The Farm Pt. 3 [mf] [facial]

Clark ushered Lucy through the hallway and handed her off to Mark. The two of them briefly exchanged some information on one of the older girls before Mark swept her off into a room to the left of the studio.

Lucy had never seen this room before. There were vanity mirrors all along one wall and the rest of it appeared to be an enormous walk-in closet. All of the lingerie and outfits had been sectioned off and were all labeled.

"Per request, you'll be choosing from this rack," Mark gestured to what appeared to be everyday clothing. "Lucy, meet Darla."

An older woman with wrinkles smothered in dark foundation grabbed Lucy into a tight embrace. She smelled like old perfume and hairspray, and one of her false eyelashes was coming unglued. "I help dress the ladies and do your hair and makeup."

Mark forced Lucy down into a chair in front of the mirror by her shoulders. "Your first client is looking for a realistic experience. He has his fantasy down to fine details. You read the script, you give him what he came for. The gentlemen may choose to tip you – separate from your pay and their fee – depending on how well you do for them." Mark handed her two papers stapled together.

"Remember," Mark said as he headed for the door, "Details are everything."

While Darla worked diligently on Lucy's hair and makeup, Lucy read and re-read her script until she felt she knew what this man was looking for. As she dressed in the tight jeans provided, Lucy's stomach churned. Her hands trembled as she fastened her lacy black bra and pulled on a tight white t-shirt over her breasts.

"It's a little small," she admitted, trying to tug the hem of the shirt down over her stomach.

"It's a perfect fit." Darla corrected, handing over a zip-up hoodie.

Clark came to the dressing room to retrieve Lucy a few moments later. As he lead her from the hallway and to a flight of stairs, Lucy went over the "script" she'd been given.

The client's name is Matt. He's twenty-five, engaged to his girlfriend of six years, and he's the life of the party everywhere he goes. In high school he was the kid who threw the parties, provided the weed, and dated all of the girls. After high school he settled down, got a job, gained weight, and landed a woman who would accept his poorly thought-out tattoos and piercings and beer belly.

At some point, around twenty-three, Matt realized he was unhappy. He stopped smoking, began losing weight, and started making new friends. Then he met Derek. Derek was younger than him, handsome, and was newly-wed to the sweetest girl Matt had ever met. Matt began hanging out with them and getting to know Derek and his wife Nicole. He even managed to get Nicole a job, and loved her timidness and kindness…

That was why Matt was here. His fiance would be at work until seven in the morning, and Matt wanted Nicole. Lucy would have to be Nicole.

"Have fun," Clark smiled, leaving Lucy in front of a door upstairs.

Taking in a deep breath, Lucy straightened out her hoodie and smoothed out her hair before opening the door.

Inside, the room was made to look like a home. It reminded Lucy of the fake kitchens and bedrooms inside Ikeas. There was a kitchen and a dining room with a table set up, and a living room with a couch and a flat screen TV. When Lucy walked in, Matt was sitting on the couch on his phone. He looked up and blushed when she shut the door behind her.

To Lucy's surprise, Matt was attractive. He was slightly chubby, but in a comfortable and strong way. He wore a casual shirt under a hoodie with the sleeves pushed up over his forearms, which were both covered in fading tattoos. Up close, when he came over to awkwardly shake her hand, Lucy could see that he had the markings of snakebite tattoos on his lips, and his smile was shy and somewhat mortified.

Recalling the script, Lucy slipped her hand from Matt's and wrapped her arms around his neck. "It's so good to see you again," she said, feeling his arms slowly wrap around her waist. "Derek said you wanted me to pick something up for him?"

When Matt saw that she wasn't going to make him feel ashamed, or awkward about his fantasy, he eased his way into the scenario. A stack of comics were on the dining room table.

"Yeah, uh, he was wanting to borrow these," Matt grabbed the comics up and offered them to Lucy. "I told him I was going to drop them by later."

Lucy took the comics from Matt and set them back on the table. "I know, but I wanted to see you. Is your fiance home?"

Matt shook his head, and within seconds Lucy had pressed herself against him and lightly touched her lips to his. Matt kissed back, but didn't put his hands on her.

