The Farm Pt. 5 [ff] [oral]

Lucy was in high demand. She wasn't quite sure what it was about her, but there was never a lull in business for her. Mark now treated her with respect rather than snickering at what she said, or forcefully pushing her around hallways. Though Clark had always treated Lucy respectfully, he now doted on her to clients right in front of her. If a man was leaving the Farm after a session with another girl, Clark would waste no time introducing them and suggesting her – though she was a higher rate.

Every client was different. Each man came with something specific in mind, and no one seemed to see Lucy. They were either fucking their third grade teacher, punishing their mother-in-law, or having a sensual night with their deceased wife. Every man had a life separate from the Farm, but somehow Clark knew every detail, which meant that in turn, so did Lucy.

"Tonight will be different," Darla said, pinning back a portion of Lucy's hair to show off her eyes. "Have you gotten your script?"

Lucy glances down at the slip of paper in her hand. "It just says no dialogue and 'get to the point'?"

The Farm Pt. 4 [mf] [anal] [blowjob]

It wasn't very long before Lucy's roommate, Whitney, started asking questions. Suddenly Lucy had rent on time, she could pitch in for groceries, and where was she going nearly every day after school?

Whitney was pretty, she worked as a waitress in town, and had a boyfriend that she'd been with since Jr. High. She'd never left this town, and was the church's Snow Queen every year. Lucy couldn't breath a word about the Farm to Whitney – there was no way she'd recruit her. Instead, Lucy just told her she was hanging out with friends most of the time, and that her father was starting to send money.

Today Clark wanted to show Lucy around. He wanted to give her a tour of the Farm and introduce her to some of the other girls.

"You've seen our studio, you've met one of our male employees, and you've seen a lot of the more business-focused areas," he said as he led her to an elevator. "Today I'd like to get a little more in-depth."

The Farm Pt. 3 [mf] [facial]

Clark ushered Lucy through the hallway and handed her off to Mark. The two of them briefly exchanged some information on one of the older girls before Mark swept her off into a room to the left of the studio.

Lucy had never seen this room before. There were vanity mirrors all along one wall and the rest of it appeared to be an enormous walk-in closet. All of the lingerie and outfits had been sectioned off and were all labeled.

"Per request, you'll be choosing from this rack," Mark gestured to what appeared to be everyday clothing. "Lucy, meet Darla."

An older woman with wrinkles smothered in dark foundation grabbed Lucy into a tight embrace. She smelled like old perfume and hairspray, and one of her false eyelashes was coming unglued. "I help dress the ladies and do your hair and makeup."

Mark forced Lucy down into a chair in front of the mirror by her shoulders. "Your first client is looking for a realistic experience. He has his fantasy down to fine details. You read the script, you give him what he came for. The gentlemen may choose to tip you – separate from your pay and their fee – depending on how well you do for them." Mark handed her two papers stapled together.

The Farm, Pt. 2 [mf] [fingering]

Ali dropped Lucy off at her apartment just off campus. Neither girl had spoken much on the ride home, but Ali had handed her an envelope as she was getting out of the car.

"Do you need a ride tomorrow?"

Lucy hugged her arms around her chest, guarding off the bitter cold. "Yeah, I don't have a car…"

That evening Lucy passed by her roommate on the couch and went straight for the bathroom. She turned on the shower and stripped off her clothes and let them fall to the tile. For a long time, Lucy stared at her reflection until the steam filled the small room and fogged the mirror.

Under the hot water, Lucy scrubbed her body clean and thought back on her trial.

"Action!" Mark had shouted, walking off the set.

Immediately, James stalked forward towards Lucy's bare body, and took her by her shoulders. He was so much larger than her, in height and muscle, and he was able to effortlessly toss her onto the sheets and pillows. When she hit the floor, Lucy's breath was knocked out of her which made the men off-set chuckle.

The Farm, Pt. 1


It didn't take Lucy long to hear, through word of mouth, about the farm five miles out of town. The community college she'd moved to was a in a fairly rural southern town, and there wasn't much around besides the Baptist church on every street corner, and the gas station and grocery store.

Being so small, hardly anyone was hiring, but Lucy had heard the rumors. Girls paid their way through school around here by getting part-time, or even full-time, jobs at the farm. It was taboo, and incredibly risky, but without her dad to help her out, Lucy could see no other choice.

The day she decided to finally look into the farm was the day before Thanksgiving break. A girl in her literature class had been whispering to another right in front of her. Lucy knew the girl's name was Ali, and when Ali pulled out 700 dollars from her wallet to prove it to her friend, Lucy was convinced.

That afternoon when their class let out, Lucy approached Ali and discreetly asked her about the farm. Ali glanced around the two of them and pulled Lucy aside by the forearm. "We can't talk about it here, but if you're serious, meet me in the parking lot outside of the theater building tonight at six."