened my mouth again to show him.

“Aren't you forgetting something?”

“Thank you for cuming on my face and in my mouth sir.”

“You are more than welcome. Oh, and your master said to make sure you leave my cum on your face until she lets you clean it off.”

With that, he pulled up his pants and walked out. I pulled myself up off of the floor now with urine soaked legs and cum covered face. I had never felt so used and humiliated, but I couldn't help but notice that my juices were starting to drip off the end of the vibrator. I tried to get myself together as best I could and walked out of the restroom.

I went to find Nicole as fast as I could so I wouldn't have to stay out in public with cum on my face for too long. I finally managed to track her down near the front. She had already paid for her groceries and was just waiting on me.

“Well well, someone looks like they had a good time. I told you I would make sure your talents weren't wasted. Okay, well come on let’s get you home. I have some more fun planned for us later this evening.”



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