Pulling away, Lucy looked down in shame. "I'm sorry, Matt. Please don't be mad."

According to the script, Matt had planned on acting out a bit of dialogue, but instead he rushed her. Matt grabbed her head, tangling his hands in her hair, and pulling her up against him. He forced his tongue into her mouth and then quickly turned her back to the table. Still kissing her, Matt backed Lucy up until she had no choice but to fall back onto the tabletop.

Matt only pulled away from her to start unzipping his pants. He hardly seemed to realize he wasn't with Nicole now. "I've been waiting for so long for you," he murmured huskily, pulling down his boxers. Lucy gasped as he lifted his cock out and held it towards her. "I don't want to hurt Derek…"

Lucy quickly wriggled her hips out of her jeans, but only got them down to her knees before Matt slid her down towards him. His eyes were locked on her black lace panties as he began to stroke himself.

"I won't tell," she whispered, pulling the panties aside. She was already wet from the excitement. It was easier to be someone else than herself.

Matt locked eyes with her as he slowly slid his cock between her thighs, gently pushing the head against her pussy. His mouth gaped as he felt her tight cunt swallowing his cock, inch by inch. As he pushed into her, Lucy arched her back up off the table and gasped. This was the first time in a very long time that Lucy had had sex. She'd only done it once before, so Matt's urgent thrusting sent jolts of pain up through her groin, but she turned her whimpers into moans and clenched the edge of the table.

Matt didn't seem to notice there was any problem. He paid close attention as he pulled his cock out of her slowly, all the way, and then thrust back in, burying himself deep inside of her so that his balls slapped at her ass. His rhythm picked up the longer they went, and in minutes Matt was knocking the breath out of Lucy.

Unexpectedly, Matt reached under her shirt and took her tits in both of his hands over the lacy bra. He had to stop thrusting for a moment, and she could feel his cock jerking inside of her as he willed himself not to cum.

Taking advantage of this pause, Lucy slowly pulled herself off of him and took his cock in her hand. She stared into his eyes as his jaw hung open while she jerked him off slowly. His cock was slippery and hot from her pussy, and with her free hand, Lucy reached down and began to gently play with Matt's balls until he began to moan.

"Derek likes to finish on my face," she whispered, feeling his balls tighten in her palm.

Matt's expression twisted into desperate desire as he forced Lucy down onto her knees in front of him. He pushed her hand off his cock and began furiously jacking off, directing his dick into her face.

Obediently, like the script had suggested, Lucy opened her mouth and stuck her tongue out a little. Matt's body stiffened and his hips bucked forward as he shot his load in jet after jet onto her face, into her mouth, and down her chin and neck. His cum was hot on her cheeks and thick in her mouth.

When Matt had squeezed the very last drop out he watched her suck it off her lips and lick it off her chin and swallow his cream. She leaned forward and sucked off his cock one last time.

"That didn't last as long as I thought it would…" Matt said, smiling. He buttoned his jeans back up while Lucy cleaned up in the kitchen, and then reached into his back pocket. "They said I could tip you if I wanted." She watched him pull two hundred out of his wallet and fold it into her hand. Matt kissed her one more time on the lips. "I'd like to request you again sometime… if you wouldn't mind?"

That night, on the ride home, Ali was quieter than usual. When she pulled up to Lucy's apartments she grabbed Lucy's wrist before she could leave. "Did you know you're already on the Request list?"

"What is that?"

"It means one of the clients has already booked you again. The Request list is displayed for old and new clients to view, with added details about your performance and specialties. It helps boost your workload…" Ali tried to smile, but it looked bitter. "According to the tape, Clark listed 'facials' as one of your specialties."


"They record every session… for notes, or some shit like that. Whatever, I'll see you tomorrow."

It wasn't as ideal as being promoted for an office job, or getting an article in the paper, but for some reason, with Lucy's growing wallet, she smiled to herself as she climbed the steps to her apartment.

Lucy: specializes in facials…


1 comment

  1. Another great part to this story, I hope you keep going with this, it’s a fantastic read!

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